Rise of the Cosmic_Emperor

Chapter 328 - Lucile Versus Giant Gavin. Part 2

First thing Hal felt upon seeing the scene was surprise. The size of Gavin was unexpected and he almost cursed the dead Beldar for not even letting it slip.

However, upon closer inspection, he noted that there was something manic about Gavin\'s gaze and actions that pointed to the effects of the mutating technique finally getting to him and along with that craziness was an outburst of energy which was responsible for the humongous increase in size.

But Lucile was holding her own quite well as she dashed along his arms until she was at his shoulder and stabbed down with her amber claws.

With commendable speed, Gavin raised his hand to where she was and swiped it in an effort to toss her off his shoulder. Lucile was able to leap up to avoid the smack but then Gavin turned and took away her foothold.

She was going to freefall towards the ground and well aware that a fall from such a height could not really affect her, Lucile twisted in the air with incredible grace and slammed her condensed cosmic aurora at his face.

Gavin groaned just as Lucile\'s feet touched the ground but she was already tensing to leap back up and get back on the offensive.

Hal tore his eyes away from the battle and onto Wade who was unconscious on the ground.

He smiled to himself and bent low to brand the Sheik with the Devil mark which had been his objective from the start and the reason he told Lucile to allow him to get beaten to unconsciousness.

This was a very convenient outcome and he knew Wade would be fine once given the time to regain his strength.

He contemplated forcing him awake now and enlist his help to battle the monstrous Gavin but he decided against it.

He would wake up on his own any minute now anyway 

He summoned his cosmic Armament and let out the pressure of his cultivation base to make the run towards the battle where the two were so preoccupied, they did not notice his advance.

That changed however when after Lucile was back to leaping up, he was swinging his Armament at Gavin\'s leg.

Of course, his weapon we not only thinly veiled by a Cosmic phenomenon but also by Devil energy which ensured that his slash secured a large gash on the large man\'s leg.

"Arrgghhhh" Gavin yelled and as she had not done anything, Lucile glanced downward and a smile spread over her face as she saw Hal stabbing at Gavin\'s leg.

She would never admit it, but she had been worried for him which was to be expected since Hal had locked himself up with two hundred mutated guards.

Speaking of which, she looked over at where the guards had been and were more than a little shocked to see that they were all dead which was an outcome she could not comprehend.

"How?!!!" Gavin yelled and that pretty much summed up Lucile\'s thoughts.

Hal stepped back a little so he could look up and see Lucile much better, 

"Good to see you\'re alive" she said.

As much as she had questions, now was not the time.

Hal chuckled, 

"What, were you worried?" He asked but Gavin had no patience for whatever the two were about to begin and raised his leg to aim a kick at Hal who evaded it and actually managed to land on the said leg.

However, he did not begin a run up Gavin\'s large frame.

Instead, he released Devil energy that twisted impressively and then formed tapered ends to stab through the encrusted shell on Gavin\'s body.

With Gavin having a stronger cultivation base than him even without the use of the mutating technique, it stood to reason that without the complete use of his Bloodline, Hal had no chance whatsoever of defeating him.

But he did not need to. He was only offering Lucile support and doing whatsoever he could to make it easier for her to do what he could not.

"Hey Lucy, were you worried?" He asked as Gavin\'s rage increase all the more with the realization that all those he had marked and mutated to be his fighting force were now dead.

"Of course not" Lucile snorted just as she finally came up with a plan of sorts to end this.

She needed a particularly powerful attack that would bring Gavin down, by which she meant, bringing him back to his normal size.

She saw no point in using a skill as all forms of attack had practically being proven useless against the entrusted shell on his body, so she needed a way to attack him from the insides.

And she had just found it...

... His mouth.

In this form, Gavin\'s head was not really protected by a helmet since the skill no longer serves as am armor about his actual body.

The technique\'s effect before had been more to offer protection as opposed to mutating Gavin himself, but now, with this size, he could be said to have truly mutated.

Which meant his body was still the same... only bigger and very hard and tough to crack...

... So to speak.

And as such, his mouth became obvious when he yelled and growled and hence it became Lucile\'s target of attacks.

She jumped up to avoid another swipe of his arm and a cosmic aurora he pointed directly at her face since apparently, his size and monstrous form did not stop him from making effective use of cosmic attacks.

After evading, Lucile took advantage of Gavin\'s grin and tossed a Cosmic aurora at the little opening that was his mouth.

It would have made for quite a satisfying end since Gavin\'s complacency would have cost him the battle and by consequence, his life,


Almost as though he had expected it, Gavin closed his mouth at the last minute and caught the blast with his encrusted jaw.


It was so forceful that it actually caused Gavin to take a few steps back but since he had avoided the worst outcome, there was smugness radiating from him as he looked over at Lucile who frowned still on his shoulder and ready to leap off.

Just then, Hal stabbed Gavin with a blade of Devil energy and while it was not very deep or impactful on account of it being weaker, it was enough to cause the monstrous man to gasp as he felt the slight prick of pain.

The gasp created an opening and one Lucile did not let go to waste as she tossed another condensed cosmic Aurora down Gavin\'s gullet just as she jumped off his shoulder and to the ground by Hal\'s side.

As the multicolored aurora made its way past Gavin\'s mouth and down his throat to explode in his stomach with a force worthy of a cosmic pagoda realm expert,  there was only one thing that came to his mind to say...


... and then...


With the explosion came the almost instantaneous reduction of Gavin\'s side as well as the deactivation of the mutating physique, leaving the advisor completely naked.

His whole stomach region looked as though it had been burned raw and his whole form looked emaciated and shrunken as though malnourished. His legs were shaking and he looked to be on the verge of breathing his last.

Lucile\'s aurora attack had really done a number on him.

It was almost merciful when she finally moved closer and stabbed him with her claws and ended his life except that it wasn\'t and she had done so with vindictive pleasure. Very glad to finally have it all end.

Then she looked over at Hal who was smiling lightly, 

"I told you I could handle him" she said.

Hal shrugged, 

"With a little assist from me" he said.

Lucile narrowed her eyes as she dispersed her Cosmic Armament, 

"Are you really trying to vie for credit right now?" She asked.

Hal chuckled, 

"Of course not" 

Lucile nodded, 

"Good..." She began but Hal interrupted to complete his sentence, 

"I just want my contributions to be noted" he said with a shrug.

Lucile paused and then smiled, 

"It will be. As long as you can tell me how you could defeat two hundred all on your own" she said end moved closer to him.

Hal pressed his face closer, with him being a few inches taller than her, until his lips were almost brushing hers and his warm and pleasant breath blew on her face as he whispered,

"Maybe I wasn\'t on my own, maybe I was, either way, I have my means and I don\'t think we\'re at the secrets sharing phase yet."

Even with her heart beating fast, Lucile did not back off, 

"Oh? Then which phase, might I ask, are we on now" she asked.

Hal smiled, 

"Is it not obvious? We\'re so close together. Clearly, we\'re at the kissing phase" he said but before he could capture her lips with confidence that she would not pull away...

... a certain Sheik groaned as he regained consciousness.

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