An Owl's Rise

Chapter 36 36 Days Of Travel, Fighting, And Progress

Continuing to fly in the direction of where the moon rose, Evelyn made her way across the world with no real destination in mind.

Currently all she really wanted to do was get away from where her original home and place of capture was.

So, she flew on hoping to one day find a place she could call her new home, and advance her power and understand of this world\'s magic in order to maybe one day reunite with her brother.

Still, she was currently in the vast open grassland she had found herself in, and she knew this was not the place for her.

At the very least there were plenty of opportunities for her to test out her new power as these grasslands were full of beasts around the same level as her.

Currently she was fighting a group of those possum wolverine combo beasts that had seemed to taken over each of the trees that sparsely dotted this savanna.

Flying around the tree she avoided the blasts of acid that they were all firing off, and when she saw an opening, she swooped in and sent out a gust of wind that knocked one of them out of the tree.

Then while it was helpless on the ground she would drop down and dig her talons into it as she took back off into the air.

\'That\'s eight.\' She thought as she dropped another one into the pile of bodies she was building up.

Unfortunately, for the beasts she was fighting, they stood no real chance against her.

As long as she played it carefully and picked them off one at a time, they had no way to actually hurt here.

Their acid attacks were too slow, and if any got anywhere close to hitting her, she could just bat it away with a gust of wind.

Eventually she finally killed them all, as they refused to run away from the tree that was their home even to the last one of them.

Now she had a huge pile of nineteen dead bodies she was not sure what to do with.

Certainly, she could eat a couple of them, but the rest would just soon begin to rot, or more likely attract other beasts.

\'I guess I will take two to eat and remove the beast ores from the rest of them. Then I will need to drop their bodies off a little way away so that I do not have any curious scavengers bothering me.\'

Having figured out what she was going to do, she pulled two of the larger ones back up into the tree, before removing the beast cores from the rest and hauling their dead bodies around a thousand feet away.

Once that was done, she enjoyed her meal and quickly swallowed down all of their beast cores to make herself stronger.

She could feel the magical energy within them permeating into her body and strengthening her own core.

However, she was not finished yet as she next pulled out the oil necessary for the magical energy absorption technique that would make her magic core stronger.

Maybe she was an abomination for having both a human\'s magical center and a beast\'s, but it made her quite a bit stronger than she would have been otherwise.

Hours quickly went by as she absorbed the magical energy in her surroundings.

She was like a massive vacuum sucking in huge amounts of energy as the Aethersphere aided in her technique\'s effectiveness and drew in more magical energy than would seem possible.

In fact, her technique\'s output was as high as any foundation technique the people of this world had developed, and her progress in both the strengthening of her beast and human powers were incredibly fast and of a high caliber.

Eventually she exhausted herself having taken in the limits of magical energy her body could handle, and soon slipped into unconsciousness while perched in the tree she had won.

When she awoke after having slept through the majority of the day, she continued her journey anew. Flying fairly low over the grasslands where she currently found herself.

Yet while she tried to not gain too much altitude to avoid being easily visible, that did not mean other beast would not see her.

One such beast that did see her coming was an expert on catching flying prey.

Bounding through the tall grass, it moved swiftly and stealthily towards Evelyn who had not yet noticed its presence.


Seeing the beast that was hunting her only as it pressed its body down to leap up into the air, Evelyn had no time to avoid its pounce.

Bracing herself, she shot a gust of wind towards this cat like beast that looked like a caracal. Only it was twice as large as the ones on earth.

Still, her wind gust was hardly enough to stop the momentum of this beast that had used its earth affinity to use the ground like a spring.

Yet as it closed the distance towards its prey, when it reached within twelve feet, it suddenly felt much heavier, and its momentum began to drop rapidly.

Smiling, Evelyn could see that this beast that tried to take her by surprise, was astonished itself, as it entered the range of her gravity field.

Spinning around unaffected by her own magic, she just managed to dodge out of the way as the caracal lost its composure and failed to land a hit on her.

Then as it fell down, she decided to go after it, keeping the pressure up with her gravity.

As the feline beast crashed into the ground it used its powers to soften the earth as it had done countless times.

However, even thought this lessened the blow, it still hit the ground surrounded by a field of gravity three and half times greater than it was used to and was unable to keep its balance.

In that moment Evelyn struck down with her talons and embedded them deep in the caracal\'s back.

Its blood began to pour out as her dagger like talons sliced into it, and it let out a pained screech as its flesh and muscles were torn apart.

Nevertheless, it was a tough beast that was a bit of a prodigy in its own right, and it turned around to counterattack with its own claws.

\'Too Slow.\'

Pushing off and letting go, she flew up into the air an easily avoid her attacker\'s desperate swipes.

It was still under the effects of her increased gravity and was not able to move properly, as the amount of force it used to need to complete any sort of action had gone up multiple times.

Evelyn\'s power was simply overwhelming at this level, as most low-tier fiend beast barely had a grasp over their magical affinity, yet she had three fairly well practiced powers she could use.

In addition to her greater understanding of her powers, she also simply had more of it with her magic core in addition to her beast core making her stronger than pretty much any other beast at the same level as her.

\'Let me see how this works.\'

Channeling the magical energy inside her towards the heavenly flame, she caused it to increase in size and power and brought it forth outside of her body.

Using all of her focus she willed it not to explode but still found it impossible to control.

At the last moment to avoid hitting herself, she directed the explosion away from her and created a cushion of wind.


Being pushed back by the explosion of her heavenly flame, Evelyn flapped around rapidly to regain her bearings and keep an eye on her opponent.

Except her caution appeared to be fruitless, as the caracal that had attacked her was now just a charred mass. Having taken the brunt of the crimson flames.

Flying down to its smoldering remains, she tore through its body and pulled out its beast core.

\'Hm it is a bit bigger than the others I have had. Must have been a bit stronger.\'

Eating this beast core, she felt its strength being broken down and added to her own.

With her spoils of the battle claimed, she flew back into the sky and continued on her way. Slowly but surely gaining experience and power as she fought the other beasts within these grasslands.

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