Reborn: Rise of the Greatest Summoner

Chapter 628 A well-planned war; all-out assault!

Chapter 628 A well-planned war; all-out assault!

Everywhere around them turned into a disaster zone.

While the battle raged, the Beast King looked on. \'George…\'

At this moment, this Beast King no longer knew how to react.

His subordinates kept on roaring at him to join the evacuating forces.

He knew that was the most rational decision to ensure the survival of the Beast Coalition but he simply couldn\'t do it, that was not what he envisioned.

This was not how he envisioned the end of his beast freedom journey.

As he looked at the war around him, he felt his world rewind before him.

He felt his world rewind back to that day, more than 3 years ago when he made his first appearance.

That day that the network of the whole Minerva Star System was hijacked by the highly capable 5th Upper Beast Priest, the Bumblebee.

The unforgettable day of the speech.

He could remember his deep voice reverberating. "I am…," He paused for dramatic effect, causing billions of hearts to beat faster then.

"I am Duhkha, the embodiment of Beast suffering…, the Beast King". 

Silence swept across an entire star system as they heard that as all eyes, both young, middle-aged, and old focused on this single beast.

That day, they saw him for the first time.

"My name, Duhkha means suffering, unhappiness…" He paused. "Pain!"

"When I was a cub, I grew up in a beast reserve with my family".

"We lived as tourist beasts, a life I didn\'t enjoy but I could live with…" He paused again. "That was until our Demon Race owners thought we were no longer entertaining enough for their satisfaction".

"The day that they thought that, my whole family died, except me".

"I can remember his scrutinizing eyes going over my body like he was appraising a common commodity". The Demonic Lion smirked. 

"I can never forget his words…, this one seems talented, he\'d surely do well in the beast arena, he may even fetch us some cash".

"That day, my whole life changed, I was dumped in the beast arena".

"I was thrown into a chaotic prison where traumatized beasts like me were indoctrinated into slaughtering each other as brutally as possible". He smirked. "For what?" 

His voice lowered dangerously. "For the entertainment of the onlookers".

"I killed 10 beasts in desperation, earning my owners 11,000 Galactic Credits until I was brutally mauled by a beast more powerful than I am".

Remembering this, this Beast King felt rage bubble in his being even as his memories overlapped with the ongoing war.

\'11,000 Galactic Credits…\' He repeated in his mind.

The memory kept on replaying; he continued his speech.

"At the gate of death, I felt tired, angry, I felt frustrated".

"I didn\'t die though, hehe…" He grinned again. "Here I am".

"An old dying Mandrill saved me with magic, I can still remember his dying words vividly like it was just yesterday".

Remembering to here, he looked round this planet one more time. \'Planet Ancestor Mandrill…\'

\'This was supposed to be the perfect tribute to you, master\'.

The memory kept on replaying in his head.

"He told me…, this is the life of a beast".

"You know what I felt when he died?" He smirked, then from a smirk it turned into a grin before finally turning into an angry frown. 

"I FELT ANGRY!" He rose up from his throne as power exploded!

Billions of souls across the expansive Minerva Star System shook in shock as they watched, millions fainted.

He laughed like a mad Lion. "That was when I knew it, I finally understood the world that I was born in but I did not succumb to it".

"That day, I birthed my ambition to become the liberator".

"I vowed to become the Beast King that will liberate beasts from this life".

He glared into the screen. "We\'ve been planning for centuries, now we are ready, we are called the Beast Coalition".

"All I want is the release of every beast in slavery".

His eyes narrowed. "It\'s not a request, it\'s an order".

He smirked again. "I know how stubborn the so-called sentient races can be, I have a package ready for you though".

"In 2 minutes, it will start".

"Nothing can stop it, only the birth of the Beast Empire can stop it".

"The Minerva Star System is just the start, the Universe is my end goal, not even the Universal Civilizations can stop me, I shall liberate every single beast that is living in slavery!"

"With my Beast Priests, I shall storm all sentient life with misery!"

"I shall give you all a taste of your own medicine!"

"Even in death, my gospel cannot be stopped!"

"It will only become stronger and more widespread!" He grinned. "Duhkha is not a beast; it is a symbol".

"You can kill a beast to eradicate a problem from the roots".

He grinned. "But you can\'t kill a symbol".

He spread his wide powerful arms. "A symbol is immortal".

"A symbol is forever".

He inclined his head to look at something. "Your time is up".

"Welcome to the era of the Beast Coalition!"

On that day, the Minerva Star System experienced a change.

The terror of the Beast Coalition started!

The Beast King remembered everything like it was just yesterday.

But now, looking at his capital planet that was supposed to be the pinnacle of his achievements, he could not smile, sadness filled his heart. 

\'This is not how I saw it…\' He thought.

\'This is not how I envisioned it…\'

He looked up as tears flowed down his eyes even as his energy cleaned it up before others could see it.

He was the Beast King.

He could not afford to let his subordinates see him weak.

As he looked up, a thought filled his mind. \'A symbol…\'

\'What is truly a symbol?\'

\'A symbol is immortal…\'

\'A symbol is forever…\'

His weak eyes regained some light. \'I can\'t afford to die today\'.

\'I should become the symbol that I always wanted\'.

He looked at this planet-sized battlefield. \'I must become the symbol\'.

Everywhere this Beast looked, he only saw the aggressive and frenzied all-out assault of the enemy allied forces led by their Calamity Grades.

Right there in his palace before him, one of the battles raged intensely.

"Self-Created Technique: Spartan Rage!" 

A now bloodied Elephant Priest faced his powerful opponents.

"You shall not pass…!" This beast roared with conviction and determination even as he clashed against the 2 powerful opponents trying to break in.

By now, the shield already had numerous holes in it.

The Scientist Priest, the Proboscis was now filled with terrible injuries as after giving his all to keep the shield intact, he was now close to being spent completely.

"Self-Created Ability: Psychic Infusion!"

"Self-Created Ability: Nature Connection- Psychic Explosion!"

"Self-Created Pugilist Ability: Drilling Spear!"


The 2 horrifyingly powerful Calamity Grades of the allied enemy force never let up their offensive once as they continued attacking like crazy.

There was no more guaranty, the shield could shatter any moment.

The Beast Priests were losing in this battlefront.

Looking at both of them, the Beast King grimaced. \'Promos, Emagon…\'

He looked to the East again.

"Self-Created Technique: Wisdom!"

"Self-Created Technique: 10-seconds Hallucination!"

"Self-Created Technique: Brain Surgery!"


The incredibly powerful brain power and mind energy of the 2nd Upper Beast Priest, the Golden Langur wreaked havoc but only did little against his 3 opponents.

The Ackermann State already clashed with the Golden Langur and lost once so for this war; they came prepared to face him.

The 3 Calamity Grades that were designated to fight the Golden Langur wore special designed helmets that granted their brains and mind full proof protection from the mysterious and extremely dangerous power of this Beast Priest.

With these helmets, they were not able to come close to killing the Golden Langur but they did a good job in stalling and keeping him in one place.

The Golden Langur had no chances of winning in this battlefield with those helmets still intact, and he could not destroy them.

This Upper Beast Priest was being suffocated.

Looking at this battlefield, the Beast King instantly came to a conclusion.

By the time that the Golden Langur could defeat these enemies, the war would already be over in other places and the truly powerful enemies like the Fleet Warlord would be free to take care of him then.

This Beast Priest\'s face scrunched with worry. \'Saurgem…\'

He looked to the Northwest where the Bumblebee fought.

Against the annoying Summoner and his army of Komodo Dragons, Bumblebee already sustained terrible injuries as he was going against his natural enemy. 

The Beast King\'s face grew sadder the more he saw. \'Darkvale…\'

Then, he looked at the virtual projections.

Planet Beast Freedom was a picture of total carnage and destruction. 

Led by Admiral Zhao, this planet was already set in flames totally as the lineup of Calamity Grades led by him kept the Destruction Priest in check.

For the first time in centuries, this Doom Cow was bleeding.

The situation didn\'t look hopeful.

The Beast King could no longer look sad, he felt resignation. \'Angenton…\'

He looked at another virtual projection.

The incredible duel between the Deer Demi-god and Chief Admiral Gregory continued intensely, there was no clear winner yet as they battled fiercely.

While they clashed, the Shelter Priest\'s defense was already broken through as Calamity Grade warriors led their armies in to wreak havoc.

The future of the Beast Coalition was not looking bright.

By now, the Beast King was no longer sad, he only felt resignation.

Thousands of thoughts went through his head and none of them looked bright, this was a well-planned war with no openings left by the enemies.

The Beast Coalition was completely outsmarted. 

\'We can\'t win anymore…, at least the normal way\'.

He looked at all the destruction before him. \'Unless somehow, I am able to do it\'.

\'Unless I am able to become a symbol\'.

\'But…, how?\' He looked around.

This was when he heard it.

"I am the key to help you become the symbol that you always wanted".




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