Rise of the Cosmic_Emperor

Chapter 543 - I'm Not Cute.

"Let her in" The Empress said and barely a second later, the large study doors opened, and in walked Tanya who was smiling jovially at her mother who smiled in return.

"Mother, I was just about to turn in for the night but thought it would be rude not to bid you good night before I did so" Tanya said with a courtesy.

"You haven\'t bid me goodnight in centuries. Please don\'t insult me with those petty lies" the Empress replied despite her eyes having an affectionate twinge to them as she eyed her daughter who indeed dropped all pretense, 

"Very well, mother. I am here to be sure you are not invading my privacy through Hal. As I suspect it is your prime reason for calling him into your study" 

When her mother had asked to speak with Hal once the Exams were over Tanya could not very well say no. Jovial was her mother might be in closed quarters, disrespect was something she would not tolerate and one Tanya did not feel like showing.

Also, she did not go in immediately Hal was in the study and waited appropriately to give her the privacy she (the Empress) wanted for at least the amount of minutes that she (Tanya) felt was acceptable.

Or more accurately, she waited as long as she could make herself.

"Get out" the Empress said and Tanya found it so sudden that she widened her eyes, 


"I said get out. Had it not been for your unwillingness to open up to me I would not have to go through such roundabout means to know what you are up to.

Also, respecting your privacy is merely a courtesy I grant you just to improve the trust between us. It is in no way a right you have that stops me from gathering information about you when I feel like it." the Empress said.

"You mean spy on me" Tanya said in exasperation and the Empress shrugged, 

"If that is how you see it. Then sure. I will spy on you when I feel the need to" she said.

"Do you understand how wrong that sounds? It makes you seem incapable of letting me go, of letting me do my own thing and be my own woman" Tanya said with a light frown, 

"I do let you do your own thing. I don\'t interfere with your actions, do I? I simply want to know what they are" The Empress retorted.

Hal cleared his throat lightly, 

"Excuse me your majesty and your highness but I think this is a private conversation that an outsider like me should not be listening to." He said.

Tanya looked to her mother as tough to tell her that I see she should let Hal leave the study which would actually work to her benefit as it would stop any more questions.

That was of course in the case of an optimistic thought that Hal had not yet spilled his guts.

Hal noted the fact that Tanya did not permit him to leave. Clearly, only one person in the room could tell him to leave and she was the woman seated behind the desk.

"Fine, you can go. Clearly, I won\'t be able to get anything out of you today. That said, I hope to engage more with you once you are fully a student of the academy." She said.

Hal stood up, not really liking how ominous she made that sound.

He was on his way to the door when Tanya reinitiated the ongoing argument of sorts, 

"Why can\'t you just be proud of me? If I rule the Continent, it\'s an honor to you. Or would you rather the insufferable Creten become Emperor instead?" She asked.

"I AM proud of you. While I will be honored to see you on the throne, I would rather it not become your singular purpose for living. Also, don\'t insult your brother. He\'s a talented young man" The Empress replied.

That made Tanya irate and her voice raised a tiny bit,

"No, he\'s not. He\'s the absolute worst"

The Empress paused and for a second Hal did as well before he continued walking just as she said, 

"I\'m really glad we\'re talking. This hasn\'t happened in a while" The Empress said with honesty and what Hal could tell was a smile from her tone.

Tanya sighed, 

"I\'m glad we\'re talking too. I would have just preferred it was not an argument" she said.

"Oh, this is not an argument. It\'s banter." The Empress said with a delightful chuckle,

That was the last Hal heard of their conversation before he was out of the study completely and was joined by the guards that had guided him here and were clearly guiding him out.

He had no objections as they led him to the carriage that had brought him here and had it take him out of the Imperial palace grounds and back to his hotel.

When Hal entered the carriage though, he was more than a little surprised to find Elsa in the carriage as well, 

"How did you get in here?" He asked. He believed the carriage, especially one in front of the Empress\' residence would be guarded.

Elsa smiled, 

"Well, that doesn\'t sound like you\'re happy to see me" she said.

Hal shrugged, 

"Okay then. Elsa, it\'s so nice to see you here, how did you get in here?" He rephrased.

She raised her hand just as the carriage began to move and the tip of her fingers glowed pink, 

"I was charming." She said in the form of an explanation.

She had actually not used the skill, it was just that she was familiar with the guards due to the many times she had frequented the Empress\' residence whenever she was in the Imperial City.

"Ah I see" Hal said just as she placed the glowing fingers on his cheek.

Hal felt the sensation he was guessing the touch was supposed to make him feel.

He felt good.

Definitely aroused.

"Is this perhaps a skill of the Evgeny family of the Doxon Duchy?" Hal asked.

"It sure is. But I guess spell would be the more appropriate lingo" Elsa said as the glow intensified, 

"Is it supposed to numb my thinking and make me putty in your hands?" He asked.

Elsa rolled her eyes, 

"If you can still ask me that with a clearly lucid tone then it\'s not working as it should."  She said, in early cursing his resistance to her charming spells.

"Oh, but it worked. Can\'t you see the lust in my eyes? Or better still, can\'t you feel this...?" Hal asked before he took her hand and placed it on his hardening organ.

"Hmm" Elsa moaned at the feel of it right before Hal captured her lips in an ardent kiss that had her inner thighs moistening at a speedy rate.

When they separated, with Elsa\'s lips still puckered, Hal chuckled, 

"You look so cute"

Obviously referring to her speechlessness from getting kissed by him.

Made all the more comical due to her superior cultivation and her implied experience in such acts.

That seemed to shake her out of her trance, 

"I\'m not cute. Call me hot, call me sexy, but don\'t call me cute" she said with a pout that did nothing to help her case.

Hal shrugged, 

"I\'m sorry but that is all I see. Don\'t worry though... I like cute" he said just as Elsa unbuckled his breeches and pulled his cock out of them with what was clearly supposed to be an annoyed expression, 

"I\'ll show you \'cute\'" 

She said before lowering her head to attempt the most intense fellatio she had ever given to date....

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