An Owl's Rise

Chapter 123 123 To The Inscription Hall

Smiling brightly, Evelyn was happy to hear that she might have a higher chance of finding the float stone that she needed as a catalyst for her evolution.

Before her only options were pretty much to sneak into a mine that was under control of humans, or attack one of their airships and steal the float stone after bringing it down.

Of course, she could have searched the land for a deposit, but with all the best ones on the continent the Roost was connected to being under some human nation\'s jurisdiction. That would be pretty difficult.

But on this new continent that had no humans and was only inhabited by beasts. Her chances went up by quite a bit.

Still, it would all be a matter of luck, but it was worth a shot if she could obtain the material without any threat of getting involved with humans.

"Yes, I believe I would also like to join in on this expedition." Evelyn said with resolve in her eyes. "Though you said that you managed to get spots for all of us, but is there anything else I need to do to prove myself?

"No, all of you are accepted on my word alone. There will be trials held to pick out some of the remaining spots to be filled, but you need not worry about that. In the meantime, before you head out, I recommend that all of you stock up on potions, talismans, and the like. In fact, Evelyn you should probably get some armor, and weapons if you want."

At the prospect of getting some armor and weapons Evelyn perked up.

She had pretty much forgotten that the owls here made things like that for themselves, since it was not permitted for them to be worn in the Roost.

\'I wonder what kind of weapons they have. Can I even hold a sword or something similar in my feet. Though I guess my talons are already kind of like swords. Hm, but these are weapons developed by owls, so they must have some usability.\' Evelyn thought while picturing what kind of weapon she might want.

"Oh, by the way how many credits do you have right now?" Melisandre asked while Evelyn was pondering.

Picking up her foot and looking at the number the cuff was displaying, Evelyn checked the number and relayed it back to Melisandre.

"Nearly two million huh. That is pretty good for a fiend beast. That should be plenty for you to pick up some high-quality armor and weapons."

Melisandre then suggested what types of weapons she thought were the most useful and gave Evelyn some general advice.

"Now make sure not to buy anything above high tier grade three which is normally meant for awakened beasts. Anything stronger than that would be too expensive, and you would not be able to properly use it. Items above your means will just eat through all of your magical energy really quickly." Melisandre warned.

She then turned towards Katrina and asked her to accompany Evelyn.

"Without an escort she will not be able to enter the second floor which is meant only for stronger awakened beasts. But the lower quality equipment on the first floor will not be good enough for her"

Nodding her head, Katrina agreed to take Evelyn to the inscription hall and act as an escort so she could enter the second floor.

As they left the mansion and flew to the nearby hall, Evelyn felt quite the sense of elation.

She was finally going to be able to buy some weapons and armor in this world that she hoped would make her look really cool and strong.

When they arrived, they flew right up the entrance of the second floor which was being guard by two high tier awakened beasts.

They gave Evelyn a stare that was almost like a glare in an attempt to unnerve her, but she stood strong, and with Katrina escorting her she was allowed in even though fiend beasts normally weren\'t.

"It has been a while since I was last here but allow me to introduce you to some stores that I use whenever I need inscribed items." Katrina said and led Evelyn towards the center of the hall where the best shops would be located.

Along the way she saw all sorts of things for sale.

Not only were there armor and weapons but plenty of other magic tools the likes of which that Evelyn had never seen were there as well.

She wanted to ask what each of the were, of course. But refrained, since it would have taken a long time to explain each one and Katrina had a very goal-oriented personality.

Soon enough they came to the first shop Katrina recommend that specialized in all manner of talismans.

"Oh Katrina, it has been a while. And who might this be with you?" the shop owner asked.

"This here is Evelyn a friend of mine. She is above the average fiend beast owl by quite a bit. So, I am helping her pick things out that are more suitable for her on this floor. You would not happen to have any haste, invisibility, scent dampening, and basic elemental resistance talismans?"

Nodding their head, the owl specializing in talismans pulled out over a dozen boxes and set them on the counter.

"I do happen to have all of what you are asking for, though a very limited quality of the highest quality ones." The shop owner said.

Katrina asked to see the goods, and the owl opened up the boxes and showed the talismans to them.

"Okay, I will take all of your highest quality talismans of these types. And for Evelyn, she will take three of the haste, ten invisibility, ten scent dampening, and two of each of the elemental resistance talismans at the lower quality. Oh, actually no need for fire." Katrina said without any input from Evelyn.

\'I guess I will just trust her expertise in these matters.\' Evelyn thought while going along with it.

"Let me see, for you Katrina, that will come out to nine hundred twenty-eight thousand six hundred ninety credits. And for Evelyn it will be four hundred thousand exactly."

Shaking her head, Katrina did not agree with the price, and began to haggle with the shop owner.

Eventually they came to an agreement. And since they were buying such a large amount, she managed to get the prices to be lowered to just a straight nine hundred thousand credits for Katrina, and three hundred seventy thousand for Evelyn.

"This is why I hate doing business with you Katrina. Your knowledge of market prices it too good." The shop owner said with a sigh as he handed the merchandise over.

Though while he was trying to look upset, the smile on his face told otherwise. It was quite clear he was happy to make the big sale, and from Evelyn\'s perspective more than enjoying conversing with Katrina.

"I will probably come back again later with Anneli to order some more specialized talismans. Please do your best to prepare some good material in the meantime." Katrina said before they left.

After that they went to another store and Katrina had Evelyn buy a notepad that could send messages over a long distance by ripping out the page and sending it flying.

"You will find that tool invaluable when working in a group in the wilds." Katrina had said.

Then she led Evelyn to the place she had really been wanting to go to. An armor and weapons shop.

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