Reborn: Rise of the Greatest Summoner

Chapter 594 A twist of fate

Chapter 594 A twist of fate


His soul was zapped again and this time, an apocalyptic soul weapon like a sickle followed that yanked his soul out of the corpse of Gustacus Dodomaniac.

Nico Guaguam\'s soul was kidnapped!


The last sound in this soul domain was the screams of the powerful soul that was just kidnapped by an even more powerful soul.

This was soul sorcery at the highest level in display.

Instantly, this soul domain became quiet again.

This soul domain remained quiet for a long time.

Everything seemed stagnant but this was not the true. Having lost its master, this soul domain was slowly dissipating the remnant soul power of the powerful World Controller Emperor into the soul world.

And after 2 weeks, this dissipation of soul power attracted curious visitors.

Powerful soul beasts traced this soul power to its origin.

None of these powerful soul beasts dared to enter inside the domain though, the remnant aura of Emperor Nico Guaguam was just that intimidating.

Amid the scrutiny of all these powerful beasts, after a month since everything turned quiet inside this domain, something finally moved.

There was movement inside…, and it was from a soul.

His head felt groggy.

It was like he was just waking up from a millennium-long slumber.


Blinking his eyes open, he was confused for a few moments as he looked around at this domain with confusion and uncertainty.

"Where am I?" He asked.

"Who am I…?" He paused mid-sentence.

His soul just recovered a tiny bit more due to the incredible nourishment of the powerful remnants of Nico Guaguam\'s overbearing soul power.

His eyes widened, he finally remembered.

"My name is Legolas".

"I was training".

"I went to the Titan Emperor\'s space-pocket world to improve my bloodline abilities, I managed to outwit the Titan Immortals and proved myself worthy of taking on Emperor Gustacus Dodomaniac\'s inheritance".

"I succeeded…, I managed to master the essence of time energy".

"I managed to unlock multiple powers of my bloodline".

"I unlocked the Rewind; degradation special bloodline ability".

"I unlocked the Temporal Control; pause…"

"I unlocked the Temporal Control; acceleration…"

His eyes widened even further, the more he remembered, the more he regained his personality as understanding returned to him.

"I was done, I was ready to leave but an unexpected danger came".

His eyes narrowed. "The Emperor of the World Controller Empire, Nico Guaguam, his 2 millennium-long plans".

"My soul is supposed to be dead; my body is supposed to be his already". His brows furrowed in confusion. "So, what happened?"

Legolas cracked his brain to remember and he finally did.

He recalled Emperor Nico Guaguam\'s last moments.

He was confused. "He seemed to be attacked by another soul".

"But a soul stronger than the Emperor of the World Controller Empire…," Legolas could not think of one as he cracked his brain.

He thought for a long time and things finally started making sense to him.

First, this existence must be connected to him in one way.

The soul world was like the internet with different domains and servers. To access a server, you need a passcode and authorization, it was the same thing in the soul domain and a soul imprint was needed to access certain things.

If this existence had a soul imprint to Emperor Nico Guaguam previously, then he could have just took his soul during his weak moments stuck and hidden in Emperor Gustacus Dodomaniac\'s body.

But this didn\'t happen, this existence waited till now which meant that the soul imprint was not on the World Controller Emperor but him instead.

Thinking hard and long, Legolas had only one suspect in mind.

"The Underworld". He muttered solemnly.

"Only the Underworld has an existence conversant with the matters of the soul enough that I believe can overpower the World Controller Emperor".

Instantly, memories of the notorious and ridiculously powerful Grade S Super who represented the evil factions and was an enemy of the 3 Universal civilizations in his previous life floated to his mind.

"The Demonification Mage!"

"He is the only one who can overpower Nico Guaguam in his own domain".

For a moment, Legolas shuddered in fear at the thought that he had the soul imprint of such a powerful existence on his soul since without knowing.

\'Was he waiting till I was powerful enough before he would take me?\' He felt cold sweat drop down his back.

He felt like he just dodged a bullet.

Now, it was the enemy that was supposed to be his end that now saved him from this future danger. By taking Nico Guaguam, in the process, the Demonification Mage already wiped out his soul imprint.

Remembering something, Legolas froze, then…

"Muahahahaha…!" He laughed his ass out.

He stomped on the ground and grabbed his ribs in laughter.

"What a f*cking twist of fate!"

"Karma b*tch!"

He finally understood how everything happened.

Nico Guaguam aimed to wipe his soul off existence and take over his body, a malicious act without remorse but in the end, he was the one who got his soul stolen. Legolas could pay billions just to see the Emperor\'s reaction at that moment.

He could already guess what would become of the World Controller Emperor knowing the culprit\'s notoriety from his previous life, perhaps he was now the commander of the Demonification Mage\'s Demon Legion.

"Muahahaha…!" He burst out laughing again.

With Nico Guaguam\'s soul being stolen, he helped Legolas wipe off the soul imprint that was a future danger to him.

He finally understood how he was able to escape the Underworld.

\'The Demonification Mage deliberately let me escape\'.

\'He probably recognized my talent and potential and wanted me to develop into a formidable existence in the future before he demonized me\'.

\'He probably treated me like a rice field that he was simply watering to be farmed in the future, just like I treat the players\'. He shuddered at the thought.

\'Phew!\' He breath a sigh of relief.

Wiping off the soul imprint was not the end of Nico Guaguam\'s help to him though. With his soul stolen, his unimaginably powerful soul domain became ownerless, the powerful soul beasts outside were vivid evidence of how valuable this ownerless soul domain was.

With no soul, all the powerful soul energy that had been gathering in this soul domain since was now ownerless and could now be absorbed.

Any of these powerful soul beasts would become countless times stronger if they could absorb all this soul power but they dared not enter due to fear.

What if the owner of this soul domain was feigning his death?

What if he was injured and was just baiting them in for food?

What if he was just playing a sick game due to boredom?

All these kept Legolas safe at this moment and it also gave him another inheritance…, the remnant soul energy left by Nico Guaguam\'s soul domain.

Since there were no sentient soul to control this soul domain, Legolas had no chances of learning the techniques of the World Controller Emperor like he did with Gustacus Dodomaniac but the ridiculous soul energy was enough.

If he could absorb all this soul energy…, he shuddered at the possibility.

He struggled imagining how scary powerful his soul power would be then.

His mental power and defense would become horrifying.

Then, his telekinesis powers would become god-tier for his grade.

Legolas felt his blood flowing faster and turning hot just at the thought.

Legolas looked outside one last time at the hesitating powerful soul beasts. \'They\'re still hesitating due to fear, I don\'t know how long this will last\'.

His eyes gleamed. \'I better start now\'.

Legolas no longer hesitated, his soul sat cross-legged in this soul domain and he started his second round of inheritance.

Like a blackhole, he opened his soul up as it absolved soul energy from this soul domain like crazy.

Powerful soul energy poured into his soul like crazy.

And with no sentient soul imprint attached to them, they did not resist nor attack Legolas. They simply nourished his soul and mind.

At this moment, Legolas felt like a baby that was sucking his mother\'s breastmilk. There was no feeling greater than that for a baby.

He felt contentment.

He felt nourished.

He felt full.

He felt satisfied.

He felt on top of the world.

Closing his eyes, he just kept on absorbing soul energy.

Legolas did not know for how long he stayed in this soul world doing this routine but when he finally opened his eyes, he felt a change.

Opening his eyes, power flowed from his soul.


Electricity seemed to cackle around him.

His eye color changed, they were no longer their usual black, they now glowed a deep green color, he was full of soul energy.


Legolas flexed his telekinesis powers and he felt like he could do anything.

His mental energy now felt as thick as a wall.

This was far stronger than his previous level.

Legolas did not learn any new complicated application for his telekinesis powers, what he gained was a sheer increase to his telekinesis powers.

He felt like a barbarian at this moment filled with so much power but lacking techniques to utilize them to their fullest potential.

It didn\'t matter at this moment though, what mattered was that he was now far more powerful than before his soul was kidnapped by Nico Guaguam.

Legolas looked up and he cackled maniacally like a mad man.


"What a twist of fate!"

"The saying is really true. In any danger, there is opportunity!"


He looked outside and he saw them.

The powerful soul beasts were no longer hesitating.

Having watched him from outside absorb so much of the soul energy inside this domain without repercussions, they became restless, they could no longer stay hesitant as they started barging their way in.

Legolas grinned. "I guess that\'s my cue to leave".

"My time is up".

He focused and his soul finally left the soul world.


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