An Owl's Rise

Chapter 270 270 Showing Her Siblings The Ropes (2)

Continuing to show her siblings around the Records Hall, Evelyn taught them all of the ticks she had learned herself.

Certainly she was not going to support them by simply giving them credits or valuable items, but she was willing to share some of her knowledge.

"Now as you can see these are the most recent records for the Glowing Woods and have the most up to date information, but it is not cheap to access for a normal fiend beast." Evelyn said pointing out the books and documents that were displayed prominently and held information on the first place she had collected items from.

Seeing the prices that were all around a thousand credits, Aralee\'s face became sullen. She would need months of saving to be able to afford these at her current rate.

"Yes it can be daunting how expensive some information is, but if you know where to look you can find better deals." Evelyn said, dropping down around two dozen feet and flying under one of the platforms that protruded out of the walls at regular intervals.

Following her Aralee and Verrader found that there were a number of items that were practically hidden under this platform and would not be easily found unless you knew they were there.

"They certainly look old and worn. What are they?" Aralee asked, a bit confused as to what they were doing here.

"These are documents that are several decades old and pertain to the Glowing Woods. As you can see all of them are not in pristine condition and the information might be a bit  out of date, but mot of it will still be fairly accurate. Plus, these are much more affordable since most owls disregard them. Still, while they might not be the best, it is better to have some information rather than none." Evelyn explained.

She then directed Aralee and Verrader tot look at the prices.

Aralee in particular went wide eyed when she saw them since few of these older resources broke past even two hundred credits. They were far cheaper than the new ones that were on average five times more expensive.

"I figured this trick out when I was doing research for the first time here on a bit of a budget. For something you will want the most recent information, but others it is fine if it is old. Things like what type of species, or what valuable items in an area do not change that much even over a few decades."

"Thank you, sister. This is really helpful for me. You not only pointed out a safe and profitable place, but also led me to where I can get the information for cheaper. Once I am able to go out of the Roost I will be sure to put your wisdom to good use." Aralee said, a truly radiant smile on her face.

Seeing this Evelyn felt her heart thump hard as this was the first time she had felt the look of admiration from one of her younger siblings.

Holding her head up proudly, Evelyn felt that she was doing a good job as an elder sister.

\'I wonder if this is how mason felt when I looked up to him. I know we were not in the best situation, but I remember that the two of us had at least a few good times together like this.\'

Feeling a particular type of high from receiving Aralee\'s praise, Evelyn began hastily going around the Records Hall and showing her younger sister everything she could.

However, along the way she almost forgot about Verrader who interjected eventually.

"Evelyn, I understand that you are happy showing Aralee what resources are good for her, but what about me. I am at the awakened rank and most of what you have shown us pertains to areas suited to fiend beasts."

\'Oops, I kind of forgot about him.\' Evelyn thought, her expression betraying her lack of interest in her brother.

But she quickly caught herself and said that this information had all been pertinent to him as well.

"It is best to not push yourself in the beginning. You will find that even in these places there are a few weaker awakened rank beasts. I would recommend that the two of you go together when leaving the Roost. It will be safer for both of you that way." Evelyn said, giving what she thought sounded like good advice.

Luckily Verrader bought it and did not realize that Evelyn had pretty much forgotten about him.

"I see, that does make sense. But what of you Evelyn? Are you not going to go with us?" Verrader asked, his tone sounding a bit desperate.

"No, my presence would be enough to scare away any beast in those areas. It would make things much harder for both of you if I was there as well. Before I go out with either of you, Aralee will need to have made it to the awakened rank at least." Evelyn sated.

When she did Verrader fixed Aralee with an almost manic stare and told her that he would do all he could to get her to the awakened rank soon.

"Thank you brother, but should you not be focusing on yourself?" Aralee said.

"No, I think it would be best if us three siblings could go out hunting together again. In order to do that we need to catch up with Evelyn. As you are the farthest behind, I will help prop you up."

Feeling a bit jealous of what she thought was a stoic display from Verrader, Evelyn said," Aralee, as you are at the peak of the fiend beast rank, all you need to do is gather the necessary catalysts to trigger your evolution. You are a Zephyr owl, are you not?"

Nodding her head Aralee acknowledged that she was indeed a Zephyr Owl, which Evelyn and Verrader were variants of.

"In that case I have already done plenty of research on the items needed to trigger you evolution. I cannot give you any of the items themselves, but I can at least allow you the intelligence I already gathered."

Thanking Evelyn again, Aralee, told her that would be a great help.

Of course, the information on Zephyr Owl evolution had not come from Evelyn\'s hard work, but actually Melisandre\'s but Evelyn was not going to mention that.

"Now, I think it is still a bit too earlier for you to go to places like this Verrader, but I will show you where to find resources on area suited for awakened rank beast. Just be warned, on my first venture out into an area like these, I nearly died."

Evelyn then took Verrader around and showed him where to find information on a few places she figured would be suitable for him to gather in. Mostly just so he did not realize she had almost forgotten about him.

Except no matter how hard she tired it was clear she was not as enthusiastic about assisting him as she was with Aralee.

There was a subconscious wall that she had put up against her brother and she could honestly not pinpoint the exact reason.

Perhaps it was of what had happened at the facility where they were used as research subjects. Or maybe it was simply that Evelyn saw more of herself in Aralee and that gave them a deeper connection. There were numerous reasons that Evelyn could come up with to why she felt less attachment to her brother.

In the end, she still did a good job showing them around the Records Hall, and by the time she had finished it was around lunch time.

"Before we go onto the next hall, how about we go get something to eat. My treat." Evelyn said.

Beaming Aralee happily nodded her head, more than happy to take Evelyn up on the offer.

Verrader was a bit more hesitant but agreed in the end.

Taking the lead Evelyn brought hem to a restaurant that was fairly decent and would accept even fiend beasts as long as they were accompanied by an awakened rank.

Yet when both Aralee and Verrader saw the prices of the food they shuddered and felt that they should not order anything.

For Aralee pretty much everything was above what she could afford and Verrader would definitely feel a substantial hit to his credits.

"Sister, I think we should go somewhere else. This place is simply too expensive." Aralee said, worry in her eyes.

"Hm, no I think it is pretty average in all honesty. I have enough credits to afford a single meal to celebrate our reunion. Do not feel like you need to hold back. This is a onetime treat from me. From now on, I will not be buying things for either of you." Evelyn said.

After hearing this, Aralee and Verrader pushed aside their feelings and instead took Evelyn up on her offer. This was probably the only chance they would get to eat food at such an establishment for quite some time and they knew it was best to accept Evelyn\'s onetime hospitality.

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