Reborn: Rise of the Greatest Summoner

Chapter 133 The Main Character Of Version 1; Blade, The Precision Pugilist!

The warrior coughed blood as he lost a few teeth in the process.

Facing that Warrior Titan literally overturned everything that Captain Aegon thought he knew about the undead Titans already and was why he was so desperate and adamant to know the truth.

With 2 other warriors of the Vanguard Squad accompanying him, he interrogated the 3 Red Masters of the Clown Society that they captured.

While he did this, Legolas took care of the evacuating villagers.

Before they left, he distributed an oily substance to all of them. "Rub these in your carts, they mask your scents from the Undead Titans".

"Hopefully, with them, you can locate another safe place to settle on".

The Tribe Chief of this small tribe told his tribe warriors to distribute the oily substance as he took one for himself. "What is it\'s name?"

"It doesn\'t have a name yet so I think I should give it one".

Legolas slightly inclined his head to look at Brutus who still had his arrogant demeanor, he was responsible for creating this substance that masked scents.

As more time passed, the more Legolas felt that the risk that he took to get this beast for his student was worth it. Brutus was the real deal.

He turned back to look at the Tribe Chief. "Let\'s call it Brutus Lotion".

"Hmm, Brutus Lotion, it\'s a nice name".

The old tribe chief patted Legolas on the shoulders the next moment as he sighed. "Young man, we owe you our lives, this is something that me and my tribe will never forget".

"If you ever need our help in the future, don\'t hesitate to ask".

Legolas was not overly polite, he smiled. "I will ask if the time ever comes".


The Tribe Chief finally turned to lead the survivors of his tribe away.

As Legolas looked at the departing backs of these warriors, he suddenly asked the tribe chief. "Won\'t you really consider evacuating to another tribe settlement, any of the major tribes until the Titan disaster passes?"

The Tribe Chief turned to look at him. "They\'ve absolved smaller tribes countless times in the past, I don\'t want to take the risk".

"As the tribe chief, it is my obligation to keep my tribe\'s identity".

"We were born and bred in the desert, we can survive".

"We\'ll find our place; the desert is so big after all".

This old man smiled before entering one of the big pulling carts. As soon as he entered, the warriors riding the Mutated Desert Horses urged them to move.

In a few minutes, the small village tribe were gone from their previous settlement. Legolas finally turned to return to Captain Aegon with the other warriors of the Vanguard Squad that helped with the evacuation.

On returning, he met Captain Aegon interrogating the 3 war prisoners.


"What was that Titan?!"

Captain Aegon roared as he wacked this warrior on the cheek again. His cheeks were already as red as a potato from all the slaps, but this psychopath was still fervent as he laughed maniacally.

"Hahaha…" He spit at Aegon. "F*ck you!"


"That\'s not how you do it". Legolas spoke the next moment as he walked closer to the 3 psychopaths. "Leave it to me".

He knelt beside the war prisoner, smiled at him before asking. "What was that Titan?"


He was about to spit again but Legolas was faster as he grabbed his lips tightly, he shook his head. "No…, that\'s violating my terms".

He clapped and motioned at his contracted beast. "Predator, come over".

Predator obeyed as he came over, the next moment, his massive body was hovering before this war prisoner as Legolas carried the prisoner up the next moment.

Since his hands and feet were tied, he could only struggle.

"Open your mouth".

Predator opened his massive and dangerous maws.

Legolas carefully put this warrior\'s head inside Predator\'s opened maws so carefully that he was not injured, then he looked him straight in the eye.

"Predator here is a Nightmare Beast".

"If you\'re as intelligent as you look, then you\'ll know a bit about them".

Legolas nodded. "Yes, Nightmare Beasts have incredible dark affinity and powers, inside Predator\'s maws and stomach is extremely corrosive".

This psychopath laughed. "Hahaha…, do you think I\'m afraid of death?"

"No". Legolas smiled. "But you\'re afraid of a slow and painful death".

Legolas\'s smile grew wider. "Predator has so much control over his body that he can close his mouth with your head inside without biting your head off".

"Do you know what happens when Predator close his mouth with your head inside?" He grinned. "The corrosive energy works and your head starts eating away while you\'re still alive".

"Have you experienced such pain before?" Legolas tsked. "I definitely wouldn\'t choose to undergo such pain and agony though".

"After 1 minute, your head will start decaying while you\'re still alive".

This psychopath started shuddering.

"After 5 minutes…"

"I will talk! I will talk!"


"Yes! I promise!"

"It is a dead Titan that your people already fought and shattered its crystal, but our research team with the Almighty Clown had a recent breakthrough".

"Through alien machine, they could make us ride the Titans".

"One of our comrades was the one who rode that Titan".

"Where does he stay inside the Titan?"

"In its stomach, that is where the machine to control the Titan is".

"Good boy". Legolas patted the psychopath on the head.

He turned to face Captain Aegon and smiled. "And that\'s how you interrogate psychopaths, know their strength and weaknesses and gnaw at that weakness no matter how small it is".

"What if he didn\'t speak till the end?"

"Then the other 2 will". Legolas looked at them. "Looking at their friend\'s miserable death, they would definitely break".

"M-my head!" The psychopath finally gathered his strength to speak as he stammered amid tears slowly pouring down his eyes.

"Oh, I almost forgot".

Rex dragged him down from Predator\'s mouth before patting Predator who purred contentedly. As he dragged the psychopath down, he apologized.

"My bad, I lied the other time".

He chuckled. "The part about your head decaying after 1 minute inside Predator\'s mouth was made up. Did you really believe that sh*t?"


He ignored the traumatized psychopath and dragged him to one side before turning to face the others. "What he said, was there any lie?"

"No, I swear on my life!" Both of them replied at the same time.

"Good". Legolas replied and grabbed the hilt of his sword.


One smooth slash from him beheaded all 3 psychopaths at the same time, he cleaned the blood from the blade with the shirt of the closest psychopath before sheathing it back. Then he finally turned to face Captain Aegon.

At this moment, this Captain had a flabbergasted look on his face as he looked at him then at the 3 corpses that laid on the floor.

"What? You thought I\'ll spare their lives?"

"Giving them a quick death is the best mercy that they can receive". Legolas replied nonchalantly. "Look at the village, what do you see?"

"Death and destruction, they killed children, old men and women".

"They\'re already beyond redemption, besides, they are psychopaths".

He patted Captain Aegon\'s shoulder. "Look, if we left them alive, what do you think they\'ll do after we leave? They\'ll do every everything in their means to send message of our presence to their superiors to earn hero points".

"Would you rather let more of your warriors die to the enemies due to your indecision to end the life of your enemies?"

"Be good to your comrades, be ruthless to your enemies".

"That is the way to survive in the super world".

Captain Aegon silently looked at him for a few more seconds before looking away, then he asked. "What do you think of that Titan?"

"It\'s exactly as they said, we need to follow it".

"After sighting us, the best possible cause of action is to go to where the leader of this operation to wipe out the small tribes is".

"This means that we\'ll likely meet their leader if we follow him".

"Let\'s follow him then".

The warriors soon got prepared as they mounted the carts who were soon pulled away by the tamed beasts of the Kong tribe.

As they left, through the map of the desert, Captain Aegon confirmed that their probable destination was the strongest of the small tribes, the Hero Tribe.

On hearing this name, Legolas felt both dread and excitement. The Hero Tribe was the tribe where the main character of Version 1 came from, Blade, the Precision Pugilist.

In his previous life, Blade was the only survivor of the Hero Tribe. Not only that, he was the only survivor of all the Desert Tribes.

This kid that was currently 17 years old was his target.

As the main character who dealt the killing blow to end the Clown, Legolas would be a fool not to remember him.

Back in his previous life, every single player knew this NPC. Strong, fierce, unrelenting, and principled, he was an unstoppable force of nature.

Having gone against him multiple times in raid teams alongside other players which all ended in overwhelming defeats, this was the reason for his dread.

As for his excitement, it was because he was about to embark on the difficult mission of recruiting this main character into his faction.

The rush of excitement at the feat made him feel high.

\'I\'m so curious about the result, can I win him over?\'

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