Rise of the Cosmic_Emperor

Chapter 865 Svetlana Uses Her Pain.

Now, the Doxon Duchy capital was in no way defenseless against the monsters as, despite the deaths they had suffered, the Doxons still had a good fighting force that comprised of the Ex Duke Kirill who was a one halo Demi-god as well as the Duchess in all her magnificent time warping glory.

The Doxons were almost on their own as all their would-be allies were who had become monsters hellbent on rampaging them. The only territory that had been spared of the nefarious rune circles that caused the transformations was the Sensual Palace which had the vigilant protection of several women of the Harem.

Anyway, the Antonovs as well as all able-bodied members of the Sensual Palace were quick to get to arms to deal with the monsters with no one giving the smallest of a damn that the monsters were once human.

Sure, there were likely those working on solutions such as Antidotes in secret but there was no way anyone would stand idly by and just watch as the monsters destroyed precious structures and rolled the innocent living.

The world had always been cruel to the unfortunate and this was no different.

Anyway, it looked like things were getting more under control for the Doxons and their singular ally even though an added effort was required to truly put an end to even one of the monsters, and it was then that a Haron Army division arrived, with about six elders at the very forefront to take care of the higher-ups of the Doxon family and the Sensual Palace.

Among the Haron Army division brought to Doxon were at least ten Haron generals all sporting incredible and cultivation bases that were further amped by Tanya and the Monument of Ordinances.

Also in the Army division was the pair of Aliya and Ehrlich who were eager to do their parts for the Haron family supremacy which they were convinced would absolutely thrive under the Princess.

The Haron generals went at the elders of the Sensual Palace as well as the Elders of the Doxon family whose numbers had already been cut down during a previous attack.

The Doxon and Sensual Palace Elders almost immediately found themselves on the back foot and if Kirill ever had the thought of offering a hand in assistance, he never got the chance as the highest ranked of the Six present Haron Elders (Fortieth), charged him almost immediately while bolstering a cultivation base at the very height of the Cosmic Saint Realm which, bolstered by the Monument made him more than capable of contending with the Ex Duke.

Almost immediately after her father was attacked and immediately engrossed in a battle, Svetlana found herself at the center of a joint assault from two out of the remaining five Elders ranked Forty-second and Forty-Fourth accordingly.

Both conjured green chains of their Bloodline energy and used them to wrap Svetlana before the Forty-Second Elder sniffed,

"Svetlana Doxon, last I saw you, you had used your rage to kill the Borels. I knew then your ego would be massive and your foolery immense. To ally with this bunch seeking subversion, your foolery appears to have been greater than I ever thought," the Elder said.

Svetlana glared at the old green-eyed woman but said nothing.

"Heh, I have to say, I expected a comeback," said the Forty-second Elder as she and her fellow began to use their chains to sap Svetlana\'s strength as well as begin the process of making her binding permanent.

They aimed to tie the very essence of her being to their chains and should they succeed, there would be no chance at all that Svetlana escaped or mounted a counter-attack, but of course, it all hinged on their success.


As soon as the sound came forth, a sphere housing three spinning golden balls appeared. The Elders blinked and Svetlana was gone from the midst of their binding chains whose shape had not been disturbed one bit.

The moment their brains began to register what had happened, Svetlana appeared behind the Forty-second Elder and stabbed her in the back to the point where the blade of the sword thrust out the front.

"Why would I give a comeback when I can just shut you up?" Svetlana said quietly even though all in the vicinity could still hear her words.

The Elder turned and there was something about the way she looked (blood pouring out of her mouth and her green eyes getting tinged with red) that immediately doused the feeling of Victory Svetlana had.

"Good job, dear," the Elder said in a cold Elderly tone of voice that was clearly supposed to masquerade as sweet, "You\'ve done well, but my death is not in your hands,"

As she spoke, the blood that trickled down her back began to clot, and then it began to wriggle before it started to wrap itself around Svetlana\'s sword and then her hand.

The moment the wiggling blood touched her skin, Svetlana felt a burning of its corrupting nature and she did not wish to find out what its continued effects were going to be so she released her sword and pulled her hand away before hurrying to use time-warping and cosmic energy to heal the corrupted region.

The Elder turned around with a grotesque smile and then spat out blood which separated into clumps that all went on to create blood spell circles around Svetlana.

The spell circles then created multiple weapons of blood energy that charged at Svetlana who immediately aimed to use her insight into time as well as her Chrono spheres to escape only to find that they were unable to get her away in time.

As she created a sphere of cosmic energy in the form of a barely well-crafted spell around herself, Svetlana realized that she was not contending with the average insight-level Elemental Ordinances.

She was not even contending with an average harnessing-level Elemental Ordinance wielder but rather she was facing an Elder who had two incredible Elemental Ordinances (Nether and Blood) and had them both at the Harnessing level of Comprehension!


As her defenses were shattered, Svetlana was forced to create Astral constructs that held off the barrage of blood attacks long enough for her to finally escape by boosting her speed with a self-time warp.

As she made her escape and before she could catch a breath, Svetlana was swallowed by a black hole that opened up behind her by the Forty-fourth Elder who she had not kept an eye on while being focused on the Forty-second Elder.

Svetlana expected to be attacked by the instability of the void she had been pulled into but an attack never came.

The Forty-Fourth Elder had a somber look as she showed off the fact that she was the one who was making the void stable which was an ability she had at the Harnessing Level of Comprehension of the Void Elemental Ordinance.

The Elder then opened a portal and in came the Forty-second, crazy-looking Elder who grinned and began to showcase the true use of her Harnessing Level comprehension of Nether Ordinance.

Feeling the conjuring of Nether energy within the void as she was trapped by the spatial energy thick within, Svetlana strained in an attempt to escape but not only was she bound by the spatial energy in the void, but she also became wrapped in a blood cocoon that sealed all her energy by exerting the Forty-second Elder\'s will on her blood.

Svetlana then became flooded with Nether energy that corrupted her life force turning it into something her body would reject and simply bring about her death.

The process was painful but even worse was the fact that what hunted Svetlana during that moment was the pain her son had experienced which Hal had forced her to live.

Despite the immense sorrow, Svetlana got an idea with her pain and while her physical energy was locked, she let out Astral energy that took a small hold of the minds of both Elders.

She did not attack them... Not directly at least as that would spark the mental defenses of the Elders and she was barely getting a good hold as it is.

Svetlana simply let them share in the pain she was feeling.

Aided by Svetlana\'s near-divine Astral sense/energy, the pain was amplified for the Elders who shook their heads to rid themselves of what they were feeling with no success. The more of her pain (her son\'s pain) Svetlana shared, the more the mind of the Elders became susceptible to a stronger hold.

The first sign of the effects was the shake in the stability of the space as well as the loosening of Svetlana\'s bounds.

Svetlana had felt the pain enough already and while it caused her heart to ache, it did not hinder her as it did the first-time feelers.


With an explosive release of cosmic energy, she burst free of the cocoon, and with superior time warping, she freed herself of the void hold after which she flew at the two Elders and stabbed her sword cosmic armament through the head of the Forty-Fourth Elder.

The Elder was too engrossed in the enhanced pain of a teenager to react to the sword going through her head and she definitely could do nothing about the subsequent explosion of the sword.

Whatever the results were (certain death), neither Svetlana nor the Forty-second Elder saw as Svetlana pushed her into a portal that brought them back to the sky of the Doxon capital.

There, Svetlana grabbed the sides of the Elder\'s head and drove in Astral energy to further break her down mentally and physically as a normal body could not hold astral energy and the Elder was indisposed to react and push out the astral energy she was fed.

Svetlana then drove in cosmic energy and accelerated it all with her time warp.


The Forty-Fouth Elder\'s head exploded into bits that were composed primarily of misty blood and the ever-occasional tiny fragment of a skull.

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