Rise of the Cosmic_Emperor

Chapter 343 - Having Relations.

The first thought that came to Hal\'s mind after Isabella\'s statement was,

\'What\'s the catch?\'

When he looked sideways at Melinda and saw she was already looking over at him with an identical expression on her face, he knew she was thinking the same thing.

Neither of the two felt the patroness could reply change her mind on the matter so quickly and yet for all intents and purposes, Isabella seemed to mean exactly what she had said.

The first to speak was Hugh who looked over at Hal which an expression that showed he really did not quite care for his cousin\'s fiance. To even think the word was quite annoying,

"What about the other suitors?" He asked with an incredulous expression.

Isabella sighed,

"There was never any" she said and that caused them all to look over at Isabella while some of them finally understood why they had not detected a buzz among those she supposedly contacted.

"I was not about to go picking out suitors for Melinda when she was not even back in the family yet. It would have been over-eager on my part and quite unfair to her. At least that\'s how I saw it.

Yes, I did consider it and for that reason, rumor spread but I never actually took the step."

Damien frowned,

"You said you did" he said and there was an undertone to his voice that showed that this went further than his mother keeping something from him.

Isabella shrugged,

"I lied" she said.

"She seems to be doing that a lot these days" Melinda said under her breath and as all those present were cultivating experts, they all heard her.

Isabella looked over at her with a smile,

"It is an essential skill to have. Especially when your sons decide to overturn your decision and your say in the matter to banish your granddaughter."

"That\'s why you lied? Because of what happened five years ago? I am Patriarch!" this time, the angry undertone in Damien\'s voice was clear.

While it would look to any observer that Damien was overreacting, it was a little understandable as this meant he did not really have total control over his family as Patriarch.

He was not under the notion that he could actually tell his mother what to do but felt whatever her plans were, she should have at the very least clued him in on it.

He looked over to his brother who thus far remained silent and was merely looking off into the distance.

Damien\'s words did not seem to have the slightest impact on Isabella who eyed him,

"I am well aware of what you are and it does not influence my decisions. Besides, you can\'t blame me if you all fell for the rumors just because I went along with how exaggerated they had become.

Besides, I did plan to send out the invitations and hold screenings as well but changed my mind. For reasons I see no point in disclosing, I no longer object to the relationship between the two.

All that is left is for Devon to give his thoughts on the matter and we can set a date."

Melinda looked over at her father and then back to her grandmother.

"You can see it too can\'t you?" Hal told her quietly while he cast a noise-canceling rune as best he could without garnering the attention of those present.

Melinda nodded,

"It\'s like they are planning something."

Devon sighed and looked over at Hal with an insecure expression which Hal could not understand but knew it could not mean something good for him.

"Brother, you are not really going to be okay with this, are you?" Damien asked.

He knew his brother better than anyone and was sure he would not be pleased in the slightest at not being a major part of his daughter making her choice for a life partner.

It was why Devon did not like Hal.

On paper, there was nothing wrong with Hal.

In looks, he could be said to be perfect and so far, he had shown talent and promise. Other than not having a notable last name, any father would be happy to have him as a son-in-law.

However, Melinda had chosen him in his absence.

He was no fool and just like he was sure his mother must know as well, he was sure Hal and Melinda already had relations. While that did not stop them from marrying her off to someone else, it did not change the fact that she had been content to give herself to him

And from what he could tell, it was not once but must have happened multiple times.

He was right about Isabella being aware of that as well which could be seen by her statement of them \'keeping themselves in check\' until after the meeting. The intimacy between them could not be hidden.

Neither could hide how much they cared about each other and loved each other\'s company.

If Hal indeed was a womanizer and his daughter was okay with it, what then was his business?

It was not uncommon for a man to have more than one woman in his life.

In fact, while it was not that common in the Haron continent, strong and powerful women usually took a harem of their own on the Dystopian continent.

It all boiled down to how Melinda did not give a crap about his input in the choice of her life partner.

That was what was really eating him up from the inside and why he could never truly like Hal.

Devon took a deep breath and shrugged,

"What choice do I have? My little girl has not been home in years and I don\'t want something like this to permanently tear us apart." He said with a sideways glance at Melinda who visibly rolled her eyes.

Her father showing sentimentality did nothing to quell her anger and she would very much love to have this meeting end so she and Hal could leave.

Devon\'s eyes went from her to Hal who he grinned at but it was not a friendly grin by any means but one filled with wicked intent.

Devon stood from his seat and walked over to where Hal was seated next to Melinda to grab his shoulders,


"I will accept it. There are worse choices after all." He said still grabbing Hal\'s shoulders.

Damien sighed and shook his head while his wife rubbed his shoulders and continued to look over at Hal with an interested expression on her face.

Hugh\'s reaction was similar to his father\'s except that he did not shake his head at his very powerful uncle\'s decision since that would be incredibly disrespectful, and quite frankly, due to his obvious bad mood, dangerous.

Devon was not done though,

"It is however customary for the son and father-in-law to actually spend time together. The custom is so that the son-in-law, which in this case is you, Hal, can have the opportunity to impress the father-in-law which in this case, is me."

Hal did not look up but his Astral perception let him know Devon was still grinning wickedly.

"This should have been done long before your relationship with my daughter got... close. But it\'s all good. It just means a simple conversation and duel with the best in the family won\'t cut it."

Hal cleared his throat and refused to let himself be intimidated this early on,

"So what will?" He asked in a clear voice.


Devon slammed his shoulders again before rubbing and chuckling,

"Do you know who I am, boy?" He asked.

Once again, Melinda rolled her eyes at her father while she supplied Hal the answer,

"Father is a general in the Emperor\'s army. Well... not exactly. He has more freedom than normal generals because of all the Merit points he has won on the battlefield. Merit points that guarantee he will work mostly as a volunteer and can not actually be ordered into battle.

It\'s how he got his title as the monster of the Dane family."

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