An Owl's Rise

Chapter 131 131 Separated

Following the other owls in front of her, Evelyn flew into the shimmering warp gate and was assaulted with the familiar nauseating sensation she always felt.

She had thought she was getting use to it, but it seemed that this warp gate was a rougher ride than the normal warp portals.

The transition also lasted much longer, and at one-point Evelyn started to feel what felt like turbulence.

Soon she felt like what was a massive blow against her body, and she watched as she slipped away from all the other owls who were flying through the warp gate as well.

\'What the hell!?\' Evelyn screamed in her mind while also screeching loudly.

Her body was suddenly begin tossed around in some sort of outer stream of the warp gate, and eventually she was shunted from it altogether.

When her eyed began to focus again she noticed that she was falling towards a large blue mass.

Unfortunately, when she tried to right herself, she felt incredibly sick and even her best efforts did not prevent her from losing her last meal along with a large quantity of stomach acid.

Now her throat and stomach hurt, and her head was incredibly fuzzy as she plummeted towards the water below.

By some miracle though, she managed to right herself, and only her farthest extending chest feathers skimmed the surface of the waves before she began ascending once more.

She used both her gravity and wind magic to make it easier and allow her to fly up vertically faster than normal.

When she reached a height that was around three thousand feet in the air in the air, she looked around. But all she could see was ocean extending for what seemed infinitely.

At first Evelyn tried to figure out what had happened, when she remembered the smile that Silas had given her.

\'That bastard! He did this on purpose!\' Evelyn thought ass he became frothing mad.

Of course, she had no evidence, but her gut was telling her that this was no accident and that he had done this to her as an act of malice.

\'Damn it! damn it!\'

With nothing around her and in the middle of the ocean, Evelyn had nothing to use to figure out exactly where she was or what way any direction was.

Right now the sun was high up in the sky, and the cardinal directions could be in any direction right now for all she knew.

And even if she did know which way the cardinal directions were, she was in the middle of the ocean and had no bearings to go by.

\'Just calm down. Think about a way to turn this around.\' She thought.

It was not like she was completely helpless. She had a magic and a number of magic tools on her.

Quickly she began thinking if she had any magic or could develop something that could help her, but she figured that nothing she had right now would do her much good.

She did come up with what she thought might be theoretically feasible with her gravity magic. Except she did not think it currently had any chance of working with the amount of magical energy she had.

\'I am not sure what altitude I can actually reach. If I fly up high enough, I should be able to spot some sort of landmass. But I could also hurt myself trying to do so, and I am not sure if there are things that patrol the skies around here.\'

Saving flying up into the upper atmosphere as a last resort, Evelyn began thinking of some other way she might be able to find her way to her destination, or at least back to the Roost.

Nothing came to mind to her at first, but eventually she just began going through her inventory and hoping to find something to help her.

\'Ah, I can\'t believe I did not think about this to begin with.\' She thought as she took out a certain magic tool.

It was the far distance communication notepad that Katrina had made sure she bought.

With it one could send out flying messages that would head towards the user\'s target. It did have a range limit, but it was pretty far. and Katrina had actually registered her own notepad with it, so that it could reach even further distances by locking onto the magical signal.

Writing a note, Evelyn stated that something had happened, and she was forced out of the warp gate before reaching her destination. Then she sent off the message.

By some miracle it began flying, showing that it was within the hundred-mile range where it could detect connected devices of a similar type.

Feeling hope well up in her, Evelyn began following the flying message which had taken off at a good pace.

\'Oh, I see a land mass.\' Evelyn thought after following the message for a bit over an hour.

She was currently going about thirty miles an hour, matching the same speed as the flying message, and now just on the horizon she could see the shoreline of a large landmass.

Along with it were a number of islands that made an archipelago that sat just to the west of it, but for now Evelyn ignored those.

\'Suck it, Silas. Your little trick did not work well enough. I am going to make it even with your interference.\' Evelyn thought knowing that this was the continent where the expedition would be held.

If it was not, the flying message would not have been traveling this way, since Katrina was already there. Her group having left around an hour before Evelyn\'s.

Within a little more than two hours, Evelyn was finally flying over the island and saw that there were trees that looked like the kind that would grow in the tropics back on Earth.

Unfortunately, her appreciation of the secondary did not last long, as she watched a figure quickly increase in size as it rapidly flew up out of the jungle towards her.

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