Young Master Damien's Pet

Chapter 470 Pretty Things Are Bloody- Part 2

"Where are you from?" he asked, trying to make a conversation to know more about the woman he had picked.

The woman turned her head to look at him her brown eyes looking innocent and meekly at him, "I am from Wovile, Sir, but I have been living here for some years now with my family."

The man quickly checked her hands just like she had, to see no rings on her hands nor any chain around her neck, "Where is your family?" he asked. At his question, the woman looked down at her hands, and when it looked up there was a certain moistness in them which indicated the sadness she felt, she shook her head.

"They died."

"My condolences to your family," and though he uttered those words, his words coming out to be insincere. The man had already started to scheme in his mind on what he wanted and what he could do, "Don\'t worry," he placed his hand on hers, squeezing it as he stared at the beautiful woman who was sitting next to him.

"I know how harsh this world can be. I will make sure you have a place to stay," if the man was willingly ready to give her home, who was she to deny it? But at the same time, she had other things to do and it was no time to play. She would come back to play.

The carriage had moved further into the route of the forest when the man tried to lean close to her.

"What are you doing, Sir?" she asked him, her voice playful as she asked him, seeing him lean closer to her with every second.

"Don\'t you think you need to repay me if I give you a place to stay?" he smiled, showing off his teeth and Laure smiled back with parting her lips. She let the man come close to her. It had been a while since she had someone touch her, so long that she enjoyed the human touch until she tired.

Pus.h.i.+ng him back, she sat on his lap. Looking at him sweetly before pulling the knives that she often carried with her along with the rest of the objects. The man looked momentarily taken aback but she gave him no chance to digest what he saw.

Raising her hand, she pushed both the knives right into his neck before twisting the knives by moving it around to have blood splas.h.i.+ng on her, his clothes and the seat where he was sitting on. He flailed like a fish out of water and she enjoyed seeing that.

Laure only smiled seeing the man struggle.

His movements had been obvious because of his weight that moved the carriage, rumbling it. The coachman had already started to head in a different direction where his master usually took his mistress\'. Before they even traveled halfway, the carriage had moved, rattling his seating too which made him pull the reins of the horses.

Once the horses came to a halt, he got down to check if everything was alright inside the carriage. He knew his owner was a h.o.r.n.y man but he could have at least waited until they got inside the house.

Going to the door, he knocked on the window to gain the attention but no sound came and the carriage wasn\'t shaking anymore. His hand hung in the air before he knocked again, feeling suspicious, he pulled open the door for his expression to turn one to a shocked one. His feet stumbled back to look at the man whose neck looked b.l.o.o.d.y and sliced, letting one see the flesh which was peeking out of his skin.

The coachman had to use both his hands to stop himself from barfing at the sight of the dead man. But that wasn\'t all, the hands had been twisted in a way to make it look like they were positioned backward.

Where was the woman?!

The coachman craned his neck to look inside the carriage to see her not there. He took a couple of steps behind.

"Looking for me?" Laure asked the coachman and he snapped his head around and took a step back.

The beautiful woman who was riding with his owner was no more beautiful but had turned to an ugly looking black witch, her tongue slithering out of her mouth before attacking and killing him. Throwing the man out of the carriage whom she had killed and putting her coat back, the black witch turned back to her human self.

Sitting in the coachman\'s seat, she started to ride the carriage. The carriage moving from the lands of Bonelake to the lands of Mythweald until she reached the destined place with the bag of gold which she had stolen from the man she had killed.

When she got down and stepped into the abandoned house, a comment came to pa.s.s by a fellow black witcher.

"Look who is here."

Another witch laughed, "Coming back after jeopardizing the entire ma.s.sacre, you have no shame at all do you, Laure," the woman laughed who had her back against the wall, "We thought you ran away just like a b.i.t.c.h would."

"I thought it was your thing to do and not mine," Laure replied back that annoyed the other black witch. She looked at the humans who were around them.

"You really do have the courage to come here after what you have done," a voice spoke behind her which was tender and sweet. Turning around, the woman found the blue-eyed girl standing in front of her.

Laure quickly went down on her knees and placed her head on the dirty floor which hadn\'t been cleaned for decades.

"We had everything planned but I didn\'t know-"

"No one ever knows," said the young girl, her eyes looking down upon the woman who had her head pressed down on the ground, "What happened that you failed in your task?"

"The white witch who was placed escaped," Laure heard the young black witch hmph at her words, "Not everybody gets a chance but I will give you one as you have been loyal for the last few years by giving the needed intel of the humans. Here," the young girl pulled out a book from her cloak.

The older black witch raised her head, looking at the book which was offered to her. Taking hold of it, she read the label at the front \'Garlic\'.

"I found this book which was in the possession of a white witch. Find out what this is about."

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