Rise of the Cosmic_Emperor

Chapter 714 On A Roll...

While Hal might have been incapable of wielding the Ordinances in the physical world and was restricted to simply negating the use of the Ordinances, within the mental realm that was his Sovereign Space, he could grant himself the Insight level comprehension of Abstract Ordinances through Infinity.

It is akin to a test run of what it would look/feel once he went past the Infancy level of his development of Infinity.

Anyway, what he had done to Elder-One was through an illusionary use of the Abstract Ordinance of Space.

While the Nine elders still had active minds with which they were still trying to trap him in their formation, they all lacked the control and manipulation that he had over the Sovereign Space that was HIS Domain.

He had dragged the minds of all Nine elders into a zone that was completely in his control and where he made and enforced the rules... They might not have known it yet but they never had a chance.

The moment he trapped Elder-One, Elder-Two leaped away from him but just then, three other Elders leaped out of nowhere they had been hiding in the wide space of the Arena... All three of them had attacks charged with their Ordinance that they clearly planned to hit Hal with.

It was clear that they had sprung into the attack before they could have the good sense to realize that their fellow had been trapped and at this point, they no longer back out of the planned attack.

Right before their attacks converged though, Hal made use of his illusionary insight into Reality to switch places with the trapped Elder.

With a ripple of reality-warping red that also accompanied Hal negating the black hole that had been used to swallow his arm, the Elder was placed right in the spot to be struck down by a combined effort of his fellow Elders.


The explosion was spectacular and Elders Three to Five had widened eyes of shock that was to be expected.

Elder-one was thrown out of the explosion with such force that he smacked into the wall that surrounded the Arena which was many many meters away from where he had been struck...


Following the smack that damaged the wall with noticeable cracks that healed a few seconds later, Elder-One was back to his feet.

He wasn\'t injured physically and his clothes remained as immaculate as before... He didn\'t even feel weak... But he did feel the crack.

He felt his mental stability take a hit and as though to instill a dramatic twinge to the events, Hal\'s words from when he had explained the rules were replayed like a recording with the addition of a hearty chuckle even though Hal himself had said nothing.

Speaking of Hal...





He arrived in the midst of the three before they could recover from their shock of striking one of their own down before somehow delivering blows to all three of them simultaneously.

All there were smacked away and could already feel the damage to their mental health...

And then, a black hole appeared behind Hal out of which leaped the female Elder who had first spoken when they were all brought into the Sovereign space.

The Elder was in her sexy foxy form and it was quite a transformation to look at but Hal had his back turned to her which she thought might give her the advantage as she struck at him with her claws that were capable of contending with Transcendent/Saint Grade Artifacts.

Before her claws could hit though, Hal made to intercept her with Devil energy but the foxy Elder had planned for this and a black hole intercepted the piece of Devil energy to send into the void.

Ha charged out many more Devil energy and the Elder intercepted them all before causing her black holes to explode which caused an instant ripple in the stability in the space around herself and Hal.

The rippling instability was completely in her favor on account of her being the cause and even as Hal made to move, it seemed as though the space all around him was forcing him to be compact... Making him incapable of extending his limbs.

Hal chuckled... Either the Female Elder had not yet gotten the memo or she was just still stupid enough to try to contend his use of the Abstract Ordinance of space with the destabilizing effects of her Void Ordinance that was basically derived from the Abstract Ordinance.

The Elder charged attacks and she shot them all at Hal...

A simple ripple from Hal and the space around himself and the Elder was stabilized while every one of her charged attacks were diverted towards the three Hal had previously punched.




While those three were quickly forced to contend with attacks they had not been expecting to come after them but were more than able to knock aside into the walls of the Arena, Hal warped the space between himself and the Elder so that she came closer to him where he closed a hand around her neck.

Try as hard as she might have, the female Elder was incapable of pulling herself free from Hal\'s manipulation of space or physical strength.





With a grin, Hal sunk his knee into her midsection and punched her in the face multiple times before he grabbed her by the tail and flapped his giant Devil wings, and took her to the air where he spun her once by the tail before tossing her back to the ground.


The female Elder tried hard to make use of her strength and her Ordinance to escape the fate of getting smacked into the ground but just as her strength and Ordinance had failed her when she had tried to escape Hal\'s hold, they failed her once again.

She was not injured physically and would have returned to her feet immediately if not for the giant hammer of thick nightmarish and malevolent Devil energy that slammed her from above.


The hammer rose after hitting her before forming into a giant fist that hit her *BANG!* and further increased the depression of the crater she had already formed.

It took a long while and three more slams of the shapeshifting Devil energy before the female Elder was able to make use of her Ordinance to swallow the weapon so that it could be choked out in the unstable closed space.

Meanwhile, Hal was attacked the moment he had swung the female Elder back to the ground by the three remaining Elders who were all sporting use of impressive Ordinances and were satisfied to truly be at their very best and ready to combat the menace that was Hal.

Of the three, two were female and they seemed to particularly take offense with the treatment of the other female Elder at his hands.

The fact that they could hear and see her get slammed repeatedly by shapeshifting Devil energy did not make it any better.

They fought smart but there was only so much that they could do against Hal\'s combined use of Space and Reality.

Using the two Abstract Ordinances was overkill but Hal enjoyed getting a feel of what it was like to make use of an Ordinance and not just negate it.

He had no idea why Space and Reality were the two that just \'clicked\' for him and he was willing to focus on the sensation of both and did not attempt the remaining four.

Anyway, the moment the female Elder on the ground finally swallowed his shapeshifting Devil energy with her Ordinance, Hal used the Ordinance of space to form a crack into that closed space.

His trapped Devil energy stretched out of the crack and dragged hold of the male Elder before he could even think to move away...

The only male Elder floating in the air was taken into the unstable closed space where he would need to not only contend with the instability and deforming effects of the void but also with Devil energy that had borrowed sentience from Hal.

The crack sealed up immediately much to the shock of the two female Elders but they were still embroiled in combat against Hal and did not actually have time to worry about their fellow and his continuously cracking mental stability.

They were also on their guard to ensure that what had happened to their fellow would not happen to them.

Elder One and Two, the very first to engage Hal in combat were back to standing side-by-side and they looked up at Hal from below in preparation to join up with the two female Elders and take him down.

Hal raised a brow and smiled before he vanished only to reappear in front of both Elder One and Two before either of the two Female Elders in the air could blink.

Both Elder One and Two were taken by surprise by his sudden appearance but they quickly sprung to action which Hal allowed before warping reality so that they attacked each other rather than him.



Both knocked each other away and Hal went right after Elder-One because he was almost done... Just a single spectacular attack away from getting completely wrecked mentally.

A spectacular attack that Hal delivered in incinerating intensity...


The Seven other Elders still in the Arena all saw their fellow get smoked and the final nail on the coffin that sealed Hal tieing his mind to Infinity was evident by his immediate disappearance from the Sovereign space.

Almost at the same time, the Elder who had been dragged into the closed space finally reached his limit and was tied to Infinity as well.

Hal was on a roll and he did not take a break to even gloat... Rather he picked his next target which was the female Elder he had already slammed and bashed repeatedly with his shapeshifting Devil energy.

After a series of attacks all including the manipulation of space that none of the other Elders could interfere with, she joined her two fellow Elders in the ranks of Crimson Fox clan Elders tied to Hal\'s infinity...

Three down, six to go...

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