Cosmic Peak

Chapter 17 - Source Of Spirit Water? Onward Towards Red Berries.

Luna went to the school storehouse sneakily and touched four barrels before thinking about Wild Expanse.

At that thought, She got the option to enter or not, and she thought " Yes " as she disappeared with the two plastic barrels.


Inside the cave, Aren saw Luna appearing four barrels and smiled, " That was fast. "

" Well, I was at my school grounds, and I knew that there were barrels in the storehouse. Anyway, Let\'s hurry up and fill up the barrels. " Luna said as she took two barrels towards the pond and started working.

The barrels were not big, as it was clearly written [ 30 Lt. ] on them, which means that they could store 30 liters of water each.

Both of them filled up the barrels with spirit water, and the pond\'s water considerably decreased such that they couldn\'t store more water in other barrels without any tool.

Aren put the barrels aside but was surprised to see that Luna\'s barrels disappeared.

But something clicked in his mind at that moment as he tried to store the barrel inside his inventory by thinking about it.


And the barrels disappeared.

" So we can indeed store items from our world too. " Aren muttered.

Luna heard it and was surprised, " You didn\'t know? "

" Well, I never tried it before. Anyway, let\'s go out from that passage now. It shouldn\'t be that hard to climb, and since it\'s just 6 meters long, we won\'t die even if we fall. " Aren said before moving towards the passage.

Luna nodded as she also turned to her left before moving, but she stopped after a second as she frowned in doubt and looked back at the pond.

She narrowed her eyes to take a closer look before her eyes turned wide in shock, " Wait, Aren! Look at the pond. "

Hearing her, Aren turned around in doubt before looking at the pond as well, and shortly after that, He was also shocked.

But along with shock, they were pleasantly surprised.

Inside the pond, If one looked closely, they would see some bubbles occasionally sprouting. Luna\'s eyes caught that moment, and she turned around to confirm if she did not imagine things.

" Aren. Those occasional bubbles sprouting means...hehe, It looks like we can harvest this spirit water forever. " Luna spoke with a chuckle.

But Aren narrowed his eyes with a smile and laughed, " I think if we dig that pond, we can find the true source of spirit water and the reason it\'s forming, or maybe there is a big underground source of spirit water? "

Luna made a fist with her right hand and punched it vertically on her left palm before speaking his surprise, " You are right! But how about we gather some more spirit water and store it before deciding to dig it? "

Aren nodded as he agreed with her, " Yep. since the spirit water will continue to fill the pond, then we should fill some more barrels. Come on, help me. I think we should also bury this pond and hide it. Even though chances of people stumbling here shouldn\'t be high, but it\'s not impossible. "

" Alright. " Said Luna before she and Aren gathered rocks and stones before completely burying the pond.

Aren looking at the buried pond and thought for a moment before speaking, " Hmmm...Let\'s arrange some more stones in the surroundings to make it look natural, like the other parts of the cave. "


After arranging everything, They started climbing out of that hole.

Luna easily managed to do with her two daggers, and this time, she did it fast because if she paused, then her dagger\'s sharpness would crumble the internal soil and lose grim like how when she fell while descending.

Aren managed to climb easily after Luna as he used the place where Luna used her daggers as his foothold.

After coming out, He looked at Luna with a grin, " Now shall we go get some berries? "

Luna looked in a particular direction before nodding while gritting her teeth, " Mhmm...Let\'s go. "

Both of them moved in a particular direction in this forest as Luna knew the way perfectly since it was not far from here, and they also put the mark on trees for insurance.

After twenty minutes of slow running, Luna and Aren arrived at a mountain.

Luna pointed at the mountain and said, " The Red berries are inside that mountain. "

" Ohh? " Aren looked at the mountain and frowned a bit before looking at the ground position of the mountain and noticed something strange.

Seeing that, He laughed, " So this is a hollow ground mountain with a mountain cave. Hahaha, that set-up is not bad, but some people can see through it. "

He started walking towards the covered-up mountain cave entrance as Luna became speechless but followed after shaking her head with a wry smile.

Aren waved his great heavy sword and pushed away the woods and bushes set up that covered the small cave entrance before going inside.

Luna also entered, and after that, both of them shabbily covered the cave entrance once again before moving deeper inside the mountain.

As they walked, Luna spoke, " You see those plants at the right side? They contained those strange red barriers that heal our health. "

" After harvesting them, we moved into that path and arrived at another cave that had many patches of those red berries plants. But...There are six giant strange-looking beasts. They look like gorillas but with four hands, and they also have bloody fangs that stay outside of their mouth. "

Luna spoke as she and Aren walked inside the passage that led to another cave, " When we went inside, They all rushed after us to kill us but strangely, they didn\'t come out through this passage and return back so luring them out while one person harvest berries also wouldn\'t work. "

As they neared another cave from the passage, Luna whispered to Aren to walk silently.

Both of them sneakily glanced outside to the cave from the passage and saw six 3-meter tall beasts.

Aren nodded with a thoughtful expression before whispering, " Let\'s make a plan to defeat them. First, do you mind telling me about your skills and abilities? Don\'t worry; I will go first. "

Aren knew that if one wants to gain the trust of others, then he will have to trust them first. The first step of a trustworthy relation started from that.

But before Aren could say anything, Luna shook her head with a smile, " I will go first. As for why... Well, Aren. I was raised in an orphanage, so I don\'t know who my parents are or if they are still alive or not. No relatives visited me, so I guess I don\'t have them too. Anyway, I have already come to terms with my life, and I have made one mistake of trusting those three.

But even so, I am going to trust you, a stranger I met just today. I have seen many types of people, and I trust my instinct too...but hearing that, you would ask me that if that was the case, then why I got together with those three, right?...Heh "

Pausing there, Luna self-deprecatingly smiled before continuing, " I got together with them because...I got kind of happy that someone invited me. You see...I hide my face with my hair because I look ugly. I also have an ugly birthmark on my forehead, which makes it worse. So...well, I was kind of happy to discard the solitude that was with me.

Anyway, let\'s end it there. So what I was saying is that I will trust you and join your team, so you better trust me too and don\'t betray me, or I will become a vengeful ghost and hunt you down. "

Aren smiled faintly before stretching his hand, " I will trust you and will not betray you. As for the ghost thing...hehe, It could actually become true now because we are already experiencing a phenomenon that\'s even more unbelievable than something like a ghost. I truly wonder what kind of power can create something like this vast world inside a mystical floating mountain. "

" Indeed.. " Luna nodded in agreement with a grin as she shook hands with Aren before proceeding to tell him about her information.

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