Rise of the Cosmic_Emperor

Chapter 220 - Full-Fledged Fiend.

The terror began when the Flame Demons behind the Great family forces who had been dragged there for protection from the enemy, arose and moved closer to them.

"Come on guys, what are you..."


The Edgar man was unable to complete his sentence before a fist protruded through his chest and killed him instantly.

If there was doubt before as to whether the Demons were going to attack, that was gone now as every one of the living adopted a battle stance and began to attack the Demons.

Unfortunately, this was something they had once attempted and had caused the death of many. The situation did not change and the same outcome was observed.

"Fall back" Rita called out and the ladies and the Emissaries did.

The Blood Knights moved back as well but had done so first as Karmen had ordered it the moment combustion began.

The problem was that they had killed so indiscriminately that the whole field contained Flame Demons and by the time they had fallen back, the Demons had risen and surrounded them.

Moreover, in this situation, the ladies knew trying to use the enemy\'s lust against them was impossible as these men had no lust or Emotions so instead they focused on the strength imbuing factor of their Bloodlines.

After all, Succubi were Demons too and were capable of displaying incredible strength, it just so happened that, whether born or turned, it becomes their nature to ensnare and burn with lust rather than be physically brute.

They strengthened themselves with the flames of their Bloodline by having it go into their bodies and burn up their lust from the inside. The more lustful they were, the stronger they were.

It was kind of an aphrodisiac which rather than Sex being the only solution,  battling and striking down the enemy worked just fine.

Their eyes all burned a brighter shade of Purple and the look in those eyes was beyond hungry. 

However, there came the side effect; Addiction.

They were addicted to Hal. All of them, and when first they strengthened themselves with lustful flames, their eyes first turned to Hal who was standing with Emily and facing Arya.

If they were not careful in controlling themselves, they might very well dash away from the battle and attempt to jump him.

It was the reason succubi either needed to be disciplined (whether by personal conviction or by an individual) or they became mistresses and curbed their addiction with Dominance.

Rita could feel the lust burning her up and the urge to have Hal pound her till tomorrow but there were more important issues in front of her and she would do well to remain focused.

However, that she could control herself did not mean the other ladies could and about five of them began to dash towards Hal.

A dangerous endeavor because not only were they leaving the tight-knit group, they were exposing themselves to the overwhelming of the Flame Demons.

*Slap* *Slap*  *Slap*  *Slap*  *Slap* 

Rita was suddenly cutting off their path and hitting their faces to get them back in their right minds, 

"Amira, Layla, Callie, Ada, Alana. Get a hold of yourself"

Their eyes cleared up and they bowed to her, 

"Yes mistress" 

They had only just said this when the Flame Demons swarmed them and made to strike their chest. Which was probably ingrained in them as the surest way to end the life of another.

They were unsuccessful as the ladies easily avoided their strikes and struck back at them

However, they were now in a dilemma because once they had destroyed that batch, more came after them and cut off their path to the rest of Hal\'s forces.

They were outnumbered and in a very precarious situation.

The Flame demons altogether and by that we mean the Plebeian Demons which numbered over a thousand, the Great family Demons who numbered Five hundred, and the Payne Force Demons who numbered Three hundred in their own right.

Other than the Plebeians, they had not fought against the other two but now that they were being controlled by a single individual, that no longer mattered and the numbers were immense.

The Blood Knights and Emissaries as well as the Ladies were outnumbered.

The Great family forces could not even hold on and were getting slaughtered until they all had the good sense to retreat.

They were chased down of course but they ran at full strength out of the Clearing and towards the city where they would hopefully find a place to hide.

The Demons followed after them.

With that batch gone, the load lessened slightly for Hal\'s forces but Karmen gripped the Ornate purple Broadsword in her left hand tightly and grinned.

She did not see this situation as a dilemma, she saw it as the perfect avenue to show her Master what she was made of.

And besides, what if her enemies were Demons? She was a Demon as well.

And not semi...

"Awaken for the Blood of my foes, Executioner"

A thick Blood red mist, much thicker than the one she had been exuding came out of her right hand and formed the terrifying Blood red Broadsword that was Executioner.

It was just like Hal\'s with the skeletal fist as a guard and a spiked Hilt except that it lacked the criss-crossing Black veins of the Primeval Devil Bloodline.

The Bloodcurdling pressure bore down on the Flame Demons as even they paused as they felt it.

Apparently, lacking individuality did not spare them from its effects.

Karmen gripped the weapon that signified her becoming a full-fledged Fiend as her eyes turned a darker shade of Red.

She charged, holding both Broadswords and swinging them so fast that in seconds, she had cut down at least Six Flame Demons.

She groaned in annoyance as not only did the Flame demons need to be completely dismembered to be rendered useless, they also had no blood to give and the fiend in her was not happy.

"Fine, if you don\'t have Blood to give, I\'ll just cut you down to the smallest piece to satisfy my ire" 

And that was exactly what she did.

The Blood Knights took her charge for the order to attack that it was and so they attacked as well.

The Emissaries and the Ladies fought by the Blood Knights side and cut down Flame Demons as well.

Karmen\'s trajectory soon became clear; she was heading towards Rita and the ladies to offer her assistance.

She was whirling through the Demons with both weapons outstretched and dismembering as many as she could to open a path to Rita and the five other ladies with her.

However, the numbers got the best of her and Amelia who still stood atop the hill could no longer shot arrows from Essence stealer as she was not strong enough to implement its combustive nature without the lustful components.

And as it has been started earlier, these Demons were immune to lust.

That said, Karmen gripped the two Broadswords and was ready to battle out of the enclosure that was beginning to form around her when suddenly, a crescent-shaped attack of light gold flames landed and destroyed the Demons surrounding her.

Karmen smiled towards Melinda and continued towards Rita but by then the Succubus and the Semi-succubi with her were already fighting to get back to the rest of Hal\'s forces.

They met up with Karmen and together with Melinda tossing down holy flames, they made it back to the others and fought against the horde of Flame Demons.


Arya was far from pleased as she witnessed how well Hal\'s forces were dealing with her puppets with abilities that told of Demonic origins.

Abilities that only being this close to them was she starting to wonder if this young man was not from the Dystopian continent.

\'It doesn\'t matter\' she thought and shook her head just as she avoided Emily\'s attack.

"Enough of this. What\'s the point of playing with you? I came here to harvest and once I\'m done, You won\'t be able to resist anyway"

As she said this, Arya formed symbols with her hands and Emily\'s eyes narrowed at the malignant energies it was exuding.

She condensed another Aurora and tossed it at Arya but a Blood Red Pentagram, much larger than the one before, appeared in front of Arya and absorbed the attack before sending it right back to Emily.

However, it was not the same, it was now infused with Blood Energy and Hal knew that it was a trap.

Emily could deflect it but the Blood within the attack would poison her and while she would heal, it would incapacitate her long enough.

He was in front of Emily in a flash and slashing the attack with Executioner.


So volatile was the attack that it shredded his clothes and lacerated his chest.

The Blood Poison entered his system and made to stop the wounds from healing while also attacking him from the inside.

But Hal knew it was well out of its league and once his Bloodline sensed the poison, it reared up like a monstrous beast and Devoured it. 

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