Rise of the Cosmic_Emperor

Chapter 191 - I'm A Country Bumpkin.

Hal watched Arya pause and physically rearrange her expression and it caused his eyes to narrow.

If he was asked why he acted that way, he would have said he could not explain it. It was as though he instinctively knew the right things to say and they WERE the right things,

Because while it was subtle, Hal could already confirm some things.

\'So are you considering going into business with her?\' Grimoire said with a hint of mockery as it referred to Hal\'s dreams of using his Blood to evolve the beasts in Tretch Forest.

Hal ignored the time and answered seriously...

\'Of course not, she\'s obviously cray cray\'

...well, sort of.

He was actually exaggerating as there was nothing to suggest Arya was truly mentally unstable.

Speaking of Arya,

Now that she was no longer displaying hostility, she was smiling sweetly, 

"It seems I misunderstood something and I apologize for my indiscretion. It\'s just that, I have visited Salmon city a lot and none of the residents have so captured my interest as you have.

You can say, I am kind of your fan" She said and somehow, her already sweet smile became breathtaking and seductive.

Hal was not bothered.

Pretty as she was, he could still control himself.

He rubbed his hand on Melinda\'s back as he smiled at Arya, 

"I find that hard to believe"

"And why is that?" Arya asked while leaning forward slightly. 

A move that while Melinda was not fond of, she still commended mentally as it was clear this lady was making use of subtle seduction tactics now that the little trip-up had passed.

"Well, I think it\'s safe to assume that you are not from here. Whether or not you were born in a small city such as this, you are now a traveling Alchemist and must have seen so many wonders and so many geniuses.

Surely, I cannot hold a candle to them" Hal said in a self-deprecating tone of voice.

Arya leaned back, crossed her beautiful legs and crossed her arms beneath her breasts as she sighed, 

"That is true. I have seen geniuses of a higher caliber and compared to them, your progress is indeed nothing much, however, I still feel you have done the best you can considering what life has given you.

Surely, you are poised to become the Mayor and govern this city someday."

Hal chuckled and was about to speak but it was Melinda who beat him to the punch, 

"And who says he\'s stopping here. What could being Mayor possibly bring him? Honor?" She said in a snide tone.

If Arya noticed the tone, she gave no indication, 

"Yes Exactly. Honor among his peers. I mean he\'ll be respected by millions" She said while the uncrossed her arms and interlocked her fingers.

Melinda chuckled but there was no mirth in it, 

"While I agree that is entitled to honor among his peers, I don\'t believe his path ends in this city. I believe there are so many on this Continent, no, this world that are his peers and I will love to see him make his mark."

Hal watched the dialogue and decided to simply become a spectator and not just because he found the situation thrilling, but because it gave him more opportunities to study Arya.

And all he had gotten so far was that, If she was hiding something then she was very good at it.

Arya raised her arms in surrender, 

"It seems I might have annoyed you in some way. But I stand by it. While your \'Fiancee\' does have potential and quite an intelligent mind, it takes more than that to make your mark on this continent.

Not to mention this world.

Melinda Dane, looking into your light gold eyes is more than enough for me to know you are not from here and if that is so, then you must know what I\'m saying has credibility.

It takes so much more than determination to become Great. I am sure you have shared whatever resources you received from your family to assist his progress to such an extent but there\'s only so far he can go.

Once the resources are used up, there will be nothing left other than disappointment. So why not quit while you are ahead.

Cultivate to the Phenomenon realm and cement yourself as the strongest individual in the city. Thereby living the rest of your days in peace."

The way Arya articulated her words was so convincing that her conclusion seemed the right thing to do... for a total idiot.

That said, Melinda was so speechless, not because she saw the truth in those words, but because she could not believe the amount of trash that could come out of such a beautiful mouth.

She turned towards Hal who seemed to be trying very hard to hold his laughter, 

"Are you not going to say something?" She whispered.

Surely, this was the time for Hal to break out his pride and show her what he was capable of. 

Surely he would not simply take this, right?

"What? What do you want me to say? She got me. I\'m just a country bumpkin. 

What hope do I have of making my mark on this continent, much less the world?

Maybe I should just quit while I\'m ahead. Also, I should not hold you back. Once the civil war is over and I become Mayor, I think it would be better if you returned to your family in the Duchy capital."

All this Hal said with theatrical Embellishment.

Melinda knowing him very well knew he was subtly insulting Arya. 

If only Arya knew that Hal was the one providing Melinda with resources and not the other way around.

That said since she had expected Hal to be a tad bit outspoken with Arya, she pouted and made a really big show of not talking to him.

An attitude Arya took as Melinda\'s dissatisfaction at being told they would eventually separate.

Arya nodded with a compassionate with understanding expression, 

"Good decision.

Now. How about some Alchemical products to aid your survival during the Civil war. After all, I like you so much and it would be quite a shame if you died before becoming mayor.

I\'ll even give you a discount. Surely you have enough gold to purchase my products which contain my own unique flair" 

Arya said and batted her eyelashes. And act that caused Hal to snort in his mind.

He found it a little silly that she expected her \'knock him down before picking him up\' sales tactics to work on him, 

"No thanks"

Arya looked surprised. Shocked even.


"I said I\'ll pass. It just seems like a waste of resources. 

After all, I am very intelligent. Winning this war without your alchemical products should be very easy, right?

I mean you did just compliment me. I\'d hate to think that was false and simply a sales tactic to butter me up.

That would really hurt my feelings"

Arya looked taken aback, 

"But, intelligence without resources is nonsense, it\'s stupidity"

Hal shrugged, 

"Who cares? The whole aim of making my mark on the continent was longevity, but since I\'m going to live and die peacefully in this city anyway, why bother?"

"But you should still try to survive. Trying is everything" Arya insisted and it was Melinda who was now trying to hold her laughter.

Hal shook his head, 

"Nope. Trying is for those with hope at greatness. And as you have so clearly articulated, I don\'t have that, so I ask you again,

Why Bother?"

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