Reborn: Rise of the Greatest Summoner

Chapter 613 The plan [2]

Chapter 613 The plan [2]

"The key to the plan is one of the Beast Priests".

"The Shelter Priest".

In Planet Crimson Ring, a certain Admiral\'s face twitched as he heard that sentence alone but he did a good job in keeping a straight face reaction to it.

"For 3 years, the Shelter Priest was not focused on stealing parts of territories and resources of the Nak and Ackermann States for nothing".

"His role is extremely important to the establishment of the Beast Empire which is the number 1 driving force of the Beast King".

"Everything that the Beast King had done and achieved till now, it was driven by his desire to see an Empire where beasts are no longer oppressed".

"An Empire where beasts are no longer slaves but are sovereign".

"Due to his life experiences, he believes the Beast Coalition and the current war is the only way to achieve his goal and hence, his ruthlessness".

"To achieve his goal, the Beast King is ready to do and sacrifice anything".

"Unknown to you all, during the past 3 years of skirmishes and wars, the Beast King already realized his goal of building the foundation".

"The Beast Empire is already a thing".

"They now have a territory of their own".

At this point, Legolas\' eyes gleamed. "This takes us to my plan. Invading their territory is the only way to bring the war to an end".

"I have seen their territory but seeing through the lines of fate is not always so clear".

"I saw their territory but I don\'t know the direction leading there," Legolas paused as if waiting for them to take that in first. "But I know another way to get there".

He looked at everyone present in this room. "The Shelter Priest".

In Planet Crimson Ring, the certain Admiral\'s face tightened.

\'What does he know?\'

\'Does he really know so much?\'

\'But that is impossible! The powers of a seer do not work that way\'.

\'He\'s bluffing!\' He was inclined to believe this.

Through the ear pods, the now haunting voice to him continued.

"3 years back, we got introduced to the Shelter Priest for the first time and through my prophecies, I explained the workings of his Spatial Expatriation power".

"And like I told you then, the Shelter Priest is one of the oldest and most important Beast Priests to the Beast Coalition, just like the Dog Priest".

"He has very few abilities but every single one of them is a killer".

"His Spatial Expatriation enables him to expatriate and steal strategic resources like planets, this is what enabled him to get his gigantic planet-sized body".

"The Shelter Priest was once the home of the Beast Empire but now that they have a territory, it is now the mobile fortress of the Beast Coalition".

"The mobile fortress is our only channel to access their territory".

"Another ability of the Shelter Priest is the spatial node".

"By activating this incredible ability, he is able to create unique nodes in space that only he can access. By placing these nodes in strategic locations, anytime he wants, he can go anywhere that he likes in a moment\'s notice".

"A year ago, one of such nodes was planted here in Planet Nak".

"…!" All the Nak Admirals sucked in a deep breath in shock.

"What?!" President Dunk could not keep calm.

"Where? Let\'s remove it now!"

"Is that how they were able to implement the assassination attempt on me?"

Legolas looked at the President. "During the time of your assassination, a node was yet to be planted in Planet Nak, they arrived through a node planted in another planet close to the Nak State\'s capital planet".

"So, yes, the assassination attempt was possible through this ability".

In Planet Crimson Ring, Admiral Nathan no longer fidgeted, he now had a completely cool look on his face even as his eyes slowly reddened.

Admiral Zhao was cool on the surface but tensed inside.

He was also shocked by the unveilings but his attention was mostly on Nathan, he felt like this was the calm before the storm and that this Admiral would do something crazy any moment, he was in a state of high alert.

"We should remove that node now!" President Dunk demanded again.

"No, Mr. President". Legolas rejected him with a smile, President Dunk narrowed his eyes but he waited for his explanation.

"If a node is removed, the Shelter Priest will know and in extension, the whole Beast Coalition which will essentially ruin my plan and all my hard work".

"If you pay attention, from the beginning, I said the key to the plan is one of the Beast Priests…, the Shelter Priest". He smiled.

"There is a way that only I know of to take advantage of the Shelter Priest\'s nodes". Legolas grinned. "That is the core of my plan".

"How are you sure of that?" Fleet Warlord Elyon finally spoke for the first time.

\'Because players were the first to discover it in my previous life and one player got filthy rich by selling this secret to you guys\'.

\'It played an essential role in defeating the Beast Coalition after a lot of sacrifices in my previous life but in this life, it is my secret\'.

\'Since no one has discovered the loophole yet, it is my discovery\'.

Legolas did not let his thoughts known though; he had a smile on his face as he looked at the fleet warlord. "I am sure".

Elyon silently looked at him for a few seconds before replying. "Sure".

"Even the Shelter Priest does not yet know," Legolas continued. "I paid a significant price to peek into fate and deduce this secret".

"The Shelter Priest\'s nodes have unique security details to prevent outsiders from making use of it, I know the code to bypass these security details".

"All I need is a team of Mages proficient in spatial magic".

"With one node compromised, I will be able to grant us access to all the nodes that have ever been created by the Shelter Priest".

"This also includes the node in the new Beast Empire".

"And right there is our invasion plan".

All the Admirals present took in another deep breath in shock.

For a long time, they had been cracking their brains on how to mount a significant attack on the Beast Coalition after suffering so much to them but these freaking beasts were just too cautious, leaving no openings for an attack.

But here, Legolas just decoded the answer to their greatest problem.

It felt so freaking easy.

After all these years of seeing Legolas\' genius, they thought they already rated him high enough but hearing him now, they shuddered in fear.

They realized how much they still underrated him.

This was already more than a normal seer.

Legolas\' ability was a freaking anomaly.

Fleet Admiral Elyon spoke again, this time his tone changed to a more respectful one. "I am impressed".

"That takes care of the invasion plan but is that the end of your plan?"

"As we have seen during the past few years, the Beast Coalition have some pretty powerful Calamity Grade powerhouses in their ranks".

"If we are to go to war, we need to be prepared against them and plan adequately towards their powerhouses and yet we have so few information about them despite clashing with them for so long".

"Do you have a plan regarding this?"

Legolas smiled, he sipped on an energy drink that he just brought out of his inventory. "Chill…, this is just the first part of my plan".

"There is a second part to it". He chuckled.

They all shuddered again.

At this moment, Legolas gave off an omnipotent aura.

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