The Human Giant

Chapter 353 352: Make Me More Beautiful!

These two young men were Yoze and Evi, who had dropped off the unconscious fat merchants at Lover Town and left soon after. Even though Lover Town was well known for having very good-looking men and women, it was usually considered more as a tourist location. Hence, the town was too small for them to gain anything by staying longer.

"That is how I ended up accidentally killing an elder from the Thorn Rose Sect. If I had known that Blood Master Scarlett was a witch, I would never have let her into my home.".

"The good thing was that at the end of the day, I gained quite a bit from it." Yoze smiled as he retold his incident with the Thorn Rose Sect.

"...That Blood Master Steel is a lucky guy." Evi sighed as he blanketly stared at the raging fire.

After listening to what had happened to Yoze throughout the past few years, he had nearly had a heart attack ten times! The number of martial artists, demons, and rogue immortal cultivators that Yoze had killed seemed too high to be true.

Killing Blood Masters and Martial Grandmasters for Yoze seemed like he was killing chickens. Like most commoners, Evi had believed that immortals, witches, and demons were mostly made-up stories that their grandparents had made up when they were bored.

Yet, from Yoze\'s retelling, it was like they were everywhere! 

As common as weeds inside a field of grass. It might look as if the field was filled with nothing but prestigious green grass, but a closer examination would allow anyone to find that between every patch of grass was a troublesome weed.

"Maybe I should not have joined Yoze\'s sect. I don\'t want to encounter a witch and have a curse cast on me that turns me into a frog."

"How am I going to convince a beautiful princess to kiss me? Life is not that strange... never mind with Yoze, life is that strange." As Evi thought to himself, his mind was having difficulty processing the new reality of his life.

He could only pay attention to the fact that Blood Master Scarlett suddenly married her enemy, which drew a strange look from Yoze.

"Evi, don\'t get any weird ideas about courting Blood Master Scarlett. She is already a married woman, and even if she wasn\'t, she would never be interested in scholars like us." 

"Please stop calling yourself a scholar. You are making the whole scholar community look like shit compared to you." Evi hastily interrupted as he felt his fragile heart couldn\'t take it anymore tonight.

"You calling yourself an ordinary scholar is like calling a majestic lion a stray alley cat. If I keep letting you call yourself a scholar, no one would want to hire any scholars in the future. Scratch that all scholars and martial artists are nothing compared to you since you are a complete package." Evi told Yoze.

"Alright, I will be less humble and call myself a super scholar next time. Does that make you happy?" Yoze teased Evi but didn\'t expect his response.

"That would be great. Yoze, the Super Scholar, has opened up the School of Eternal Knowledge. A school that focuses not only on creating new paths for martial artists but also creates Super Scholars!" 

"I kind of like the sound of that. What do you think, Yoze? If you want, we can make our sect more specialized so that all the martial artists you teach will also know literature, math, art, elegant speech, and politics."

"If this works and we are the first school to create Super Scholars, then we have a cool and useful gimmick that the Cities and Sects can\'t compete with," Evi said slowly after some thought.

Unlike Yoze, who hadn\'t given his clients a single piece of advice since he became a scholar, Evi was the real deal. He had accumulated a lot of experience when it came to giving out useful advice, so he was able to easily find something useful from their casual talk.

"As expected from the Nobel Scholar Evi, that is a great idea. But you forgot the most important thing about being a Super Scholar." Yoze said seriously.

"What is it?" Evi asked. He was curious about what he had missed. Didn\'t becoming a Super Scholar just mean a scholar who is also an expert in martial arts?

"Super Scholars have to be both handsome and beautiful. When they appear in public, everyone must know that they are not ordinary scholars."

"They have to stick out like a Blue Feather Crane in a large crowd of red chickens," Yoze said seriously.

If it was an ordinary person, they would have thought Yoze was joking, but Evi knew he wasn\'t. What he said made perfect sense since they lived in a superficial world.

Even though the appearance of a scholar shouldn\'t matter, only the scholar\'s experience and skills should be the only important thing. Unfortunately, in reality, having good looks usually has benefits.

A scholar who is handsome or beautiful is more likely to get a promotion or a pay raise compared to a scholar with the same level of skills. Not only that, scholars who liked to travel or preferred to be hired by people instead of governments needed to compete with other scholars doing the same.

So if all the Super Scholars they produced were extraordinarily handsome and beautiful, then all their students would have a much easier time finding jobs and getting promotions.

"I guess you are right, but it\'s going to be hard finding people who are as handsome and beautiful as you. It will make our sect much smaller." Evi said after realizing the truth of Yoze\'s statement.

"That would be true in most cases, but did you forget I wasn\'t always this good-looking? If our sect is going to make Super Scholars, then one of the things we will do is teach them martial arts that improve their looks and teach them good hygiene." Yoze casually mentioned.

"Can you teach me?" Evi said more seriously than he had ever been in his entire life.

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