The Human Giant

Chapter 2 2: The Scholar Exam And The Martial Artist

Yoze took a seat inside the building where the Scholar exam was taking place and tried to get comfortable. The exam was going to take place all day long. The exam was also divided into several sections with 15-minute breaks in between.

It was enough time to eat a snack and drink some water but not enough time to figure out how to cheat on the following sections which were randomly selected.

"Look, the test examiners have arrived."

Yoze turned his attention to the three middle-aged men wearing scholar robes and had auras of superiority. However, his attention was placed on the fourth man who followed behind them as he didn\'t look like a scholar. If anything his strong muscles, sharp gaze, and sheathed sword tied to his belt showed that he was a warrior.

"A martial artist?"

Yoze felt his heart shiver as he remembered the rumors that father told him that this world was filled with monsters, demons, and Immortals. Yoze always wanted to see if Immortals were real but he never came across a martial artist much less an Immortal.

The thought of using his talent mark on the martial artist crossed Yoze\'s mind but he eventually shook his head and temporarily rejected the idea. He wanted to use his only talent mark in case he ran into some difficulty during the exam and copy someone with more talent to increase his chances of becoming a scholar. Yoze knew that he had to become a scholar to save his father from dying from his sickness.

"The exam will begin in 10 minutes! Make sure to take care of your natural needs beforehand as there are will be no exceptions to leaving during this period." One of the examiners spoke drawing Yoze\'s attention.

The examiners went over the rules and repeatedly mentioned that cheating would not be tolerated. After that, the first section of the exam was passed out and the test began.

The first section was about math and was the section that Yoze had the most confidence in. He had taken math courses when he went to college so he had an easier time learning and understanding this world\'s math.

Two hours passed by in a flash and Yoze finished with the last question. Even though he was confident he still double-checked his answers to make sure he didn\'t make a mistake.

It took Yoze another half an hour to double-check and fix the few math mistakes he made and waited patiently for the first break to start. They weren\'t allowed to try and turn in their papers early and needed to wait patiently for the examiners to collect them all at the same time.

"Time\'s up! Pens Down!"

Yoze looked around to see that a third of the people had sweat covering their foreheads but seemed satisfied with the exam with another third seeming like they wanted to kill themselves. The last third were people like Yoze who seemed to be relaxed and rested.

"A 15-minute break starts now!"

Yoze stood up and left the exam room to take a breath of fresh air and calm his nerves. The moment he stepped outside, Yoze was assaulted with a wave of heat.

"Damn it\'s hot. I\'m going back inside." Evi used his hand to shade his eyes and went inside.

Just as Yoze was going to follow him inside he saw that the martial artist that had come in with the examiners was standing outside in the blazing heat.

Even from a distance, Yoze could tell that the martial artist was in a terrible mood at being forced to stand outside in the blazing heat for several hours.

Making a snap decision Yoze walked outside and offered the martial artist some water.

"Sir, I couldn\'t help but notice that you have been standing outside for a while and wanted to offer you some water." Putting up his best smile, Yoze lifted his water pouch full of water.

The martial artist first looked at Yoze with a look of suspicion but seeing his smile without ill intent, he accepted the offering.

"Thanks, kid, what do you want?"

"Are you a martial artist?"

"Yes, " The martial artist confirmed.

"Have you encountered any monsters and demons?" Yoze asked with excitement.

The martial artist took a gulp of water and looked deeply into Yoze\'s eyes and said, "No, you are more likely to die at hands of another martial artist than a demon."

The martial artist took another swig of water and continued after seeing the look of disappointment in Yoze\'s eyes

"Of course, it doesn\'t mean that they aren\'t real. They are very much real. I might never have encountered any demons or monsters but I have heard stories from friends that you are more likely to encounter them as one gets stronger."

Seeing that his questions were being answered, Yoze asked his most important question.

"How does one become a martial artist?"

"Kid, the path to becoming a martial artist is tough and filled with death. I recommend that you stick with becoming a scholar. It is not only safer but you are more likely to have a better life."

"I see,"

Understanding the martial artist\'s advice and being able to accept it were two different matters. Since Yoze confirmed that this world might have demons from legends that treated human lives like ants existed. He didn\'t feel comfortable placing his life in the hands of others. Especially now that he had gotten the power to copy talents he knew he could reach the sky.

Maybe it was because the martial artist saw that the flame in Yoze\'s eyes didn\'t diminish. Or perhaps he wanted to maintain their exchange for water with questions going. But he gave Yoze his water pouch back and told him to come back during the next break session.

"If you still want an interest in learning about the world of martial arts, come find me next break."

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