Never Judge

Chapter 1071 1071

Al entered the room right behind his father.

A man followed them with a tray of different instruments that Al presumed was used for torturing people. 

He was surprised to find that the room was tiled all white, it looked more like an operating room rather than a torture chamber used by the Mafia. 

"Troy." Ray said, making Al look towards his father as he stood before the guard that had betrayed them. "Do you know who I am?" 

Troy, the guard, slowly nodded as he confirmed he knew who Ray was.

"Good, good, it would be such a pain if you had no idea who you had betrayed." Ray chuckled, his laugh echoing through the practically empty chamber.

Al had a feeling that even how his father\'s voice echoed in the room had been taken into consideration when the place was being built.

While Ray spoke, the man before him looked scared and defeated. 

It was obvious that the moment he had been caught the man had given up. Al couldn\'t help but wonder how this man could have been so confident in opposing his family and yet look so defeated at the moment.

"Do you know who this young man is?" Ray said as Al took a step forward with a cocky smile on his lips. 

It wasn\'t time to show how new he was at this. 

The guard only stood at the gate, the most he ever saw of Al was from a distance. 

Troy slowly nodded as a look of fear crossed his eyes.

Al couldn\'t help but feel proud that the man already feared him without him even lifting so much as a finger.

"Say who he is, Troy." Ray leaned forward and grabbed Troy by the chin lifting him up slightly, pulling against his restraints. "Use your tongue Troy, you still have it, for now." 

Ray threw the man back and crossed his arms on his chest, waiting for Troy to speak.

"Y- y- y- young m- m- m- master L- Lawrence." Troy managed to stutter out. 

Al grined as the man spoke, he had already probably wet himself out of fear at this point, a result highly favorable to Al and his father. 

"Good you know he\'s my son." Ray nodded as he walked over to the tray and looked through the numerous torture devices that had been laid out for them.

"You betrayed us, Troy." Ray said as he picked up a knife and handed it to Al. "First we will give you your punishment."

Ray leaned close to Al and whispered in his ear.

"Can you do it?" He asked his son.

"Yes." Al confidently answered. 

Ray smiled as he let go of the knife in Al\'s hand and returned his attention to Troy.

"First, we will punish you." Ray told the man. "A finger for each child in this household that you endangered. Tell me Al, who was here and in your uncle\'s house during the attack."

"Me, Cara, Eric, Angelica, Emilio. Christina, Christopher, and Daniel." Al recited. He wasn\'t sure if the twins had been in the mansion, but they usually were. "Eight dad."

"Leave his thumbs, I want the rest cut off." Ray ordered his son.

Al nodded as he took a step forward. 

Troy began to scream begging to be let go.

"No, please, I\'ll tell you everything." Troy sobbed as another bodyguard entered the room to hold him down while another took his hand and placed it firmly on the table.

"Which finger do you think we should leave, Troy?" Al asked the man as he smiled menacingly.  I think you should take a look at

Deep down, Al wasn\'t quite sure if he could do it. He had never seen his father torture a man, nor had he done it himself. 

"No, no, I\'m begging you." Troy shouted. "I\'ll tell you everything you want to know, the truth, I swear."

Al smiled. He had a plan forming in his head. 

"Do you really have no family?" Al asked, much to Ray\'s surprise. 

The older man didn\'t say a thing, he simply watched and observed, he knew his son had a plan. And even if Al couldn\'t cut the man\'s fingers off, Ray could easily order one of his men to do it or do it himself. 

"A wife and two daughters." Troy sobbed, confessing to Al. 

Al quickly chopped off his middle finger spraying blood across the table.

The man shouted in pain and shock as he lost his first finger.

"That\'s for the lie you wrote when you applied to work for the Lawrence family. Do you understand now that your lies have consequences?" Al questioned the man as he looked him directly in the eyes, not bothered with the blood that had now splattered on his white shirt.

"Y- y- yes sir." Troy managed to say in a weak voice. 

"Now, tell me, have you been loyal to my family, to the job we hired you to do?" Al asked as the man\'s eyes went wide with shock.

It was clear that Al was setting him up. 

"No, sir." The man confidently said as Al brought the knife down again, chopping off another finger.

"It\'s nice to see you learning to be honest. That\'s a very good trait that will help you in the future." Al mockingly declared.

Ray laughed at his son\'s words, shaking his head.

It was actually more entertaining than he had expected to watch his son torture and maim a man. 

Ray took out his phone and snapped several pictures, he checked them and sent them to his group chat with his friends. 

He knew the others would be quite impressed with Al.

Before Al could ask his third question, Ray\'s phone began to buzz with messages from his friends.

Cedric: So soon? How\'s the boy taking it?

Ian: It\'s quite entertaining to watch, who knew the timid pretty boy Al had it in him, he looks like he could be king already.

Alexi: That\'s my nephew!

Ray grinned at the messages, he was glad his friends approved.

Miguel: Your wife will not be happy with this, but I see why he has to start now. I just hope he is cutting in all the right places so the man doesn\'t bleed out.

Ray: I have doctors on standby. Can\'t have this man dying before I get the information.

Cedric: Good luck with my sister when she finds out. Those blood stains will not come off easily. I suggest taking her on a shopping trip to Milan tomorrow.

Ray smiled as he placed his phone back in his pocket and returned his attention to the matter on hand.

Al had already cut off six fingers with only two remaining. 

"Please sir." Troy begged. 

"Very well." Al responded as he quickly chopped off the two remaining fingers, leaving the man shouting in agony.

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