Rise of the Cosmic_Emperor

Chapter 354 - Moment Of Sentimentality.

Now it was Hal\'s turn to roll his eyes,

"Who said you were not the Devil?" He said with a huff.

"You just can\'t resist bragging, can you?" He asked her.

Once again, Nihasa said nothing in reply to Hal\'s mildly disparaging words, or more accurately, she said nothing against him for his words and instead took it in stride while shrugging and making another comment into how she was a show-woman at heart.

"So... How did it feel?" Hal asked after a brief moment of silence.

"How did what feel?" 

"How did it feel to destroy your son\'s body?" Hal clarified his inquisitive question.

Nihasa made an \'O\' Shape with her mouth, 

"Not too bad to be honest. Like I said it was painless and hence not actually strenuous. Once your body was destroyed, I sealed my imprint and my generals inside you and created a new body for you.

A mortal body that could not channel Devil energy.

Now... this was very important because you see, my Bloodline is so powerful that it would not have mattered if you were in a world devoid of Cosmic energy or not, you would have still felt its effects.

Only your body lacking the ability to channel bloodline energy could really make you just like a mortal." Nihasa paused to observe Hal\'s expression and she noted that he still looked a tad bit confused.

"You still don\'t understand the plan?" She asked with an incredulous tone.

For an answer, Hal frowned at her and she giggled, 

"I would think, smart as you are, you would have figured out the ruse by now"  she said.

"Well, you thought wrong" Hal said.

Nihasa sighed and shook her head, 

"The answer is right in front of you..." She said and spread her hands theatrically, "...it\'s me. I am the plan"


"After destroying your body and making you a mortal one that could not possibly channel bloodline energy, you became impossible to track. Think of it as me pseudo sealing your abilities and potential.

No one, not even a Primeval god can find you no matter how hard they try. That includes me... Or more accurately, that includes the real me as I am no more than an imprint left in your Bloodline.

I, as a mere imprint, am the plan.

With me here and in obvious close proximity with your person, my true self will be able to keep track of your whereabouts. 

While no one knows where you are and you are safe from those who might mean you harm, I, the Primeval Devil Queen knows where you are.

I retain my connection to you.

I control the possibility of solving the Abstract puzzle."

For a few seconds, after she was done speaking, Hal was genuinely speechless, and then...

"Heh Heh" 

... He chuckled.

The sound, while causing a narrowing of her eyes, did not really cause much of a change in the imprint\'s expression.

"What\'s funny?" She asked with her incredible smile still present.

Hal shrugged, 

"It\'s just uncanny how accurately I predicted your actions were not out of concern as a mother but as an opportunist who wants it all.

You know, on earth, by which I mean the mortal world I was sent to, there is a popular opinion that the Devil is male while some believe the Devil does not really have a gender... This... This makes more sense to me.

I will admit though that I expected that, despite being THE Devil, you would showcase some sentimentality." He said.

Nihasa giggled, 

"Do my words hurt you?"

Hal shook his head, 

"Not at all. Actually, you not acting all motherly is far more comfortable. It strangely makes me feel... warm." Hal said with a smile.

Nihasa actually stopped smiling as widely as before, 

"That\'s a shame then. \'Cause I was just about to show you that I am not without sentiments so as to boost your spirits. I fear that to tell you that now will have the opposite effect" she said.

"Oh? What is it?" Hal asked with his smile still present.

Nihasa sighed, 

"Your being sent to the mortal realm was accompanied with a reincarnation ring. It ensures that whenever you died in the mortal world, you would remain safe and another body will be respawned for you.

It was always the same. 

As you were literally created from scratch, you never have parents and live as an orphan. However, my good favor will always follow you and you would always be sponsored by those you can refer to as my agents in the mortal realm.

They would supply you with wealth that would allow you to live comfortably all your mortal life until you die and the process gets repeated"

At the end of her words, Nihasa was smiling again.

Hal\'s eyes were as wide as saucers, 

"Reincarnation ring? Does that mean...?" He began but Nihasa interrupted,

"That you\'ve died multiple times. Yes. You\'ve died hundreds of times" she affirmed.

Hal\'s shock was immense and it remained clear on his face all through Nihasa\'s explanation, 

"The memories of those lives are wiped from your head as they are of no importance.

They are more of a way to keep your soul busy until I was ready to bring you back to my side and also keep those who were still aiming to guess your location... guessing.

Not to mention that the pain would have been unnecessary."

"Did I...?" Hal was not sure how to phrase his question but Nihasa knew exactly what it was he wished to ask, 

"Did you have a family? No, you did not. That was one of the traits that were predominant in you all through your many lives. You never wished to settle down. 

You always had \'commitment issues\'."

Hal looked her in the eye, 

"It was your doing, wasn\'t it?" He asked.

"Of course it was. I couldn\'t have you forming ties and relationships in lives that were never meant to last. Lives that were mere mirages. The life you remember in the mortal realm, why do you think you never became a father as active as you are sexually.

Do you really believe it was because you were being careful?

Well if you thought so, then you are wrong. It\'s all because of the reincarnation ring.

It makes it impossible for you to form actual, lasting, and meaningful relationships."

Hal frowned, 

"The reincarnation ring. Is it still in me?" He asked.

Nihasa sighed, 

"No, it\'s not. Upon this last reincarnation, which is already weird as it was not into the mortal realm, the reincarnation ring no longer resides within you. 

Should you die now, it could very well be the end for you. 

It annoys me because your being in the Cosmic realm without my involvement means there\'s is now someone or something else involved."

"So, I\'m guessing your moment of sentimentality was the agents who were always available to make me live comfortably and borderline wealthy all my life.

In the life I remember, it was a lawyer." Hal said.

"What makes you guess so?" Nihasa asked with a smile.

"Well, the reincarnation ring to keep me living as a mortal is to keep me safe and away until you are ready to make use of me. It\'s still selfish.

Making me forget the past lives is just so I remain clueless which still translates to you being selfish.

The only thing not really necessary and looks to have been done entirely for my sake is to live semi-wealthy life in the mortal realm."

Nihasa nodded, 

"Yes, I admit, it hurt me to think my son, a Devil prince will be made to suffer in the mortal realm just for my schemes.

However, I wouldn\'t be so sure it was just for your own benefit. After all... I still have a reputation to uphold."

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