Rise of the Cosmic_Emperor

Chapter 156 - Enough Talking, Let's Kill 'em!

As the arrows struck the men and sent them to their deaths, San\'s eyes widened from Shock.

"What the hell was that" he asked and turned towards the other Family heads who at the moment were much too preoccupied with handling their own shock and could not even bring themselves to mock San whose plan was already blowing up in his face.

While those that had died could be considered disposable pawns, they were still part of the Plebeian manpower and their death was definitely felt.

Also, the fact that they were the weakest of the bunch was why San and the other heads had authorized some of them to wield Run daggers so that they could make use of possible underestimation and get in some stabs.

Alas, the ones that had gotten to wielding the dagger had it seized and their lives reaped by the very dagger.

San\'s fists were clenched and his eyes were turning red from anger as he refused to admit to himself and anyone that might ask, that he had underestimated the danger this youth posed.

Hal could see the shock and anger on San\'s face and it satisfied him immensely. It was the main reason he had used such an attack.

After all, angry people were bound to make mistakes.

That said, it was still quite tasking for him to unleash such a large-scale attack with Astral sense. The only reason he could even bear it was because of {Equipoise} and even then there were consequences which he could only avoid by taking down one of the veils.

To make the Veils next to impenetrable and even sentient enough to recognize those that had been repelled and deny them passage the next time they attempted it, Hal could not simply infuse them with Astral energy.

He needed to supply them with energy continuously. In other words, he needed to keep the connection tethered.

Doing that and unleashing his large-scale attack was too much and one veil needed to go.

Now that all those weaker than the Peak stage of the Cosmic Pearl realm, had been killed, there was no need to keep the last veil active and so Hal let it fade.

Even as the veil came down and those at the Peak stage of the Cosmic Pearl realm could finally pass into the compound unhindered, they stood in place and... Watched.

They were stunned and they were scared.

Just how many more attacks like that did this monster have?

Hal smirked at their stunned expression and turned to the ladies of Pleasure Inn, 


Camilla smiled, 

"With pleasure..." 

With that, not just her, all the ladies of Pleasure Inn, stepped forward and...


...their body became coated with Purple sensual flames and their eyes became purple as well.


Watching the sensual combustion, the morale of the men went even lower than it already was.

Those at the Cosmic Armament Realm who made up the smallest percentage of the thousand man force were the only ones still confident in their victory.

After all, they were past the Cosmic Pearl Realm and believed there was hope that Hal could not kill them in the same manner he used to kill those at the Cosmic Pearl Realm.

Hal surveyed them all from where he stood. None of them was at the Late stage of the Cosmic Armament Realm. The strongest was Evian who was at the Mid-stage of the Cosmic Armament Realm.

The strength was what granted him the respect he needed to command the rest of those at Cosmic Armament Realm who were at the early stage.

That said, those at the Cosmic Armament realm only numbered about a hundred as not all of them had been brought out to enact \'Justice\'. Those that were brought along were those the Family heads deemed capable to handle Hal and his meager force.

Hal turned to gaze at Marla and Amelia who were pouting at being made to stop. He shook his head secretly, they had done well and that was mostly what he had been after.

Also, there was no guarantee that they would not eventually fall to the swarm of Plebeian assailants that had begun to surround them.

"I\'ll make it up to you" He smiled at them and then to Rita and Melinda he said, 

"Shall we?"

Melinda shrugged, 

"Why not" 

And all three stepped forward to walk past the ladies of Pleasure inn, Just as Camilla and Irina let out a blast of lust flames that wracked the insides of their victims.

All round, the Plebeian forces grew flushed and their actions became irrational and easy to defeat.

The ladies worked hand in hand with Castor and the guards who could finally showcase the rewards of their diligence.

Most of them were at the late stage of the Cosmic Pearl realm, which was impressive considering the fact that when they had attacked the Holger Estate with Hal a few weeks ago, they had mostly been at the Energy sensing realm.

There was rage in their actions. They were using this battle as a catharsis to deal with the frustrations they felt for all the times Hal had been attacked and they could only stand by and watch.

These last two days, just like Hal and his ladies, they had spent a lot of time at the new Estate where they cultivated to attain their level of strength.

The Plebeian forces fought against their sudden burst of libido so as to not be forced onto the backfoot by a force so much weaker than them in both number and strength.


With the Ladies\' impressive grasp on the use of Pleasure flames, there was only so much they could do.

Kyla stabbed a flaming hand into the chest of an assailant and passed it right into his body, point blank and burned him up with the flames of passion. 

The Assailant\'s eyes rolled over from the sudden burst of pleasure he felt and while his lips were stretched in a wide grin, Kyla used the flames to drain his body of all the Sexual essence it had.

The look In the Assailant\'s face was still joyful as he looked upon Kyla\'s beautiful face and purple orbs as though he were looking at the Goddess of love or more accurately, Goddess of lust as he drew his final breath after his Essence was drained in the entirety.

The process only took a few seconds and by the time the lifeless shriveled body of the assailant was falling to the ground, Kyla was restraining more assailants and drawing their essence.

All around, it soon became clear what the Ladies did. They absorbed the essence of the Plebeian forces continuously and it reminded them of their days at Pleasure inn where they needed to use intercourse to reap essence. 

This was so much better and cleaner!


They could drain until their prey had nothing left to give.

The flames burned even brighter as they came to this conclusion and as the Plebeian forces faced those \'Hungry\' stares, the little morale they had before evaporated in minutes and the only thing they wished was to get as far away from those Purple eyed ladies as fast as they could.

The problem was that if they went through the veil behind them to join the Cosmic Armament Realm Cultivators, they would fall victim to the massacre that was happening on that side.

And as terrifying as the demonic ladies were, the three massacring the Cosmic Armament realm Experts, were even worse.

Let\'s Back up a few minutes...

San watched the Ladies suddenly get surrounded with Purple flames and even as far away as he was from them, he could feel a little of its effects.

What the hell was up with those that surrounded Hal?

So far, the only one not to showcase peculiarity was Amelia and even then, she had handled herself well.

She and Marla stood a few distances away from the scene and watched the events with a glum expression. 

None of the Plebeians even entertained the thought of going after them as they were incredibly preoccupied with fending off the Burning ladies.

Any attempt to run past them was rewarded with a point-blank blast of lust flames that threatened to combust them from the inside out.

"I think we should retreat" Bale said.

"This is really not going our way" Ian added.

Even though they still outnumbered Hal\'s party, none of the two or any of the Plebeian heads for that matter expected their side to win.

"No, those that have died are mostly here to intimidate with numbers, the real fight is with the Cosmic Armament Realm Experts. It\'s why that bastard kept them away. He is afraid of them.

Once they break through that Veil, which he can\'t keep up forever by the way, it will be game over. This is still in our control. The moment we lose confidence, he wins"

The way San said it, was with such confidence that the Plebeian heads almost believed him except that when they looked up, Hal was past the protection of the Veil and facing the Plebeians Cosmic Armament Experts.

The Experts were at first taken aback that he left his safe zone but they collected themselves and all summoned their Armaments.

It was just three against a hundred. 

Surely they did not expect to win, did they?

Melinda smiled and summoned her Cosmic Armament, the White-with-golden-veins Sword.

Hal took a deep breath and infused his voice with Cosmic Energy and said in a booming voice,

"You know, I told you I had nothing to do with the death of the Holgers. You could have turned back there and then but you didn\'t. Whatever happens now is your fault"

San replied, 

"Only fools will believe you. I will kill you... You bastard..."

San was probably going to render more insults but at that time, a flaming purple arrow flashed and struck a Cosmic Armament Realm expert...


...and set him ablaze!

All eyes turned to Rita who was holding a large demonic Bow from which she had fired the arrow, 

"That\'s enough talking. 

Let\'s kill \'em"

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