Young Master Damien's Pet

Chapter 687 Sibling Trouble- Part 2

The black witch took out her tools which her brother had already brought along with her.

Laurae knew why her brother had finally come to seek her out, it wasn\'t out of concern but out of survival instincts as he knew she was the easiest and the most skilled person when it came to changing the organs from one creature to the black witch\'s body. Out of anger, the woman didn\'t bother to inject any doze to reduce the pain and instead used her knife to cut the back of her brother\'s body.

When Robarte groaned in pain, a smile came to fall on her lips, "Such a weak body. Can\'t even take the pain," she taunted while the sharp metal cut into his skin to bring out the blood.

Once she was done cutting part of it, she opened the skin before moving the vampire\'s body who now had gained consciousness. The vampire thrashed in there wanting to set himself free not knowing what the crazy black witch was going to do. The ropes bound him tight to the bed that made his movement impossible.

The black witch didn\'t need him alive as she would be operating it. She brought the knife close to the vampire\'s chest whose red eyes glared at the woman.

"Thank you for your organs," heard the vampire from the other bed where a man slept on his front with his face turned towards him. The man smiled and before the vampire knew it, the woman had stakes around his heart, pulling out the heart she walked around the bed to go to her brother\'s body to transplant the organ in there and to work with the other organs.

Once she had successfully completed the process, she took a nap until her brother finally woke from his unconscious state.

Robarte picked up his s.h.i.+rt and then his trousers to wear. Walking towards the mirror he stared at his perfect red eyes that looked bright at the moment. Finally, the color had been restored, raising his hands he took a look at them that looked brand new and smooth with no blemish on his skin.

A smile crept on his lips.

"How do you feel?"

Laurae had only shut her eyes but she had not fallen asleep. She looked at her brother who turned around to give a satisfied smile, "Very new. You don\'t mind if I go take a drink outside do you?" he asked her.

"Do what you please. We will be going back to your mansion, I need to lay low for some time."

While Robarte went to feed himself as the vampire instincts had been restored. Laurae decided to go down to see what was there to eat. It had been weeks since she had had a decent meal. With all the stealing and chasing there were only a few options apart from hunting animals in the forest where the witch hunters often roamed.

The woman went to the reception by walking down the stairs but she didn\'t go too far one of the customers who had come in was a witch hunter as he was holding a crossbow on his back. When their eyes met, Laurae gave the man a warm smile like any human would and the man tipped his head as if exchanging a wordless greeting.

The witch hunter couldn\'t help but admire at the woman\'s flawless beauty as she descended down small stairs but just as she did, his expression started to change to one of a concentration.

Laurae noticed how the man\'s stare had changed and when his hand reached out for the gun, the witch had thrown something in the air to have the people coughing before running back to the room.

The witch hunter quickly followed her trail. Using his own arrows and weapons to throw it against the black witch who quickly jumped out of the window. But there was more than one witch hunter in there, the witch hunters who noticed the black witch hump out of the window started to target her with arrows.

Laurae ran cursing her time and on the way when met her brother who was strolling the woods she said,


Robarte frowned when he saw Laurae run towards him and then run past him without waiting to tell it the second time.?Seeing her run, he turned back around in time catch an arrow that shot right next to him. Noticing the witch hunters, he quickly followed his sister\'s suit as they were chased out from there.

One of the witch hunters went back to the room, to see what the black witch was doing in to find a vampire who had his hearts, lungs, stomach, and throat missing from his body. With a deep furrow on his forehead, the man looked on the other side of the room to find a blackened set of the same missing parts.

When another witch hunter arrived at the scene, the man commented, "Are those body parts? They looked fired."

"Have these sent to the council laboratory immediately. Also, send a note to the head council about it," ordered the first witch hunter.

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