Rise of the Cosmic_Emperor

Chapter 317 - He Dies!

Hal shook his head at Ehrlich\'s ungrateful words, 

"You know, I feel like someday we are going to laugh about all this banter. I see Friendship in our future." Hal said in such a sincere voice, Ehrlich actually seemed to pause, 

"You do?" 

Hal burst out laughing, 

"Of course not. I can\'t believe you are actually even considering it" he said with his voice thick with mirth.

Ehrlich\'s eyes narrowed, 

"I wasn\'t considering it"

"No, you definitely were. I\'m growing on you. But please keep the love completely on your end and away from me. Now, you should leave with Beldar\'s body and possessions." Hal said.

"Why his body?" Ehrlich asked, forgetting at that moment to question why Hal was now calling the shots.

"Well, it would make for extra proof that the supplier had been taken out and I would rather prefer you tell her it was me and don\'t try to steal my thunder."

Ehrlich groaned but said nothing as he saw the sense in Hal\'s words as he used his spatial ring to retrieve all the things on the ground that related to Beldar including his naked body which looked to have been dried a tad bit.

A detail that had Ehrlich wondering from the start how exactly Hal had killed Balder. Other than his charred chest of course.

"Make it quick" Hal said and began to take steps back.

Ehrlich suddenly looked up, 

"Where are you going?" He asked.

Hal spread his arms, 

"My mission is obviously over now that the supplier is dead but I still have things to do in Black lagoon and would rather prefer if you went on ahead to the Silva Duchy capital without me." Hal said and turned away.

"Wait! I brought you here, I will take you out." Ehrlich said.

Hal paused and turned around to look at him, 

"No thanks. As I doubt you brought me here atop your back, I am sure there is a working teleportation circle in Black lagoon with which I can be out of here when I so please." He said.

"I didn\'t use the teleportation circle in Black lagoon" Ehrlich interjected.

Hal shrugged, 

"Black lagoon still has their teleportation circle and I can leave on my own. Now, you really should get out of this forest and make use of the teleportation circle in the neighboring city because I will be telling the guards I saw you heading into the forest."

"Why?" Ehrlich asked.

Hal shrugged, 

"I would love to tell you that it\'s so I can be on the Sheik\'s good side or keep my cover of having nothing to do with you but they would be not- well-crafted lies and since you can always tell, there is no point.

The truth is, I really just want to and weak as you now are, it will most likely be easy for multiple guards to take you down if they catch up to you.

It would make for a good manhunt. Especially after I add that I suspect you killed Balder.

You should know the Sheik takes the safety of his suppliers and purchasers very seriously.

Until we meet again, Ehrlich... If we do meet again that is." With that, Hal walked towards the city while Ehrlich decided he did not want to find out first hand if multiple guards would really be able to take him down and ran off as well. 

Heading towards a far-off neighboring city whose teleportation circle he had arrived with.

Once out of the forest and in the city, Hal went through with what he had said and gave a tip on our Ehrlich was indeed in the forest and even used his rough-looking clothes as an excuse...

"When I saw him, I confronted him and he told me I should get out of his way and he would not give up until he killed Balder the Dystopian. He even attacked me.

You need to stop him" he said before heading into his hotel room to change his clothes and head to the Sheik\'s residence for the party he was sure was still ongoing.

Also, he needed to pick up his purchases.


Sheik\'s residence...

The party was to the public known as a going-away party for all those who came to participate in the auction but everyone knew what it really was and that it was for the Sheik to celebrate them all enriching his pockets.

Before even heading inside the hall, Hal had been directed into a different room where he paid for his purchases and also received them. The one who attended to him was a little bad-tempered.

Apparently, he went to tell of Hal\'s late payment to the Sheik who shut him down and vouched for Hal\'s sincerity by paying for the purchases pending Hal\'s arrival.

The annoyance was mostly directed at the Sheik vouching for Hal who was practically a stranger against him who had been handling the auction purchase for years.

Hal did not really care and left the area once he was done to seek out his unfinished businesses in the form of the beautiful big breasted Lucile who he could see was wearing a much more flattering attire than he had seen on her so far.

She raised a wine glass to get lips and took a sip while her eyes darted about as though in search of someone...

"Looking for me?" Hal asked as he arrived behind her but she was not startled. She did smile though.

She turned around to face him, 

"I thought you wouldn\'t show" she said.

"I almost didn\'t. I was a little delayed by a little community service" he said and then they were quiet while standing side by side and watching everyone mingle and converse.

Hal was sure it would not take long for the Sheik to notice his arrival so he decided he might as well be preemptive this time.

"I\'ll be back" he told Lucile while also noting she was no longer staying close to the Sheik which must mean that the investment she wanted had fallen through.

He arrived in front of the Sheik where he was already surrounded by those congratulating him on a successful auction which was code for butt-kissing, 

"My Lord" Hal called out to him and when many of the butt kissers turned and saw it was the annoying bidder, they sneered and looked away.

"Master Klint" The Sheik called and gestured for Hal to move closer which he did.

Gavin and Fenrir were there as well as the Sheik grabbed Hal\'s shoulder, 

"I knew you would come back but I didn\'t know you had gone off to catch the idiot who interrupted my auction." He said.

"Oh really?" Said one of those in the butt-kissing crowd.

"Yes really" the Sheik said and then turned to Gavin, 

"What do you think of Master Klint\'s courage, Gavin?" He asked.

"Oh yes, it is quite the interesting tale" he said with a tone of someone preoccupied with his own thoughts. 

The Sheik shook his head and whispered to Hal, 

"He must still be overwhelmed with our profits." He said but Hal was not so sure.

Then Gavin seemed to notice someone and he smiled and stood to his feet.

Then some guards walked into the room and set up a platform on top of which Gavin climbed while the Sheik looked a little confused.

In fact, he looked as though he had been in the process of moving to the platform and Gavin had somehow done it before him which did not look to have been the plan from the start.

Even then the Sheik rearranged his expressions,

Surely, Gavin was only going there to prepare for him to take the stage.

Gavin cleared his throat and grinned as he began, 

"Why don\'t you all give a resounding applause to the Sheik for such a wonderful last few days?" He said.

Everyone found it reasonable and the Butt kissing gang clapped most hard of all those present.

Eventually, Gavin gave the signal for it to end and then spoke the next words that turned the whole crowd silent, 

"That\'s good. You should consider that as paying your last respects to him, because today, He dies!"

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