Rise of the Cosmic_Emperor

Chapter 795 Spectacle To Behold. Part 1

Elenor frowned,

"You can\'t be serious. If your master chose you to be his representation while he is away, I would have expected you to have more political sense than this"

"Well, ouch," Sassy said with a smile which played into the fact that Elenor felt she had been making a joke and that did not help how the Devil Chieftess was feeling.

Sassy ignored how much deeper Elenor\'s frown became as she said,

p "Allow the Dragon and Pheonix clan to attempt to come together. You might not be aware but the plan to join forces has been in play for the two clans for years.

They managed to keep it out of earshot of the two other governing powers so just imagine what else they have been able to keep away from your earshot... Imagine the secret weapon they have in development."

Sassy paused and let these words sink in and only when she saw Elenor pause to reason her stated points did she continue,

"If you decide to go to war against them, there is absolutely no way you win. But of course, you must have already realized that and that is why your most important weapon is your ability to drive a wedge between the two clans"

Elenor said nothing... Sassy was right.

The Devil Tribe\'s ability to burst out ammunition for a large-scale war was mostly a distraction while they turn the Pheonix and Dragon clans against each other.

"That plan will fail... You can\'t destroy the foundation they have built" Sassy said.

"You are severely underestimating my tribe," Elenor said.

"Oh but I\'m not. Your tribe does deal with devilish forces and means but that is nothing compared to my Master\'s means. I know exactly what you are capable of.

You can hide your plans from me but I can still figure them out just by knowing your limits.

There are only a few more months before my Master\'s return and all I ask is that you do nothing until then.

You will need his help to work your plans and without him, your means of sabotaging the bond between the two clans will fail"

That very day, the Pheonix and Dragon clans added a feature to their Teleportation circles that, at the slightest sign of the negative energy pervading the Devil Tribe, would initiate immediate rejection.

This feature did not only keep out members of the Devil Tribe but everyone in the entire segment governed by the Devil Tribe as they all had partaken in the negative energy in one form or the other.

Strict security measures were put in place even after all that as the Devil Tribe was quickly shut off from the segments governed by the Dragon and Pheonix clans.

This was further evidence of just how long the Dragon and Pheonix clans had been planning this move.

Despite Sassy telling her that her plan would surely fail, Elenor still went ahead with it with Sassy\'s help...

Sassy offered the spies of the Devil tribe access to the segment governed by the Dragon clan.

Over the nine months, Sassy had taken to corrupting as many common people in the Dragon clan as she could by unleashing terror upon them and then tying their unwilling selves to Infinity.

She went as far as to travel to the segment governed by the Phoenix clan to do the same over there which established a way of travel into that segment whenever she pleased.

She did the same at the segment governed by the Serpent Tribe enabling her master seamless movement between segments whenever he pleased when he was done with his seclusion.

Anyway, just as Sassy had warned, all plans of sabotage failed and the reason for those failures was none other than Sassy who alerted both the Dragon and Pheonix clans beforehand.

"And you let them get here?" the Dystopian Dragon king, Dogroth asked while he gestured at the beheaded bodies of Devil Tribe spies.

"Yes, I did. But I also warned you so who is to say which detail you should focus on" Sassy said with a smile.

"You are the reason they even got here in the first place!" Nero said and he looked to have completely lost his composure which was a definite first.

"What\'s your point? When you took your security measures, you knew full well that those means would not stop me from hopping from clan to clan whenever in, please. Hell, I am useful to you all because of the access I grant you into the Human continent for this very reason.

I will offer my transportation services to anyone I please." Sassy said.

"You snake" Nero hissed and Sassy rolled her eyes,

"You say that like it\'s an insult. That\'s literally what I am" She said.

Nero would have spoken again but Dogroth raised a hand to demand silence,

"I can smite you right where you stand... But I must ask, why even bother to tell us at all?" he asked.

Sassy shrugged,

"I had faith in you having a sound reasoning mind. I thought there was no way you would not at least suspect me with all your teleportation circles and extra security keeping all Devils out.

My telling you was just to avoid all unnecessary drama" she said.

"What exactly do you want?"

The voice did not belong to Dogroth or Nero but rather belonged to a newcomer who only just arrived at the scene...

She was a woman with back-length coal-black hair and coal-black eyes... If Hal was present, he would have recognized her as Naya, a woman who had come to put an end to the battle of Gelread Valley along with Nero.

(Ch. 470)

Sassy eyed the woman.

"Peace. That\'s all I want."

Nero scoffed,


"Yes. I want your clan and the Pheonix clan to be left to your devices by the Devil Tribe. I want peace.

That said, if the Devil Tribe ask to be transported here, I will not deny them but I will likely warn you ahead of time. You can try striking me down but you will only experience disappointment on that front." Sassy said.

"Playing both sides..." Dogroth began,

"... And telling it to their faces" Nero completed.

"Exactly," Sassy said with a bow before she allowed herself to be swallowed up by the Harem space portal she opened behind herself.


Elenor eventually decided to wait things out as, without successful sabotage of the relationship between the Dragons and Phoenixes, an all-out war would be a mistake.

Sassy hid nothing from her and while it made her angry to hear, she agreed with Sassy\'s point that it was useless either way.

Without Sassy, she could not enter the Dragon and Pheonix clans and with Sassy, she could not succeed with Sabotage.

Even if Sassy was trustworthy, her chances of success were still slim.

The agreement did not come without her hammering Sassy a few times with her fists though as punishment for the double cross...

As for the Serpent Tribe, they were being silent and had only made one official statement which was to denounce any involvement in whatever plans the Devils were cooking up.

In the Tenth month after Sapphire City\'s disappearance, the dragon prince was married to the Pheonix princess and it was a happy occasion for the two clans... Well, sort of.

The promise of a great future of a stronger race that could truly finally claim total rulership of the Dystopian continent sounded great but the journey towards that promise was hardly appealing.

The newlyweds were not even living together.

The Dragon Prince was at the Dragon clan and the Phoenix Princess was at the Pheonix clan... The consummation of their marriage was not being rushed and was yet to happen even though it was considered essential and will be the true marking point of the two clans coming together.


Two months later...

A year had passed since the disappearance of Sapphire City and the area that surrounded the unseen territory was now being staked out by tents.

The tents, which housed Cosmic Aurora realm experts, had been set up months before now and were further attempts at being ahead of the situation.

Another prophecy had come forth courtesy of Makena that the darkness was not gone... Merely in hiding.

Speaking of Makena, the Emperor had found that she developed a habit of being completely out of reach for a week only to return with glowing satisfaction.

Her explanation for this habit was that she needed to be more indulged in reading the signs for the Empire\'s future.

Her prophesies were still usually vague but she did mention that the darkness had spread much too wide and was too sneaky in its movement, insisting that getting rid of the root was the only long-term solution.

It was at this point that she mentioned that the City would return which had sparked the stakeout.

Where Makena actually spent her weeks off was of course in Sapphire City, receiving Hal\'s blessings. Her daughters were basically there full-time while other members of the Silver Moon sect had schedules drawn up to avoid having the sect itself completely empty.

Meanwhile, in Sapphire City, denizens flourished while kept safe away from whatever nonsense was occurring in the outside world.

It was the one-hundred-year mark since their seclusion from the outside world and those denizens were being treated to a magnificent spectacle in their sky...

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