Never Judge

Chapter 1076 1076

"Thank you, sir." Cara said shyly as she took her seat around the table, in between Al and Eric. 

"No worries, Cara." Ray said with a benevolent smile. "As long as you can prove that we can trust you, I see no issue in letting you go around without a companion. Al was quite persuasive."

Eric laughed and shook his head as he began to devour his breakfast. 

"We will go ahead. I\'m needed in the office quite early today and so is my wife." Ray said as he and Ayanna moved to get up and leave.

"I\'m always early at work, you\'re the only one in this household that doesn\'t like getting up early." Ayanna teased her husband, making him pull her close and plant a chaste kiss on her lips.

"Gross mom, dad. We have guests." Al complained looking away from the sweet couple.

Despite his reaction, Al was glad to see that his parents were still madly in love with each other.

He had seen how many rich and powerful couples saw their relationship crumble within a few years, his parents however had been married for twenty one years. 

"I think they are cute." Cara giggled as Ayanna smiled at the young woman. 

"They used to be much worse, you know." Katerina told the children as she dabbed her napkin on her lips. 

"Oh please, you and Eric were much worse." Ayanna said, rolling her eyes at her friend. "You guys burned quite hot when the cameras were not around."

Al noticed Eric smiling as his parents\' relationship was discussed. 

They had all noticed how the older generation avoided speaking about the elder Eric Chan. 

It seemed that even after fifteen years, the pain of his passing still hurt. 

"It was Eric\'s fault!" Katerina said, blushing as she thought of her late husband. 

"How were they as a couple, Aunt Ayanna? My mom and dad I mean." Eric said, always eager to hear more.

"Well, they had a very interesting love story." Ayanna giggled. "It took them a while to become an actual couple, even longer to let the public know that they were in love."

"Your dad was always in the public\'s eyes, and he had lots of fans that would have hated me if we went about things the wrong way." Katerina said with a sad smile. 

"His fans at the start were much less mature, eventually they realized that their idol needed to be happy too." Ray explained to the young adults on the table.

"Though they fell in love much earlier than people think. Right, Katerina?" Ayanna said as she looked at Katerina who was now deep in thought.

"Yeah, Eric said he was fifteen when he first realized he loved me." Katerina said as she wiped a stray tear before it could drop. She cleared her throat and shook her head.

"Enough of this, we have a lot of work today. Reminiscing right now is just a waste of time." Katerina said as she placed her hand on her chest, as if reaching out for something. 

"Right, we will see you tonight kids. We have a small celebration." Ray told them as he winked at Al. "Happy birthday son."

Al smiled while Cara simply looked at him, stunned by the king of the Underworld\'s words.

"Thanks dad." Al replied as the elders all left them alone in the dining room. 

"You didn\'t say it was your birthday!" Cara gasped as she had a panicked look on her face. "I didn\'t know, I don\'t even have a gift for you."I think you should take a look at

Al smiled and shook his head. 

He normally didn\'t make a big fuss about his birthday, usually it was just a small celebration with their family and friends. 

Both he and Emilio were not used to big celebrations since their identities were a secret, though he doubted that his cousin would have a small celebration this year. 

"If you forgive me, that would be the best gift." Al said with a wink as he pushed his chair back. "I know not to rush it, Cara, don\'t worry. I\'ll go get my things." 

As Al made it to their wing of the mansion, his younger sister Angelica came running across the hall and jumped into his arms.

"Happy birthday!" She shouted as she hugged him tight. 

She had always been the most excited to celebrate her brothers\' birthdays. 

"Thanks, kid." Al said as he slowly lowered Angelica to the ground.

"Happy Birthday, Al!" Andres greeted with his bag slung over his shoulder while carrying Angelica\'s school bag in another hand.

"Thanks Andres." Al said with a nod as he took Angelica\'s bag from his younger brother. "Why do you two insist on doing everything on your own. We have maids and bodyguards, and butlers to help you out."

Al sighed and shook his head.

"Give me a minute, I need to get my bag too." Al said as he walked to his room which was at the end of the hall. 

"Who do you think we get it from?" Andres chuckled as Al shook his head and quickly retrieved his bag from his room.

Unlike Al, Andres and Angelica went to one of the most prestigious and most secured schools in the country. 

Both younger siblings had thrown a fit when they found out they wouldn\'t be going to the same school as their younger brother and Andres constantly tried to get Ray to let him go to school with Al.

"Are you guys going to try to sneak into my school again?" Al asked as he noticed that neither of his siblings were in their school uniforms.

"Yup." Angelica said confidently.

"Dad won\'t allow it." Al sighed as they made their way to the foyer of the mansion where Cara and Eric were waiting for them.

"Angelica, why didn\'t you tell me it was your brother\'s birthday today?" Cara frowned as she looked at the little girl.

"You two were still fighting yesterday, I\'m guessing you made up because you\'re coming to school with us." Angelica giggled. 

"Coming to school with us? What? Since when do we go to school with your siblings?" Cara asked.

"Are they trying to sneak into our school again?" Eric grinned as he looked knowingly at Andres. 

Of course Ray and Ayanna constantly complained about their younger children trying to go to whichever school Al went to. 

"Yes." Al groaned. "Dad\'s gonna catch you two, no the bodyguards won\'t even let you in the car."

"Not if we disguise ourselves and bribe the guards." Andres scoffed.

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