Rise of the Cosmic_Emperor

Chapter 869 Haron Elders Vs Dystopian Quad.

Amador had his eyes narrowed at how Hal had so speedily defended himself and he awaited a retaliation but the retaliation never came.

Hal stabilized himself in mid-air and clasped his hands before unleashing a massive wave of Astral energy.

"Are you ready?" Hal said in a solemn voice and while the Emperor at first thought he was the one Hal was referring to, Reyna, Aspasia, and Phaedra all yelled out in unison,


As soon as they spoke, Hal struck down the Astral energy he was wielding into the ground below and as he did, he made sure to add the secret ingredient that was his Sovereign Authority.

Hitting the ground, the Astral energy as well as Hal\'s Sovereign authority came together to form multiple rune circles that all came together to form an absolutely massive Array.

Every Haron expert on the scene that was not at the seventh star of the Cosmic Saint realm was instantly stuck to the Array and thus stuck to the ground.

"What the...?" said a Haron squad captain who, like many others had taken to the air in preparation for combat. He felt himself getting pulled toward the ground and as hard as he tried, he could not resist or pull away from the force of the array.

The worst part for them all was that, the harder they resisted, the faster their body gave up as though every part of what made them what or who they were was being commanded to get stuck to the Array.

The power of Sovereignty.

Hal could have tweaked the Array a bit so that it trapped the Haron Elders but he felt that would be pushing it.

Watching from above as the Haron experts were all stuck to the ground like flys on a fly trap, Hal smiled to himself, and his smile was mirrored by Reyna, Aspasia, and Phaedra who took on their beastly and Devil forms and got to work tearing down the defenseless Harons.

Hal had no wish to seek redemption for the Harons and part of getting rid of their hegemony in its entirety involved completely razing the family.

That said, as the battle was ongoing, all who were not part of the fighting force of the family, Haron or not, quickly evacuated the Palace and their journey didn\'t stop even when out of the Palace. They aimed to leave the Imperial City completely behind and put as much distance between themselves and the ongoing war.

As the stronghold of her family, Reyna had not let loose her monstrous horde in the Imperial City so the runaways could go as far as they possibly could although their major mode of escape, the Teleportation Circles, had been shut down and led nowhere.

The Haron Elders made to interfere with the massive array holding down their experts but their attempts were interrupted by the quad of Elenor, Alvira, Orlon, and Addilyn.

Faced with the Quad, the thirty Haron Elders presently at the Imperial Palace were quick to brush them aside.

While this was happening, Amador emerged from his pseudo-Throne room and he announced his emergence with multiple spell circles all oozing with his Bloodline energy augmented by a chaotic force.

The circles all encircled Hal and aimed at destabilizing the core of his strength to eventually break it apart and deliver a killing blow but at the feel of the chaotic attempt, Hal snapped his fingers to release a wave of Infinity that contended with the chaotic energy while his Sovereign authority over Bloodline energy put the finishing touches and caused the spell circles to self destruct.

Hal would have smiled at this point but his instincts were perked at an oncoming attack from behind him.

As he dodged and aimed to avoid getting hit, Hal wondered how he had been snuck up on and then his eyes widened at how sluggish his movement had become.

His every surrounding had been pervaded with chaos in a manner and degree that caught him off guard.


He was struck with a hammer and as Hal created a wall of Cosmic energy to force himself to stop moving back on account of the recent hammer strike, he saw clearly who his assailant had been;

There were two Amador Harons currently in the sky with him.

One, the main body had yet to take that many steps while the clone was the one who had hit Hal with a hammer and was composed completely of Chaotic energy.

The hammer it had used had been formed with chaotic energy and the strike had not only managed to bruise Hal\'s incredibly tough skin but had also corrupted him with the energy that was hellbent on shutting him down.

The two Amadors approached Hal,

"You\'re way out of your league," said the main body,

"Your existence is an Anomaly," said the Clone,

"An anomaly that I have been empowered to cull," said the main body before conjuring even more spell circles.

Hal eyed the circles and just snorted while he used both his reality and space warping to expand a tiny area of the atmosphere into a size that rivaled the Imperial Palace.

He had basically created another dimension and he made sure to pull all thirty Elders into it while also making it so that they could not make it out which essentially cut them off from being able to interfere with the massacre of the Haron experts that was still happening outside the dimension.

After a good bit of trying and failing to break free of Hal\'s created dimension, whose nature alone baffled them, the Elders gave up and accepted that the only way to be free was to kill Hal which they were all confident their Emperor would be able to take care of.

They decided to do their part in getting rid of the Dystopian Quad.

Faced with a force of thirty Elders all sporting cultivation at least at the eighth star of the Cosmic Saint realm, none of the four was particularly worried.

There was a reason Hal had trusted that they would be enough;

Elenor took on her Devil form and unleashed the full might of all her haloes while wielding weapons of Devil energy.

Alvira took on her Pheonix form with her haloes encircling her head and humming with incredible power just waiting to be unleashed.

Orlon transformed into a massive serpent with a barbed tail oozing with physicality in the form of cosmic energy. As he flicked his tongue out constantly, one could almost see a grin forming on his serpentine maw.

Addilyn transformed into a Dragon with a size to rival that of Dorgroth when he was still alive. Being at the Peak of the Cosmic Saint realm and an enjoyer of Hal\'s augmentations, Addilyn surely had a place in the lineup of Dystopian heads.

The one who should have been in the lineup was Naya but she was many stages below Addilyn in cultivation.

Anyway, Alvira started it all off with a flap of her wings which unleashed enough force to shatter a mountain and it pushed back the majority of the Elders, only for Alvira to pull one of them towards herself and stab him in the chest with her massive talon.

The stabbed Elder\'s eyes were widened as though in surprise at how easily he had been skewered.

Once he was ascertained to be dead, Alvira tossed his body to his brethren who made to charge at her only to be intercepted by the large swipe of Orlon\'s tail.

He managed to slam a few of them but the majority sailed up and away or so they thought.

Spell circles began to appear all along Orlon\'s tail and from them charged tails made of his bloodline energy which tightened around the Elders before growing spikes that stabbed through them.

Unlike the dead-by-talon Elder, Orlon\'s victims were better prepared and used Cosmic energy to create a film of protection around themselves before breaking apart the serpent tail of Bloodline energy after which they summoned cosmic Armaments and made to stab Orlon\'s true body.

Nimble as can be, Orlon moved his tail away and pulled back before smacking his barbed head against the side of an Elder\'s head. When he made to follow up, Orlon was met with the joint effort of at least five elders who were showing quite well how there was power in numbers.

The Elder that Orlon had smacked on the head with his barbed tail stirred only to be pinned to the ground by Addilyn who wasted no time clawing his neck.

A combination of factors such as the Elder not actively protecting himself as well as Addilyn\'s massive side saw her attempt to claw his neck turn into a bloody decapitation.

Once sure her victim was dead, Addilyn made to move to another one of the many other Elders only to be slammed by Demi-god energy possessed by the Grand Elder.

Whatever it was the Grand Elder was planning on doing with Addilyn, he never got the chance,


... Because a wall of Devil energy slammed into him to knock him aside.

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