Rise of the Cosmic_Emperor

Chapter 143 - Memories Of The Past.

It could be strange how news could circulate in a city this quickly such that 60 percent of the 100 million denizens already knew of the altercation at the high-end part of the city.

They not only knew there had been an altercation, they also knew those that had been involved and in the midst of discussing the battle between Mother and Son, hardly anyone made mention of the unknown figure that had taken her away.

It was almost as though they could not commit It to memory.

Although it could be argued that a mother enacting vengeance for the death of her son was far juicier than some individual who no one knew anything about.

Besides, that someone could very well be part of the Payne forces sent by Gregory Payne to retrieve his wife.

The only ones who took this mysterious individual seriously and were genuinely curious of their identity were the Great family heads who had already encountered an unknown individual.

Could this be the Malevolent One?

If it was, then was that not proof that Gregory was involved with their mysterious Bandit.

However, it was all mere speculation, this two individuals could very well be distinct.

But then,  just how many unknown forces were at work in this city?

This was a question the Great Family heads had taken to ask themselves.

The Plebeians on the other hand, knew it was their master and the fact that they had revealed themselves in public was confusing to them.

Were they finally going to take an active stance?

How glorious it would be if the Master was!


Payne Estate...

Gregory sat in his partially damaged Study that was a testament to his messed-up emotions and situation. What he felt the most at that moment was most likely embarrassment.

Checking the room his wife had been cultivating in, it was clear that she had not been there in a long while and it was humiliating that he had no idea.

He wanted to give her some space to grieve the death of their son and also space from himself. Very well aware that she blamed him. Which was to be expected as he blamed himself as well.

After he had vent out his pent-up feelings on the study furniture, he sat down and with a sigh, he thought to how it had all started.

Eighteen years ago, he, Lillian and Rad had been a happy family. His ambitions were totally upon becoming the City\'s mayor.

He had inherited the position of Family head after the death of his father Four years prior and his ambition was fresh and strong. So was the incentive to make the Payne Family the Greatest of the Great families.

It was then that SHE came and with her trickery, seduction and sweet talk, she wheedled her way into his life, stole something precious and left just as suddenly as she had arrived.

Leaving him with a broken relationship with his wife that he needed to fix.

Two years later, she had a one-year-old delivered to him with only one letter saying, 

"No matter what, do not dare to kill him"

The reality that not only had she played with him, she also had the audacity to ask him to take care of her bastard child was almost too much for Gregory to bear and despite the warning, he very much wished to kill the child.

But he didn\'t.

He let him grow.

The decision had put even more strain on the relationship he had worked to repair with Lillian two years before but she eventually settled with not bothering with the child.

Ignoring him in the entirety and focusing on her own son who was proving himself to be just as diligent as his father.

The boy who he had named Hal had never shown any interest in martial arts or Cultivation. Something Gregory had not expected considering the background he suspected that Witch had.

Gregory never had any love for the boy and those blue eyes that reminded him so much of her only made it worse so he decided to be a detached father.

Placing emphasis on discipline that borderline abuse and only made the boy even more introverted than he already was.

Soon the boy attained the proper age to begin to sense Cosmic energy and embark on the road of cultivation.

Despite his dislike for the boy, Gregory could not help but feel expectant. After all, if this boy could prove to be a talent, it could prove useful for the family in the future.

Gregory shook his head on the chair he sat and covered his face with his palms.

How could he not have known that considering the mother who had birthed the boy, disappointment was very much in his future?

The boy was unable to step on the path of cultivation and further inquiry revealed that it was because his meridians were damaged from birth.

At first, Gregory refused to accept reality and hoped it could be rectified but that soon proved impossible.

It was at that time that he remembered the note he had received, 

"No matter what, do not dare to kill him"

He clenched his fists in anger as it all became clear to him.

She knew.

That Witch knew and it was why she had issued that warning.

Had she been the one who destroyed those meridians?

Huh, what did it matter? He had been fooled again.

Fooled into raising a bastard and useless son who could never be of any benefit to him.

After that moment, Gregory left the boy to his own devices, whatever they might be, in hope that his anger would be kept under control when they saw each other less.


As the years went by, despite the reduction in the time they saw and faced one another, Gregory\'s anger remained the same and he eventually had the boy sold and also defied the warnings, which he now believed were merely to scare him, to poison the boy by proxy.

His eyes were red with pain and regret. 

Not because he had tried to kill his son but because he had fallen prey to that witch\'s seduction and fathered that son that had now upended his life.

Then Gregory raised his head and there was resolution in his eyes. 

This was no time to feel sorry for himself. 

It was time to press forward.

He would find Lillian and she would forgive him, he would kill Hal and defeat the other families to become the Mayor.

He would not allow that Witch that was already gone from his life, ruin his plans and his ambitions.

That said it was still quite troubling that Hal could have healed his meridians when it was said to be impossible. Since the boy could accomplish that, then he needed to be cautious. 

Once he, Gregory had him in his grasps, then he would find out all of his secrets. 

They were bound to be valuable secrets as well, valuable enough to make the Payne Family the Greatest of the Great families.

Gregory\'s eyes lit up, 

"How could I not have seen it? Hahahaha. That bastard is the answer. I get him and all things will fall in place"

Little did he know that the recovered Burt was listening on the outside of the study and was quick to relay it all to his Master.


Horst Manor...

*Click* *Clack* *Click* *Clack*

Emily walked into the Manor having just alighted from the Carriage that had driven her and Amelia to Hal and Melinda\'s Mansion.

She was a little dissatisfied that Amelia had decided to stay even though she had expected it. She could not truly understand why she felt that way.

It was an emotion she had heard of but never truly felt and she refused to admit it (even to herself) that she was jealous.

Especially not of her daughter.

She had ended up saying more than she planned to say to Hal once they were inside the mansion but she had enjoyed every minute of it.

Even if her offer to help had been rejected.

The conversation had gone even further than that and she had offered more than once. Each time, she was turned down politely.

"Humph" She released an annoyed sound as she walked the manor corridors, 

"If you don\'t want my help, then you won\'t get it"

Then she thought back to those Deep blue eyes that were very much like his Mother\'s. She wondered if he knew how much he resembled the woman known famously as \'The Witch\'.

And what was with Melinda\'s suddenly Golden eyes? It gave her the chills.

"Emily. It\'s quite late" Said a voice from behind and she turned to see Ford.

"Yes, I suppose it is. I\'ll very much like to go to bed now" Emily said and made to turn away when Ford\'s voice sounded again, 

"Was Amelia not with you?" Ford asked, very much aware of where the two had gone.

"Oh, She decided to stay behind" Emily said with a smirk.

"What?" Ford exclaimed.

"You say that a lot" Emily chuckled.

"How could you, as a responsible mother let her stay in the home of that pervert. At this hour!" He said in a loud voice and a gesture at the Darkness of nightfall outside.

Emily paused and turned to face him fully, 

"Are you suggesting that I\'m not a good mother?" She asked in a cold voice.

"N-n-no, I wouldn\'t dare" He stammered.

Emily\'s expression became normal and teasing again, 

"Oh, that\'s good. Well *Clap* off to bed" 

"B-But what about Amelia?" Ford asked as she made to walk away.

"She\'ll be fine. More than fine, I presume. I was the one who suggested she stay behind" Emily said with a shrug.

"You did?" Ford was stunned.

Emily nodded in a \'compassionate\' manner, 

"I did it for you. Imagine if they came here to do it and this time you\'re sober. This is the best solution for everyone." She said and turned to head to bed, leaving a speechless Ford behind.

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