Rise of the Cosmic_Emperor

Chapter 821 Doubling Down.

Courtesy of Sassy, the Devil Tribe was now aware of the death of Prince Dakon as well as the resulting fallout of the relationship between the Pheonix and Dragon clans.

Their attempts to come together had been put on hold as the Dragon clan went into mourning while investigating the death.

This was of course good news for the Devil Tribe who were now working on all possible means to double down on this development.

It was clear to the higher-ups of the Devil Tribe that the usual dynamic of the Dystopian continent could not continue and the only chance they had of being ahead

of their peers were to establish their rule over the Continent.

In this regard, Elenor\'s thoughts couldn\'t help but factor back to Hal and how he had confidently mentioned the Nexus stone and how he had claimed all he had to do was get his hands on it and he could begin the process of giving the Dystopian Continent to the Devil Tribe.

This proposal, if there was any truth to it at all, hinged on the fact that ultimate power would be Hal\'s, and he would only be giving their governance over the region that was the Dystopian Continent.

When Hal had made this proposition the last time they had seen each other, Elenor had been ready to rebuke such nonsense but Hal stopped her with a finger to her lips,

"Think about it," he said "It\'s going to happen whether you accept willingly or not. The course is set... The game is afoot. You are all just random participants that I desire to give a chance to be relevant.

Think about my proposal... Make the right choice"

The moment he was done speaking, Hal hopped into a portal he opened and he was off to the Dragon clan for his plots.

Thinking about the proposal annoyed Elenor but she did reason on the matter rationally even if she was sure that she would never put herself as well as her clan under anyone.

Speaking of Hal\'s success in causing a rift between the Phoenix and Dragon Clans, Elenor was not impressed. She believed she would have gotten the same result and likely used the same tactic of killing Dakon and framing the Pheonix Princess to do it as well.

It was just a plan that made sense especially since it was not too far-fetched that the Princess could not possibly bear to be with Dakon and killed him.

Had Hal, through Sassy, not sabotaged her plans, she would have done what he did months ago.

After Hal had now vocally expressed his desires for the rule, Elenor was now more convinced than ever that the sabotage had not been because Sassy wanted to remain neutral among the rulers of the Dystopian Continent but had rather been done just to give her Master direct contact with the Pheonix Princess.

Whatever anger or annoyance Elenor felt though, she put aside when Sassy arrived to tell her Hal was willing to give the forces of the Devil Tribe safe passage into the Dragon clan so that they could double down on the bad situation and tension all over the Clan\'s atmosphere.

There was of course a quick back and forth between Sassy and Elenor in front of the council of Devil Elders but the Devil Tribe eventually accepted the chance they had been given.

It was clear to all, not just Elenor, that this was all working at the schedule of Hal, the Sapphirine Prince, and quick solid reasoning all around good them. they were being used but they allowed themselves to be used just so they could accomplish their goals.

For the situation to be easier to swallow for the more prideful ones such as Elenor the Malignant Devil Chieftess, the situation was spun in a way that made it seem like the Devil Tribe was also using Hal.

\'It\'s all mutual\' is what Elenor told herself but that argument was bound to fall apart the moment she realized Hal was losing nothing. In fact, the many deaths were going to help him in more ways than one.

Sassy, as well as select members of the Devil Tribe, scouted the Dragon clan for the military bases that were easier to hit.

Thanks to the private channel, it was all easy and there was no getting caught whatsoever. The targets were picked and two days after Dakon\'s death, they were all attacked.

Sassy did not double cross the Devil Tribe time around and the attacks went well for them. They lost experts but they did not lose as much as they killed. Not even close.

They lost less than 1 percent of the 100 percent of Dystopian Dragons they killed.

It was a massacre and a more gruesome one compared to the piled-up bodies in front of the bridal chamber... This was a much more terrible scene for all who came to it after it was over and that was even though there were no bodies at the scene.

The attack had been swift because thanks to Sassy, who through Hal possessed the greatest stealth abilities any of the Devils had ever seen, the Dystopian Devils knew all the procedures they had to undergo to stop the possibility of reinforcements.

They cut off all their targets from any external help they could call for and killed them almost performatively in how the blood and guts splattered the walls of all attacked military bases.

Once the deed was done, the Dystopian Devils retrieved their dead, and out of a portal came Hal\'s devil beasts in human form to cart away the bodies of all the Dystopian Dragons the Dystopian Devils killed.

The bodies were taken away obviously to be fed on and they all shivered at the development they would gain from munching on the delectable bodies of the Dystopian Dragons.

The Dystopian Devils raised brows at this bunch who were carting away their kills especially since they would have liked to take some away for experiments but Sassy told them this was a deal that had been agreed to the moment the channel was open for use and that was the end of any possible discussion on the matter.

Sassy had been moving between attacked bases to be sure that all was going swimmingly and had not been involved in the battles but no one would be foolish enough to cross her. Especially not because of bodies they had not been expressively ordered to bring back.

Anyway, silently the Dystopian Devils came, isolated their opponents, and killed them to the last man, before silently returning to their Tribe.

When the discovery of what had occurred became public and vocal, the Dragon clan panicked. There were no true suspects but did there need to be? Clearly, whoever was attacking them had the support of the private channel handlers.

When the news reached the Pheonix clan, they sent their support immediately in the form of expendable experts and while the Dragon clan did not reject the support, as they needed the help, they made it clear that they still did not trust the Pheonix clan.

Two days before the attack on the Dragon clan military bases, the Pheonix Queen had received a message from her daughter saying she was on her way back home.

"Did you do it?" Queen Alvira had asked immediately.

"I had my reasons" Aspasia answered before disconnecting the communication but not before her mother heard her moan deeply in sexual ecstasy.

Anyway, Alvira, who had her daughter on her way back home, retained the stance that she had no desire to go with the Dragon Clan, and still considered them allies.

The help she had sent even with the best Teleportation circle she had would still take days for the support to arrive at the Dragon clan but it was the thought that counts.

Anyway, Dogroth became detached from the governing of his clan and the role fell to a woman named Naya who governed in his stead.

Many wondered if the King was still in mourning but the days that followed made it appear as though things were not so simple.

He was heard yelling at no one in his Throne-room and they were always heated rants interspersed with outbursts of cultivation pressure that threatened the structural integrity of the Throne room.

Dogroth was, of course, left to his devices while Naya rallied the experts of the Dragon Clan in preparation to defend the clan from a threat they could not predict or actually defend against.

However, unlike what the general public thought, because Dogroth had asked not to be disturbed with any news until he gave the order otherwise, the King was not unaware of the recent attack.

In fact, not only had Dogroth been told by his heart Demon that there would be more attacks working up to him as the final target, he had even been told when the attacks on the bases were underway.

Dogroth\'s heart Demon told him the bases were getting attacked and then trapped him in a bottomless pit of despair that the King just kept trying and failing to battle out of.

Dogroth had not considered what he had been told to be true... He had thought it was a hallucination due to his perception of time and space, as well as life and death as well as his destiny and reality, being constantly toyed with and warped.

All he had been told in regards to the attacks were true though and it was harming Dogroth\'s ability to properly discern things.

The reason he had ordered to be let alone was to try and regain that perception and likely rid himself of the heart demon...

... So far, he was failing.

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