Rise of the Cosmic_Emperor

Chapter 496 - Silly Philosophies.

Once Hal had stopped his intrusion of her memories, Makena stood up from the sofa and turned around to glare at him.

She hated it.

She hated this situation and her inability to stop him from doing... Well, exactly what he just did to her.

She hated that she could not hurt him.

Could not bring herself to leave.

She hated... Him.

Hal who could feel her sentiments clearly through their connection smiled, 

"This is new territory for me too"

Makena snorted, 

"Oh really?" She asked.

Hal walked out from behind the sofa and towards her, 

"Yes, really. I have been connecting women to myself over the past year and showing them the true meanings and delights of life. But this is the first time I will ever be able to connect myself to a Saint. I have to say, it feels quite... Invigorating" 

Hal said with relish evident in his face.

Makena frowned, 

"So... What, I\'m your trophy? Proof of your... Prowess?" She asked.

Hal furrowed his brows before he relaxed them and said, 

"Prowess? No, it wasn\'t my \'prowess\' that made this possible. I\'m only a Cosmic phenomenon realm cultivator and while my prowess indeed surpasses those of my peers, it is impossible to use it to secure a connection with a Saint as I have done today.

Had it not been for the special circumstances that surround your sect, I would not have ever thought of doing this.

You made it easy for me. You had connected yourself, your very bloodline with the crystal ball that taking control of the connection and reverting it to myself was all I needed to do"

As he spoke, Hal gestured towards the crystal ball which had been placed on a small stool in the lounge.

"My family... My sect has been bound to the source for hundreds of thousands of years and it has never once been a detriment. You are not exactly a norm, Hal Doxon and I\'d appreciate it if you don\'t accuse us of putting ourselves under you" Makena said and walked towards Hal until they were only inches apart.

"You took the very center of our sect. Our very identity and you desecrated it. That\'s what you did"

Had the sect head been releasing the pressure of her cultivation as a Cosmic saint, it would have more than made up for the few inches she came short of Hal\'s height.

The Blue-eyed Devil looked down into her eyes and smiled, 

"Guilty" he said before he would an arm about Makena\'s slim waist and pulled her flush against his body.

The Silver moon sect head\'s eyes were widened in surprise which Hal found comical since she should have been expecting this to happen.

But then again, it was possible Makena felt their differing cultivation realms would stop Hal from making such a bold move.

Hal leaned downwards and took her lips in a hard and fervent kiss and for a second, Makena stiffened, then she threw her arms around his neck and pulled him even closer to herself, making the kiss, if possible, even more passionate.

In her mind, Makena wondered why she could not stop. 

Why she craved this?

Why there seemed to be electric current coursing through her body and causing her muscles to spasm and react involuntarily?

While she might have only ever had one partner, she had engaged in intercourse numerous times and had never for one moment felt this way.

Hal reveled in the feel of her lips on his but when they separated, there was a noticeable change in Makena\'s eyes.

It was clear that Hal had had an effect on her but it was not simple enticement and ensnarement that was seen in Makena\'s eyes... It was hunger.

Hal liked it.

And his smile showed it.

The silver moon sect head raised a brow and then chuckled, 

"Don\'t think for one moment that you\'ll be the one holding the reins." She said and the vibration of her Ordinance reverberated about the room once again and suddenly, they were no longer in the lounge.

They were in a large room which contained a large, comfortable bed that looked made for sex.

Makena grinned as she passed her palm against Hal\'s chest and sent him backward onto the bed.

There was a feral look in her eyes that almost had Hal thinking he might have unleashed something inside this Cosmic saint that even he in all his perverted glory could not hope to tame but he quickly shook any such thoughts out of his head.

Instead, he met Makena\'s feral expressions with a smile as the sect head took off the outer robe of her voluminous garments before she leaned over him, grabbed the front of his clothes, and tore it open.

Then she began to run her hands all over his well-muscled chest before she smiled up at his face and said, 

"Well done lighting the match but I\'ll be the one fucking you. Not the other way around."

Hal chuckled, 

"So the lady can cuss, I am highly impressed. So, YOU will be fucking ME? Well, we\'ll just have to see about that, won\'t we?" Hal said as the sect head leaned down and began running her tongue all over his chest.

Every lick had her shuddering with pleasure but before it could overwhelm her, Makena raised her head to smirk at him, 

"You doubt me? *snort* you see intercourse as a need. I see it as a want. I am above it. I can surpass it. I can command... No, I COMMAND pleasure and will never let it rule my mind. I have never let it cloud my judgment and I am not about to start now" she said before resuming her licks and making her way slowly downwards towards Hal\'s crotch.

Hal rolled his eyes as he said, 

"Oh, I see, this is about Dhruv"

Once again, Makena paused, 

"Is it common for you to speak of other men while a woman is pleasuring you?" She asked.

Hal ignored her and continued, 

"You loved him or at least you think you did. And yet you turned your back on him. Isn\'t that right Makena? You chose your sect\'s superiority over the father of your children.

I mean he was certainly a dick but still... That\'s pretty cold"

"So what, you\'re trying to make me feel guilty? Make me see the error of my ways?" Makena asked and Hal raised a brow, 

"Me? Make you feel guilty? Of course not. Who cares that you turned your back on some stupid man? I\'d rather see him burn than sympathize with him." He said.

"Then why speak of him?"

"Because the residual feelings you have for him, are affecting your decisions. Making you come up with silly philosophies like \'sex is a want and not a need\'. But not to worry dear, that notion will be changed. By the time we are done, there will be no doubts left within you"

Makena said nothing and instead began unbuckling Hal\'s pants which she then proceeded to pull off him and reveal his flaccid member with immense girth.

The silver moon sect head grabbed the flaccid member in her fist and began a slow stroke of it. 

"You talk big. But it changes nothing. I am the one who will be fucking you, not the other way around." She said.

"Don\'t be so sure" Hal said and his eyes turned nightmarish black as he took on the Mid-World Devil form.

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