Rise of the Cosmic_Emperor

Chapter 577 - Horrific Monstrosity. Part 3

The blood-red glow increased in intensity and as Olivia stared at it, she could feel that Karmen\'s attempts had been successful and she could not help but feel envy and a wish to be in the same position.

A large spike of what looked to be a solidified liquid form of their ordinary fiendish fog attack stabbed out of the giant\'s abdomen.


The statue giant\'s head inclined downward at the protrusion and one of its hands stretched towards it when another spike stabbed out of the socket where its arm (the same one it had been directing towards the protrusion) joined the shoulders and dislodged it...


Olivia watched in awe at the newly stuck out protrusion and how it kept the arm from regenerating before more spikes emerged from different parts of the statue giant\'s body...


Its other arm...

*Skisch* *Skisch*

... Out of its sides...

And finally, finally, it came out directly upwards of the large mass of deep blood-red color that was predominantly at the center of the giant\'s abdomen which meant the spike stabbed right through the glowing power source that Olivia had seen earlier...


... And then protruded out of the top of the statue giant\'s head.

Olivia was busy staring at the progression of events when she heard an urgent voice in her head... Karmen\'s voice,

"Take cover!"

Olivia instinctively obeyed the voice and protected herself with Cosmic energy right before the spikes protruding out of the statue\'s body began to glow and then detonated...


... In what was a magnificent explosion that even an Early-stage Cosmic Pagoda realm expert was incapable of.

The blast disintegrated the statue giant completely...

Making sure that even if Karmen had missed the existence and even location of any more power sources, they would still be taken care of.

Ironically, her planned fiendish detonation was actually better aided by the volatile nature of Blue gems which could power explosions just as well as they could power constructs built to be capable of regeneration.

When the blast receded, Karmen was floating in mid-air with a significant and unmissable transformation.

Her eyes were a deep red color, sclera and all and long red lines, of about a quarter of an inch wide, stretched from underneath each of her eyes and down towards her chin.

There was a large blood-red horn protruding out of her forehead and curved upward so that it did not stick forward but instead stuck upwards. Pointing at the roof of the hall.

Red lines quite like the ones in her face (in terms of hue and thickness) stretched down from her shoulders and down to her completely red index finger.

Had she been naked, the lines would have been shown to go down from her shoulder to her back and eventually to her buttocks.

To top off her transformation, she had two demonic wings of fearful fiendish presence. The mere sight of which was as though straight out of a diabolical nightmare.

For the first time, the commander of the Blood knights took on a true fiendish demonic form.

And the form coupled with her dominant mid-air pose of holding the wicked-looking Fiendish Armament; Executioner could not be more perfect.

To take on this form, Karmen had undergone intense training with her fiendish bloodline. She had actually failed several times but each failure had her feeling like she was closer than ever.

Karmen, due to both her battle-loving personality as well as a fiendish mindset (not due to the bloodline Hal had given her but her very own nature) made her feel so sure that this sort of crazy stunt was the only true way to finally reap the results of her many trials and failures.

And it had worked!

Within the statue giant, getting crushed by its regenerating body that had no regard for any foreign presence within it, it finally clicked for her.

She felt herself delve deeper into the connection she had with Hal and the fact that he was the only reason she had the bloodline in the first place.

Giving herself up to him even more than before (which she thought to be pointless as she was sure there was nothing more to give) as she felt herself closer to him than before.

Karmen could feel overwhelming power flowing through her, overwhelming energy that desperately sought release... Seeking to be unleashed to the maximum...





"Ack" Harold groaned as he was smacked away by the metallic monstrosity... The battle between them having still been going on all through the climatic end of Olivia and Karmen\'s battle against the statue giant.

His mountain Cosmic skill had been quite impressive and held down the monster but had actually not even dented its large frame.

It was that durable.

Harold was definitely trying his best.

Due to their altercation, Harold had studied the monster to know quite a bit about it.

First, its suctioning was limited to a few seconds of activity and would take even longer to be available for use again, although the recovery time was still under thirty seconds.

If one was to let their guard down though, the suction was strong enough to be impossible to resist.

Second, its sturdy frame was its greatest strength that more than made up for causing it to have slower speed in movements and actions.

In fact, the fact that Harold had not been able to completely avoid the \'slow\' strike and was still slammed (although he avoided getting cut up) was a testament to how being slower was not that much of a drawback for the large monster.

Anyway, getting slammed and not cut would have been worthy of relief had it not been for the location Harold had landed upon getting hit.

He had been sent over to the region nullifying Cosmic energy. The region behind the monster which it had dashed over when moving closer to the trio upon its first appearance.

A region that looked to still be active despite the pit now closed up.

"Damn it!" Harold snarled at his inability to muster any bit of strength.

His exhaustion made even worse now that he had actually been in conflict before arriving at the region.

The monster showed no sign that it was aware of the statue giant\'s destruction of that there were two ladies (one of whom was flying) behind him and ready to offer Harold support in case he needed it.

Instead, it turned around and prepared to attack Harold, only to be stopped in place by a solidified fog that seemed to be shifting in state (gas to liquid to solid and back) over and over again.

The fog was of course from Karmen who used it to pull the monster back and away from the region, having no doubt that while it was surely powered by something cosmic energy-related (probably similar to the statue giant\'s power source) it would be able to act as usual in that region.

It begged the question, was it immune because its hard exterior protected its power source or because it was simply made to be immune.

Both questions were similar but also different and Karmen decided she could consider that later... After she had torn it apart and revealed its very protected secrets.

The monster wrenched itself free from the hold of her state-changing fog to open its mouth wide at her but before it could actually do anything, the Blood Knight commander created a large fist out of her state-changing fog and hit the monster with it.



The monster\'s impact against the hall wall was as ground-shaking as it had been before but it (the monster) quickly recovered to execute what it had previously attempted.

Even in the air, Karmen felt the suction force and it negated any attempt to escape with the speed of her flight.

Clearly, the monster was showing (with its actions since it wasn\'t actually capable of making decisions besides what it was built... Programmed... To do) her that being in the air did not automatically grant her advantages.

Even as she was sucked closer, having gotten the message that was being relayed by the monster\'s actions, Karmen chuckled to herself.

Thinking on the possibilities of escaping and not even engaging in conflict with the monster thanks to her flight despite her urge to battle after her transformation into the Fiendish Demonic form but she would come to rethink her thought very soon...

Karmen never really struggled against the suction and it made her arrive at its large teeth faster than Harold and before the monster\'s suctioning time could be used up...

... Before the teeth could close on her and cut her into two, however, she stretched her right index finger (which was blood-red in color), and a large spike formed at the tip of it and shot into the monster\'s gaping maw...

... Heading towards its throat (if it actually had one) to detonate...


The explosive blast forced the monster to move back more than a few steps where it stopped before getting to the region nullifying Cosmic energy and it also repelled Karmen but did not cause her any actual damage as she was its originator.

The monster\'s maw was smoking and Karmen could she had definitely done damage and was sure she could cause more.

she tightened her grip on Executioner, grinned a wicked and battle-hungry smile that was no doubt attractive despite being a tad-bit deranged...

... And charged the monster to swing her sword at its hard exterior...

... Curious to see if she could cut a gash in it....

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