Rise of the Cosmic_Emperor

Chapter 485 - A Looming Darkness.

While Hal was getting familiar with Leona, the head of the Silver moon sect inside her shrine of an inner room.

The room was inside the grandest building in the Silver moon sect territory and was quite central to the structure as a whole.

The Sect head was dressed in a flowing white robe that covered up the silver inner of similar material as Leona\'s robes.

While her hair was let down, there was some of it held at the top of her head with a silver hairpin, the handle end of which was clearly meant to be a silver moon.

It could not be any more clear that she was the head of the sect.

She knelt before what looked like an altar with her eyes closed as she took deep breaths to clear her mind and most likely aid her in divining.

While she did this, the door to the shrine room opened, and in walked a lady in a robe that was identical to Leona\'s. In fact, the lady\'s face noted a resemblance to Leona\'s, and her hair was held in a bun at the top of her head with a hairpin similar to that of the Sect head.

The only notable difference was its smaller size which also served to make it look less grand and more like an accessory.

"You are developing quite the habit of interrupting me when it\'s clear that I\'m busy" the Sect he\'d said with her eyes still closed.

"You\'re not busy. You\'re thinking" the new arrival said.

The sect head took a deep breath, 

"When I\'m thinking, I\'m busy" she said.

"Since when?" The new arrival asked.

"Since you\'ve shown you don\'t have enough aptitude to relieve enough of my burden for me not to be worried" the Sect he\'d said.

The new arrival rolled her eyes.

"I saw that" the Sect head said but the new arrival only rolled her eyes once again.

This time, the sect head sighed and opened her eyes to reveal silver orbs to match those of the new arrival and Leona\'s. 

Then she shook her head.

"Inevitable" she said in a low voice.

The new arrival was suddenly kneeling at her side and there was an understanding in her eyes after the statements were made, 

"Next step will be to tell the Emperor right?" She asked.

The sect head snorted, 

"Tell him what? That a darkness will envelop the whole of the Haron continent and for some reason, not only am I, the chief Diviner of the Empire unable to see its source, I can also not see a way that it does not happen?" She turned to look at the lady who shared her Silver eyes, 

"What good would that do, Corrina?" She asked.

Corrina took a deep breath, 

"It could give him time to prepare. To prepare a countermeasure" she said.

The sect head shook her head.

This revelation had come to her two months ago when she was meditating before the Altar.

A month or so before that she actually fell into a trance where she had seen a glimpse of a seed that while she could not see clearly, she could feel it giving off nefarious energies before it was buried inside the ground.

Unfortunately, on which ground exactly, she had no idea.

The only thing she was sure abort with regards to the location was that it was somewhere on the Haron continent.

Anyways, the revelation two months ago saw the darkness spreading and she decided to look at the future of its spread and hopefully track where it had originated from but she was unable to divine anything.

So she instead divined the future of the Haron continent.

The results were far from promising.

First, for some reason, she could not see exactly at which time in the future this was going to happen, and second, no matter how she looked, one thing was always constant which was that at some point, the whole of the Haron continent would be enveloped in darkness.

While she could not see the origination of the darkness, one thing remained clear no matter how much she divined and it was that there was no way to stop the darkness.

It was inevitable.

To the sect head, the darkness meant a terrible future for the Haron continent. A future that could not be avoided and it made sense to her.

After all, over the hundreds of thousands of years, the Harons had ruled the continent, plots had begun to usurp their rule. She felt this vision was just a manifestation of the eventual blowout of all those plots.

She felt this vision was just showing the inevitable civil war the Haron continent was bound to go on as opposed to it being the work of a certain Devil planting his Devil seed in a small inconsequential city whose influence was already permeating the Barony it was situated in.

Even with her means, the Sect head could not possibly divine the whole of the Haron continent. She could not unravel all the plots.

She was not all-seeing and her foreseeing was usually more focused on dangers to the sect and eventual dangers to the Empire which she could warn the Emperor about beforehand.

But she was well aware that a lot of the plots were from the Emperor\'s own family. The Imperial family was already divided into factions that were going all out to rule the continent.

"There\'s no countermeasure for this, Corrina." The sect head said and then sighed, 

"But Darkness always passes. Hopefully, when it does pass, the Empire will not be left in ruins."

Corrina was quiet to this not just because she saw sense in her mother\'s words, but also because there was something else she had come in here for and now wondered how to broach the topic.

Eventually, she took a deep breath and when she spoke, she opted for a more familiar moniker,

"Mother..." She said and the sect head whose eyes had been turned away swiveled her head to look into her daughter\'s face, 

"Yes, child" she said with a slight smile as her silver-eyed took an all-knowing expression that said she knew what Corrina wished to speak about already.

"How much longer?" Corrina asked and there was such a change to the sect head\'s expression that it was clear that they were no longer talking about the impending enveloping darkness looming over the Haron continent.

This was a different matter.

A more personal matter to the mother and daughter.

The sect head took a deep breath, 

"It\'s getting clearer. It won\'t be too long now" she said and then closed her eyes and assumed the same expression she had had before Corrina\'s arrival.

However, Corrina did not leave, instead, she closed her eyes and assumed a similar expression.


Meanwhile, while the mother and daughter meditated before the altar, Leona was no longer just leaning against Hal\'s chest as the blue-eyed devil pulled her closer and wound an arm around her slim waist.

His wrist which Leona had grabbed and had been the first part of this inevitable sink into pleasure, had now been released as the Silver moon sect disciple now had her two arms around Hal.

Using it to pull him closer to herself and breathe in his scent even more.

In all honesty, Hal\'s arm around her waist was not an act to pull her closer to himself but to help her remain upright.

If they were still in this position, it was all thanks to her impressive hold on him.

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