Rise of the Cosmic_Emperor

Chapter 483 - The One To Seduce.

While this man\'s words meant the princess had neglected to mention certain things to him, such as the fact that this was the busiest location in the Haron continent or the fact that there was a waiting list, Hal still felt the reason she had not made mention of it was that she expected had her seal to get him in, no problem.

It was either this or she had not known of the situation in the Dreg Duchy capital but that was impossible given the research she must have done as well as the fact, that he was almost certainly sure she had been to all the Duchys on the Haron continent. Being an active member of the Imperial family as she was.

After all, she could not possibly sit in the palace and expect assistance to simply come to her. Occasionally she needed to step out and get that assistance by herself and for herself.

Anyway, since it was impossible she had not known, then she must have indeed thought her seal would be enough which Hal felt was... Stupid.

Those here for a consultation were from all over the continent and have taken any and all measures to aid them to get ahead of others. Some had even managed to procure Imperial seals.

Usually by using any form of relationship they had with the Imperial family no matter how distant.

So Tanya giving Hal her Imperial seal did not really do him much good when there were others of considerable numbers with Imperial seals to aid them as well.

Of course, he was not just tagging her with such an adjective since it was clear from the get-go that she could not help him to go that far. This mission was thoroughly dependent on how he decided to handle it himself. 

This use of various seals or any advantages to get ahead of others on the long waiting list only applied to visitors. In other words, it only applied to those who were not actually from the Dreg Duchy.

If an ordinary denizen of Dreg Duchy was higher than a visitor on the list, it would not matter what seal the visitor possesses, as long as they are not the Emperor or any other high-ranking member of the Imperial family themselves, the Denizen would always take precedence.

It was one of the many reasons the Dreg Duchy always sing the radishes of the Silver moon sect. They were always looking after their people.

Anyway, Hal approached the Silver moon sect and there was no physical line to be seen in front of the premises.

The way the waiting list worked was to leave a contact info (Communication Talisman) with which someone would be contacted when it was nearing their turn to get a consultation.

As for those who did not have Communication Talismans because they could not afford them, they were given possible dates and would have to settle for coming to the Sect on those days and waiting in the waiting room for their turn.

"What\'s your name?" Asked the guard by the gate with a frown.

He looked Hal from head to toe and back again and his frown only grew deeper.

Not because Hal\'s clothes were poor as they were actually average and good enough to not deserve scorn, the guard frowned because he did not like the blue-eyed young man with a perfect face not from the Duchy and would \'definitely\' be full of himself.

Luckily, he was far from being the only guard at the entrance and one of the others cautioned, 

"No need to be so hostile" said the second guard to the first before he then addressed Hal, 

"But you really have to tell us your name"

Hal smiled lightly, 

"My name is Hal and as it should be obvious, I am here for a consultation"

The first guard rolled his eyes, 

"You are clearly here to gawk at the ladies of the great Silver moon sect all in the pretense of a consultation" he scoffed.

The second guard sighed,

"Don\'t make such assumptions. Not everyone is of a perverted mind" he said but Hal\'s next words caused the guard\'s jaws to drop, 

"Actually, he\'s right." Hal said.

"I am?" The first guard asked with narrowed eyes. He was of the opinion that Hal was mocking him and in part, he was right.

Hal nodded, 

"Absolutely. I came here to gawk at the beautiful ladies of the Silver moon sect. Back at my Duchy, I heard tales but I refuse to believe that they were not just exaggerated rantings of horny men. I came here to see it for myself.

I came here to admire their beauty with my own eyes and from what I have heard, such wishes do not automatically disqualify me from a \'consultation\'" He said and let that sink into the minds of the guards before he brought out Tanya\'s imperial seal, 

"I have this seal to aid me and should bump me a tad bit higher on the waiting list" he said with a natural smile as though his confessions were nothing to be ashamed about or kept locked up in a perverted mind and never to be said out loud.

Then a new voice sounded. One that was undoubtedly female, 

"Is that so?" The voice and Hal looked to the side to see a Lady in a silver gown of such incredible material, it seemed ethereal.

It seemed to shimmer and move. While always remaining opaque, it seemed to be shifting in states, going from solid to liquid and then gaseous and back to solid.

Of course, this was just a trick and Hal knew that should he get closer to her, the effects would lessen and he would better see the gown for what it was.

Then there was the lady herself, with her silver eyes to match the color of her gown as well as her beautiful black hair. She was beautiful. Very much so.

She looked to be Hal\'s age -nineteen going on twenty- but he knew she was much older. 

Probably more in Melinda\'s age range.

Her breasts were moderate. Not too big but definitely not too small. Hal could not help but think of how perfectly they would fit in his hands. 

She was facing him so he did not have a clear view of her ass, but her nice hips told him they were quite promising.

Since he was sure she had not been outside before now, Hal felt the lady must have come from inside the Silver moon sect, but exactly when she had come out, he had no idea even though he was right in front of the gate.

"Did you have a good enough look?" The lady asked with a sneer as the guards were quick to bow.

Hal who knew that despite taking a long look, he had kept his expression quite composed smiled lightly at her,


The guards gasped and the lady frowned at what she thought was a disrespectful response to a question that was clearly meant to be rhetorical but then Hal added, 

"And by \'Yes\', I am obviously referring to your first question in which you asked \'Is that so?\' My answer is yes, it is so. I indeed have a seal that should get me a consultation much faster" 

The lady composed herself and reached out for the seal and Hal gave it to her.

She inspected it and then looked up at Hal, 

"What\'s your name again?" She asked.

"Hal" Hal told her and then she said, 

"No last name to speak of? How exactly do you have an Imperial seal?"

  Hal shrugged, 

"A member of the imperial family gave it to me. So how ahead will it get me on the waiting list?" He asked.

After speaking to the man he had met outside of the Teleportation Circle building, Hal had researched the Silver moon sect by questioning denizens who were more than happy to speak of the pride of their Duchy.

So he knew before coming here that it was not the guards who handled the waiting list but members of the Silver moon sect and once this lady came out to meet him, he knew she must be the one...

The one he had to seduce to get himself so high up the waiting list that he might actually get to present his reasons for coming to the Silver moon sect before the day was over....

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