Reborn: Rise of the Greatest Summoner

Chapter 17 Escape! [1]

On top of each Mountain Toad were 5 superhumans.

Of the 17 Mountain Toads, 6 were adorned with the emblem of the Summoner Academy, 7 with the emblem of the Elementalist Academy, while the remaining 4 were adorned with the emblem of the Pugilist Academy.

At their lead were 2 Mountain Toads that represented the 2 leading academies in this operation, the Elementalists and the Summoners.

The Emissary of the Elementalist Academy was the Dirt Eater. This rough brown-haired man was the perfect example of an Elementalist Pugilist.

He was an Elementalist but he looked like a Pugilist. His brown hair complemented his brown eyes and brown clothes that were filled with dirt. From his nickname, his affinity was clear, he was an Earth Elementalist.

The Emissary of the Summoner Academy was the Blind Bandit. This powerful Summoner was renowned and feared for his 2nd contracted beast, the Fire Drake Tiger who was a powerful Tiger with a Draconic bloodline.

His 1st contracted beast is a Quick-footed Kangaroo.

These 2 superhumans were some of the strongest and most renowned Grade E experts of their respective academies, now they were both sent this time to bring the criminals who survived back to the academies.

After they saw the island which was their target from far away, it only took them 20 minutes more before they finally arrived before the island.

All 17 Mountain Toads climbed into the island before lying down on the shore where they rested to recover their energy from the long journey.

While they rested, the 2 Grade E superhumans each assembled the warriors from their academy while the pugilists had their own separate gathering.

Once they were ready, the warriors were sent out into the island to go look for the criminals and announce to them that it was time to leave.

From previous experiences, by now, a lot of the criminals would be dead already and the few that survived would be traumatized by the island. Once they saw the warriors from the academies, they would follow unconditionally.

At such fragile mental states, meeting the warriors from the academies was like seeing an oasis in a dry desert to them.

As their warriors left to go find the criminals, the Dirt Eater turned to face his rival with a grin, exposing his rotten teeth in the process. "I feel a sudden urge to kill, my intuition tells me that there would be a war, hahaha".

"Well, to hell with your intuition". The Blind Bandit rubbed his beard. "I hope to finish this mission and get going in 40 minutes maximum, you better cooperate".

"You wish goat, I\'ll never feel pressured before a goat like you".

The Blind Bandit was about to reply but he paused and turned his head to the side the next moment only to see a dagger flying just past his cheek. The wind pressure from the dagger flying past cut his cheek open as blood flowed.

The Dirt Eater was fast as he instantly went on the defensive. Once he raised both his hands, the earth responded to his will as they rose and erected a shield.


The earth shield barely rose and formed before it was punched into pieces.

Bam! Bam! Bam!

"Die motherf*cker!"

The Afro Pugilist was a real monster at close range as his fists kept moving rapidly, creating sonic booms in the air with each swing.

Pugilists were not just dangerous due to their physical strength, at the Grade E realm, they unlock Pugilist energy that empower their attacks.

Pugilist energy was why they seem undefeatable at close range.

The Dirt Eater could only do so much at close range. Once a fist connected to his chest, it was like all his bones shattered as he flew back like a canon ball. The Afro Pugilist was not done as he instantly turned to face the Summoner.

"What the heck do you think you are doing…?"

The Afro Pugilist responded with his powerful fists.

In the blink of an eye, the 2 strongest warriors in this emissary party were beaten back, spooking the other academy warriors who turned to help them.

Instantly after they turned, they exposed their backs as the criminals who were already waiting for this moment attacked. Whistling sounds filled the air as daggers flew like a rain of arrows towards the warriors.

Over a dozen warriors were heavily injured instantly as they tried to recover their formation. While focusing on this, they failed to get the full picture and were unable to see the Summoner who already flew past them on a Crane.

Everything was happening so fast.

Of all the main classes, Pugilists were the most explosive and the Afro Pugilist fully embodied this attribute as his presence was like an unstoppable canon.

He was a pivotal part of Legolas\'s plan and he fulfilled his role, singlehandedly disrupting the tempo of the 2 enemy Grade E superhumans.

Before they could recover, the cry of a Crane rang in the air. The White Crane descended on his Crane as together, they annihilated all 6 of the warriors who were tasked to protect 5 of the Mountain Toads.

The White Crane landed on the first Mountain Toad.

Instantly after he landed on it and the Mountain Toad moved, this was what alarmed the 2 enemy Grade E Superhumans.

Originally, they thought that this was a frustrated criminal venting their anger on them by attacking but so many criminals attacking together and this level of coordination was already above normal.

This was definitely a planned attack!

They were shocked and dared to no longer hold back.

"Skull, Tango, come out!"

The Blind Bandit shouted after being attacked by the Afro Pugilist again as he displayed the real strength of a Grade E Summoner.

Instantly after he shouted, a rainbow-colored portal opened beside him through which a large Kangaroo and a massive Tiger engulfed in fire charged out.


The Fire Drake Tiger announced his presence with a mighty roar even as the fire surrounding it was spread towards the criminals in a lethal attack.

Once the Tiger and Kangaroo came out, the Afro Pugilist pulled out of the battle and retreated as he seemed to turn into a prime fantasy Usain Bolt.

In just 2 seconds, he covered yards of space as he arrived before a 2nd Mountain Toad and mounted it. The 2 mounted Mountain Toads obeyed the orders of their new riders as they turned to go back to sea.

The plan was always going to have a lot of sacrifices. The enemies were too powerful, to win, the plan was to attack fast, disrupt them, and escape fast.

Those that were able to escape were the lucky ones but those who died were of course the sacrifices, the criminals were all resigned to their fates.

A great factor that enabled this easy penetration to escape was the 2 enemy Grade E superhuman\'s complacency. They were used to this drill for so long already that they never expected a conspiracy from the criminals.

They underestimated them and was why they were disrupted so embarrassingly. They f*cked up, but they were determined to remedy it.

With their pride hurt, the Blind Bandit and the Dirt Eater sought to restore it as they both pursued after the 2 escaping Mountain Toads with all their might.

All their attention was now focused on the 2 escaping Grade E Experts and this exposed their backs. They didn\'t know the danger of exposing their backs to an unknown expert, not that they expected there to be another expert.

Hidden between a thick bush, Legolas grabbed the arrow that was provided by the Frost Crane as he kept and maintained his aim on the 2 Grade E warriors.

The plan was never just the 3 Grade E criminals escaping. If that was so, none of the other criminals would willingly support them. For the plan to succeed, everyone had to be carried along and he already accounted for all those.

With his marksman passive ability, his 2 targets seemed close to him. Legolas kept his aim for 2 seconds before releasing the 2 arrows.

"Game on!" He growled.


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