Rise of the Cosmic_Emperor

Chapter 399 - A Speedy Intervention.

Delaney actually flushed at Hal\'s words while Vihaan stomped to his feet immediately with his face red with anger.

He glowered at Hal who did not act as though he even noticed his reactions. Even Delaney did not seem to notice as she remained captivated by Hal.

"Bastard!" Vihaan snarled at Hal.

That seemed to finally shake Delaney into awareness and she looked over to her partner and rolled her eyes, 

"Will you sit down?" She said to him.

Vihaan gulped and for a second, he seemed about to take his seat again which clearly showed the power dynamic of their partnership but then his anger towards Hal as well as the smug smile on his face jarred him to showcase his anger, 

"What the hell do you think you are doing?" He asked.

Hal merely eyed him.

The fact that Vihaan was at the Late stage of the Cosmic Phenomenon realm was hardly what he considered worrying. 

"Talking to a beautiful young lady" he said in a frank tone of voice.

"Well, that young lady is with me. The least you could do was acknowledge my presence and not mock me" he said and clenched his fist.

Hal cast a mocking look at that fist and then looked back at Vihaan\'s red face, 

"Oh, I see. Well, I\'m not a stickler for social norms. If I feel like insulting you, I will.

Besides, none of all I have just said was anything but frank and truthful words meant to voice what I was thinking in my mind. If you don\'t like it, then you can go fuck yourself"

There was a collective "Ooooooooo" from those in the restaurant as many marveled at the guts of this young man.

"Why you..." Vihaan snarled and punched towards Hal who was quite ready to block and counter but just then someone was suddenly in between the two and smacking Vihaan with a back palm that launched him into the restaurant wall...



... Cracking it.

Vihaan groaned in pain as he tasted sweetness in his mouth before he looked up at the one who had intervened.

She was a mature-looking lady with grey eyes and a sexy figure that was further accentuated by her provocative outfit.

A veil covered the lower part of her face but how could Hal not recognize his woman, the Masked Lady, Emily.

Emily was completely focused on Vihaan.

And If her one-handed smack that sent him to the wall had not been enough, then her sudden arrival which no one had been able to track with their eyes was total proof that this was not an expert he could hope to contend with.

Meanwhile, Delaney\'s eyes widened as she looked at the sudden arrival and felt an immense familiarity that she was sure was because of those grey eyes.

"You don\'t touch him" Emily said menacingly as her eyes flashed.

By now Rita and Karmen were already standing by Hal\'s sides and glaring at Vihaan as well while Hal sighed with a shake of his head at how Emily had taken away from him the satisfaction of punching Vihaan in the face.

\'Oh well, some other time I guess\' he thought.

\'You plan to meet him again?\' Grimoire asked.

Hal rolled his eyes mentally, 

\'The guy is a disciple of the Sensual palace and has a beautiful partner I will not mind sleeping with... I think it\'s safe to assume we will meet again and I will get another chance to punch him. Not necessarily in the face\'

Vihaan however wiped the thin trail of blood from the corner of his lips before he looked up and past Emily to Hal, 

"Are you really going to keep hiding behind ladies? Why not face me yourself?" He yelled at Hal as he stood shakily to his feet.

Hal shrugged, 

"I don\'t want to. Besides, if I did fight you, I would probably kill you." He said and patted Emily\'s arm affectionately. 

She got the message and with one last glower at Vihaan, she tossed a small pouch towards the waiter, 

"That\'s for the food as well as the damages" she said before leading the way out of the Restaurant. Rita and Karmen followed and on his way out, Hal stopped by Delaney and once again kissed her hand, this time to say goodbye and give her a mild taste of {Erogenous touch}, 

"Until we meet again" he said with a smile and the lady blushed not just from his words and actions but also from the pleasurable feeling on the back of her palm where he had kissed.

And just like that, the drama was over and many went back to their meal while discussing the mild altercation. The part that truly stole the show was the speedy intervention of the beautiful lady who had smacked away a Sensual palace disciple.

Vihaan walked over grabbing his midsection and then made his way towards the exit. Then he realized Delaney was not following him, 

"Come on" he said.

She raised her brow, 

"Come on what?"

Vihaan did not seem to understand why she could not pick up on the message he was passing with his eyes, 

"You can\'t seriously still be thinking of eating after all that has happened, can you?"

"Why not? I\'m not the one who was smacked into a wall now, am I?" Delaney said and signaled the waiter who hurried over with their ordered drinks.

She took a sip and then said, 

"You can leave if you want of course but you have to leave the money to pay fur all this. After all, I paid last time and will not let you weasel out of your turn just because of a booboo"

Her cold expression was back.

Vihaan looked to be in complete disbelief before he took his seat and endured the shame he was feeling from the looks he was getting from those in the restaurant.

Meanwhile, outside the restaurant was the Carriage Emily had come here with which was being steered by someone who was designated to be with her at all times. 

It was supposed to make her life easier but Emily was sure her father just wanted to keep an eye on her so she would not run away again. While she accepted that it was out of love, it did not mean Emily liked it.

Anyway, Hal had only just taken a seat that arms were already around his neck and pulling him into an Ardent kiss.

Amelia pressed herself against him as everyone was finally in the carriage and it began moving towards a fairly remote location Emily had told the driver to take them to.

Once they were there, the designated driver came down from the carriage and moved away to give them privacy while still close enough to keep an eye on the carriage.

That was fine of course since this reunion was bound to actually happen in the Harem space.

Eventually, Amelia separated from Hal and Emily ripped off her veil and kissed him as hard as she could and when she separated from his lips, she snuggled into his chest,

"It\'s just like you to get into trouble in a restaurant" she said.

"He got into trouble?" Amelia asked with her eyes slightly widened, 

"Yes, he did" Emily nodded while Hal patted her hair, 

"Oh come on. Is that idiot really what you two want to be discussing right now?"

Amelia shook her head with a smile,


Emily chuckled, 

"I don\'t think we want to discuss anything at all..."

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