Rise of the Cosmic_Emperor

Chapter 871 Last-Ditch Effort.

The battle between the Dystopian Quad and the Haron Elders was happening a good distance away from where Hal, the Emperor, and the Emperor\'s chaotic clone stood.

With the focus that Hal and the Emperor gave each other, it appeared as though they couldn\'t care less about anything that was not each other but that could not be any further from the truth.

Hal had enough of his senses perked towards the other battle and for every Elder that met his or her end, Amador could not avoid feeling their talismans break.

Hal stretched his hand and summoned his Sovereign Scepter which he gripped tightly as he began to radiate the might of his Infinite Sovereign Bloodline.

His hair lengthened even more than it already had and gave off a glorious shine while he became shrouded in robes thick with his command over Cosmic energy as well as all other Daos that were innately inferior to his.

Hal\'s transformation was slow... Methodical and meant to marinate and therefore allow his opponent to truly soak up the inevitability of his victory by virtue of his Infinite Sovereignty.

Since Hal had meant for his transformation to be showy, his intent was not lost on Amador whose chaotic clone took action to stop the transformation process.


The chaotic clone slammed its massive hammer thickly made of chaos energy into Hal\'s back and he successfully made contact only for it to feel a rebound of every bit of force/energy it had put into its attack.

Hal had his arms spread and his Sovereign scepter floating in front of him and he did not move an inch even when struck but he did chuckle at such a futile attempt.

"Arrogant as I am, I am not so foolish as to show off without the might to back myself up," he said but almost as soon as Amador\'s chaotic clone had been smacked back, it returned but this time it wielded a spear that it thrust at Hal.

Hal had a layer of cosmic Sovereignty around himself while his transformation continued and the clone\'s spear showcased an ability that cause the layer to pull back and reveal vulnerability.

As soon as the layer of protection around Hal began to shrink back, Amador stamped his foot against thin air but a spell circle appeared like some sort of foothold, and in a fraction of a second, it expanded, and out of it came green chains of binding and attacking properties.

The binding chains wound around Hal and the attacking ones tried to take advantage of the opening created by the chaotic clone whose spearhead was still in motion...

The chains tightened and Hal burst into blue light specks in an obvious attempt to escape but even as he did, the attacking chains did not stop moving and just waved around in a weird manner that took hold of all of the blue light specks and forced them to reform back into Hal still wrapped up by the binding chains.

With the binding chains having a good hold, the attacking chains stabbed into Hal\'s arms and legs and the chaotic clone succeeded in thrusting its spear through Hal\'s ribs.

Rather than groan or grimace, Hal smiled before driving his mind into the sentience that the chaotic energy possessed.

"I see you," Hal said with a chuckle but his words were not directed at Amador or Amador\'s chaotic clone but rather at the one who had given the Emperor the ability to wield and harness chaotic energy.

Primordial Will frowned but it said nothing as Hal nodded with an unbothered smile and repeated,

"I see you,"

Ever since he possessed Sassy\'s body to rampage the Imperial Palace, Hal had had his suspicion on account of the chaotic energy the Emperor wielded and from the moment he was hit by a hammer wielded by the chaotic clone, Hal\'s suspicion had become fact; his Primordial enemies had decided not to wait until he achieved divinity.

Hal saw the chaotic clone for what it truly was; A sliver of the power of Chaos granted to Amador that decided to take on a pseudo-human form as the Emperor\'s Clone.

But even with his suspicions proven, Hal still felt in the dark;

What was Primordial Will\'s plan? It could not just be to amp up Amador to face him, could it?

Making the Emperor a simple puppet just to do their bidding did not seem like an endgame plan worthy of the Avatar of the Primordial Concept of Chaos.

Hal\'s mind returned to his body before his little mental trip to the Primordial Will could be detected by Amador or Amador\'s chaotic clone.

Hal\'s Sovereign energy spread all over the chains binding and stabbing him and he shattered them while he grabbed hold of the spear in his ribs.

All it took was a stronghold of the shaft of the spear and Hal shattered it with a force that sent the chaotic clone flying back only for Hal to snap his fingers and pull him closer for a blow to the face.


As the blow connected, Hal summoned his sword cosmic Armament and the blue weapon was immediately imbued with the golden energy of Infinite Sovereignty as it was stabbed into the clone\'s chest.

Amador stamped his feet against his conjured spell circle but a commanding might spread from Hal\'s scepter and erased the energy powering the spell just as Hal detonated his sword and destroyed the chaotic clone in a magnificent blast.


The explosion was still ongoing when Hal turned around, and wrapped the Emperor in energy that appeared to be an extension of what formed his imperial garments but before he could get the Emperor closer, a broad blade stabbed into his back and thrust out the front.

Hal\'s eyes widened as he looked down at the weapon...

The blade that had stabbed through him was the transformed arm of the clone that Hal could have sworn he had destroyed.

With the smallest hint of movement of his hand, Hal shattered the blade in his chest and unleashed a force that tore a hole through the heart of the clone only for it to transform its body into pure chaotic energy that it used to infiltrate Hal\'s body.

Hal rejected the infiltration with Infinity and went further to take hold of the chaotic energy with Infinity and attempt to trap it but before his trapping was completed, it escaped...

... Only to return a fraction of a second later to slam Hal with a concept of inactivity which was an ability exclusive to the Primordial Concept of Chaos.

The concept of Inactivity acted as a direct bane to Order\'s ability to command all Ordinances and was quite similar to Hal\'s Infinite Negation which is not a coincidence as Infinite Negation was derived by Hal through the concept of Inactivity.


The slam was incredibly fast and with wondrous synergy with his chaotic clone, Amador attacked Hal with a scythe packed with his full might as a Demi-god.

The bombardment of sorts only stayed active for a few seconds but when it cleared up, all that was left behind was the visage of fractured space.

From that fracture, Amador could feel layer upon layer of spatial rifts that had taken dimension creation to a whole other level.

The concept of Hal\'s obviously successful escape was that they couldn\'t hit what they could not touch.

Every responsible Abstract Ordinance wielder had a failsafe in place to activate in a situation where they were incapable of reacting fast enough. Hal had a failsafe as well and it was in the form of multiple spatial rifts and Reality warps around himself but the difference was that Hal\'s activation was not automatic but rather conscious.

He MADE the conscious decision to activate his failsafe and he especially did it to rub it into the face of the Primordial Will that its Concept of Inactivity was inactive on him.


Dane Duchy Capital...

Sapphire City...

"Give up, Melinda, you can\'t defeat me!" Tayna yelled as she slammed into Melinda to take them into the Monument Of Ordinances.

"If you had even a sliver of a reasoning ability, you\'d know that\'s a bogus thought," Melinda said, and grabbing tightly onto Tanya, she immediately opened a portal into Hal\'s private channel to initiate an exit.

This was not the first time Tanya would attempt to take the battle into the Monument and every time she did, Melinda would get them out.

Tanya wished to derive empowerment by being in the Monument and Melinda smartly made sure not to allow it.

The battle had been long and hard but finally, Melinda got her opening and cast the best spell in her arsenal with the capabilities to deal with Tanya.

Since she could not sunder Tanya\'s life force because it was too entwined with the Monument, Melinda bound it down and locked it in place instead.

As they shot out of the portal and returned to the sky above Sapphire City, Ten Ankhs appeared around Tanya to grip and lock down her life force.

Melinda then got a good hold of the gem with her cosmic energy and made to pull it off Tanya\'s head only to be thrust into a mental realm of turmoil that was Tanya\'s last-ditch effort to keep hold of the gem.

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