Rise of the Cosmic_Emperor

Chapter 813 All Will Be Well As I Am Here.

The moment Hal had stepped into the hall, Elenor had gotten the answer to the presence she had felt. The presence was Hal\'s and her unease only increased once she had made sure of this.

The fact that it took seeing him face to face for her to ascertain that it was his presence she had felt was worrying.

He had been outside her door and she had basically been blind.

The hall cleared out with someone picking Gregor off the ground to escort him out of the hall.

Phaedra was the last one out of the hall and before she got out, Hal pulled her toward himself and locked his lips with hers right in front of Elenor\'s unbothered face.

Phaedra resisted him a bit at the realization that she was not alone with him.

The fact that the double doors were closed and no one outside would be able to see them made her a little more relaxed but the fact that her sister was witness to this illicit act of hers had her attempting to pull away.

However, the longer she and getting kissed by Hal, the faster her inhibitions melted away to the point where she became sure of being incapable of offering any sort of resistance should Hal decide to take a make-out session a step further and eventually fuck her right here in the hall... In front of her sister.

Speaking of sister, Elenor watched the kiss with a neutral expression. There was no surprise and how could there be when this was just confirming her thoughts?

So lost in the feeling of Hal\'s lips on hers as well as the feel of his body against hers was Phaedra that she wound a leg around Hal and twisted herself against him as though to press harder against his body.

She almost looked like she was attempting to become one with him. One with this pleasure-inducing being.

Eventually though, it had to come to an end. Hal pulled away from her and afforded her a direct stare into her eyes... A stare that caused her to hold her breath at how much it sucked her in and how much it ignited the arousal that was already burning within her.

Hal then looked away from her toward Elenor,

"Apologies, I have been quite rude, have I not?" he said but the apologies were easily identified as false.

He had indeed been rude but he sure as hell was not apologizing. If anything, he would double down on that rudeness.

Phaedra was embarrassed as was made evident by her flushed cheeks as he bowed to her sister,

"I\'ll take my leave now"

"No, stay. Someone should be present to deliver a possible rundown to everyone and it might as well be you" Elenor said.

"As you wish"," Phaedra said noting no changes in her sister\'s tone of voice which was surely good news considering her recent act.

Elenor eyed Hal and then vanished to reappear just an inch away from him. Then she eyed him with intense scrutiny,

"You\'ve gotten stronger," Elenor said with a bit of annoyance.

"Indeed I have," Hal said simply and he allowed his eyes to roam the woman\'s scantily clad body before smiling and adding,

"As sexy as ever"

Elenor smirked,

"You can say that to me after I just watched you lock lips with my sister? Who is married by the way," she said.

"So you\'re sticking up for morality?" Hal asked.

"No, I\'m making note of your shamelessness. I suppose with your increased strength, you are now a threat" Elenor said.

"I\'ve always been a threat. Anyone would have been foolish not to have taken note of that." Hal said.

"True. Fancy another spar?" Elenor asked with a smile with her spar invitation of course being an avenue to discover just what Hal was capable of.

"Of course," Hal said "But it cannot be now. There are too many situations requiring quick interventions. Or so I\'ve been informed"

Elenor cast a glance at Sassy who met her eyes with a bright smile and without the smallest hint of worry.

"Your representative must have filled you in then. After all, she did advise against me taking action before your return." Elenor said.

"Yes, she has" Hal confirmed.

"Well, good because the joining of the dragon and Phoenix clans has been progressing swimmingly. How exactly do you think you can possibly overturn such a long-time coming process?

If you plan to go to war then I will be very upset as your representative sabotaged my very similar plans. Had she not, my contest against the two would have started long ago." Elenor said with a glance at Sassy,

"War is not always the answer," Sassy told the Devil Chieftess.

"Very true, Sassy, and your words are especially true in this case," Hal said.

"War was meant to be a distraction though. The real plan was to sow discord between the two clans. Either way, she still sabotaged us." Phaedra said with a point at Sassy.

Elenor made an agreeing gesture with her head to her sister.

"Well of course she sabotaged you. She sabotaged you because you were doomed to fail. Your plans for discord can not be successful. You need the help of a master. You need my help." Hal said and Elenor rolled her eyes at the sheer arrogance.

He might have improved leaps and bounds in just a year of absence but he was still a child.

Hal smiled as though he knew the thoughts running through the woman\'s head. The knowledge and experience she and everyone else her age could boast of, Hal had in abundance. There was nothing she knew that he did not.

Her cultivation that used to be hidden was revealed to him, the level of her Devil bloodline was clear to see as well as her constitution.

The Devil Chieftess was incredible. Whatever level Hal had guessed her to be at, she had surpassed but all of that was not at a level that would cause Hal to worry or fear.

"So you consider yourself an expert then... You will succeed where you claim we will certainly fail?" Elenor said and Hal nodded,

"Exactly. All will be well as I am here.

The other matter, the real reason I wanted an audience with you, is in regards to your surrender" Hal said and stillness came upon the hall.

"My what?" Elenor thought she might not have heard right even though that was impossible on account of her impeccable hearing.

"Your surrender or more accurately, the surrender of the entirety of the Devil Tribe. By surrender I mean your allegiance" Hal said.

"You- you must be joking," Phaedra said. Swooning to his touch and desiring to be fucked senseless by him was one thing... Possibly seeing reason in her tribe surrendering to him was another.

"Oh but I\'m not. I have never given you a proper introduction, have I? My name is Hal and \'Sapphirine Prince\' is my title as are \'The Malevolent One\' and \'The Cosmic Emperor\'.

I have a large following and even at this moment, my takeover of the human continent is underway but I do not wish to stop there. I desire control over the entirety of the Nexus world."

As Hal spoke, his skin turned Sapphire-blue marred by black lines. Black horns grew out of his forehead and his fingers, which he brought from his back to Elenor\'s line of sight, became tipped with devilish claws.

He began to exude Devil energy and let out a small hint of the authority he had over them as the Devils they were.

It was only a sliver of his authority but Phaedra felt her body begin to shake in submission. Elenor could feel her bloodline yearning to submit but she resisted and managed to look unbothered.

She just admired the magnificence of his Devil form and the purity of his bloodline.

"Impressive but no. My clan will bow to no one. If anyone will rule the Nexus world, it will be me" Elenor said with her body radiating incredible confidence but Hal just placed his hands on his hips and chuckled.

He relieved Phaedra of the bloodline pressure he inflicted on her while he addressed Elenor,

"Oh really? And how do you plan to accomplish this Worldwide rule? You can\'t even go to the human continent without me.

Do you know how to overcome that obstacle?

If you ever succeed in taking power from the Harons and everyone else, do you know how to erase the fundamental demarcation between the two continents which will free you from relying on my channel?

You don\'t know Elenor but I do and can tell you how"  Hal paused to stroke her cheek before he continued,

"You and the other three ruling Dystopians are stuck in a cycle of sorts and can never come above each other as long as that stone links you. Well, that is unless you form an unusual bond to gain an advantage like the Phoenix and Dragon clans"

Elenor noted something in his words and she opened her mouth to refer to it but before she could, Hal kissed her cheek and spoke into her ear in a bit of a whisper,

"Yes, Elenor dear, I know about the Nexus stone. I would be a fool not to"

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