New Game+

Chapter 557 Suicidal Charge

Cliff saw the deaths but was relieved to see Chris and Grace alive. He had feared that they were instantly killed and did not respond to his Thought Transmitter calls.

"We have to move," Cliff ordered.

The Indigos arrived and quickly helped some of the wounded members of the Force of America that joined Chris.

"Only six survivors from your team?" Peters asked.

"Yes. And Grace would have died if not for Jake." Chris answered.

"Can you read me?" A voice suddenly spoke and those with Thought Transmitters quickly heard it.

"Gryphon Squadron! Is that you?! Report!" Cliff shouted again as he has been constantly calling out to this team and used the power of the Thought Transmitter.

"General! We\'re alright. We blew up one of the command centers on the east wing. We were inside a place where not even the Thought Transmitter worked. But luckily, we were not in that path of attack." Suarez finally reported.

Cliff sighed in relief. He was worried that they had died.

"Alright. Let\'s go! We have to leave now!"

"General. Before Jonathan died, he awakened his Skill. He always gave me good advice. If I didn\'t follow his advice, Seeker would not have been born. He crossed the threshold as he was exposed to the power of the Presider\'s luck. And with that, he gave me one last advice."

"What was it?" Cliff pondered.

"That the parents should save their kids!" Chris answered.

Cliff froze for a second.

With one attack, Garenjazz managed to kill so many Unlocked that no other Presider had done before. Cliff knew that they were vastly outmatched and knew that pressing forward was certain death.

"Are you sure that that was a skill?"

"Yes. I\'m positive." Chris answered immediately.

"You guys... have to save... Seeker and Lynd? This advice... it\'s illogical. You saw that power! You know it could do! Meryl almost died! You almost died! More than half of our teams are dead because of a random attack!" Chris argued.

"And yet, Jonathan gave me advice with such certainty." Chris stood his ground.

"You guys better decide, quick!" Lynda spoke.

Cliff hesitated and glanced around him.

Grace also recalled another memory about Jonathan.

"He also told me to keep my connection with Jake open. I thought he was joking... but..." Grace couldn\'t help but glance at Jake one more time.

"It seems that it\'s a Skill, General. It has to be." Grace insisted.

"General. It\'s like what my son always would tell us. We should not let coincidences be brushed off! His advice is what led us here! Think of the grand scheme of things! I followed his illogical advice, but it led us here! It could be a skill similar to Alean! Or he could have been set by the Progenitor to give that advice! I believe he was right. I know what I\'m asking and I know it seems useless. But we have to follow Jonathan\'s advice!" Chris exclaimed.

"I am worried about my kid too, General. Something tells me that this battle won\'t end well unless we interfere. Call it a parents intuition." Peter Indigo approached.

Cliff grabbed his hair and was pulling it in frustration.

"Damn it! Fine! Let\'s all die together! Never mind the fact that my love life is going well! I\'ll just die a hero and a virgin!" Cliff wept.

"What? You\'re still a virgin? Dude. The world\'s ending! Get laid!" Lynda Indigo shook her head.

"Not now, hon." Peters spoke.

"Argh! You Carleans will really be the death of me!" Cliff cursed.

"Mikados! Go and save Meryl! But if she awakens and if she wants to fight and die, then she\'s welcome to join this insane party! Everyone else, follow Alean\'s Command and make our retreat! The ship is focused on defending and attacking Zeraphine\'s ship! Twelve Disciples! Basilisk Squadron! Get everyone out here safely! That\'s your mission!" Cliff gave his official orders and communicated to a few officers of each team through the Thought Transmitter.

"General! What about us?" Suarez asked.

Gryphon Squadron? Your call! You can stay and die, or escape and live! I won\'t hold you accountable for your choices."

"It\'s a unanimous decision. We will stay and die." Suarez answered without hesitation.

"You\'re all insane! Fine! We rendezvous at the center of this ship where that Presider\'s Throne lies! Let\'s move! Don\'t delay! And make a loud noise as we move!" Cliff ordered.

"Cliff. I\'m coming." Alean suddenly appeared and began to run ahead of Cliff!

"What?! You don\'t have Zone! Alean! Get back!" Cliff called out.

"This is exactly why I need to fight! I\'ve rested enough thanks to the Twelve Disciples treatments and analysis! I need to Overcome! We are fighting an enemy that could cause Seeker and the group to die! I have to fight and try to overcome this limit if we are to fight a Principal next!"

"Then at least, stay behind me!"

"Cliff, you are still my student. You need to learn when a General should decide to charge in. This hasn\'t anything to do with Zone. It\'s more of... your dignity and expertise as a general!" Alean laughed as she charged ahead.

The rest began to follow and run forward.

Alean brought out her weapons and began to read her attacks.

"Damn! Fine! Let\'s go! How I long for the days when the Principal I had to worry about was involved in your business, Miss Alean!" Cliff chased after her and the rest followed.

"I miss being that corrupt teacher who made my students drug couriers. Now, I\'m rushing to my death to the very student who exposed our secrets!" Alean laughed.

The group made their suicidal march to face the strong Presider and began to attack those nearby and cause more damage to the ship.

The small time which caused all operations of the Unlock to cease had given the entire ship a means of seizing back control!

"Over here!" An enemy Pioneer shouted as numerous Exoskeletons came flooding in through the gap.

"How lucky... They found us so fast!" Peters sighed and began to charge forward and attack.

The team brought out their gear and went on an assault against the people on the ship.

More and more energy began to appear as the entire ship began to stabilize and even the walls that were broken were closing!

"Garenjazz is dreaming his ship! His imagination is making reality appear!" Alean cursed as she saw the forming walls.

"Then let\'s move faster!" Cliff ordered as he charged straight ahead. But then, an anomaly of energy appeared.


Parts of the ship suddenly exploded and as Cliff took another step forward, the fires appeared around him without any warning!

Cliff quickly released his strongest attack as the explosion engulfed him.

"Argh!" Cliff was burned from the attack and suffered as his defenses were deployed too late!

The form of the Basilisk appeared and it met several attacks and explosions.

"Get behind me!" Cliff cursed.

The Carleans and the Indigos dove in and passed the small gap behind them and finally reached the head of the Basilisk where the wounded Cliff stood.

He had no legs as the explosions took them.

Chris quickly grabbed Cliff and brought out his powerful jet-powered skateboard that instantly formed. As he carried Cliff, the Basilisk also moved.

Chris and Grace used their injections to heal Cliff and cause his arms and legs to heal and even the bones were growing back.

"Where did that come from?!" Cliff cursed as he moved.

"It\'s Garenjazz!" Suarez explained.

"Limbelieves that the fight Garenjazz is having with Seeker is causing explosions! Their battles are appearing in this realm!"

"That was a direct hit!" Grace argued.

"Garenjazz was just lucky! Everyone! We are fighting a zone of pure luck. The enemy will always get lucky!" Suarez relayed Lim\'s words.

Suddenly, more explosions began to appear out of the blue.

And by some strange luck, the explosions occurred right where Cliff was!

Cliff roared and began to move out randomly. He used his memory of Arthur and followed a path of true random. He used the math which would help him do movements that would have the least statistical probability and move in a pattern that even Arthur claims he couldn\'t predict!


But even then, some explosions would appear by luck and strike Cliff and the team.

Another explosion occurred near the team of the Gryphon Squadron and a powerful force field technology was used up.

"Damn. We\'ll be forced to keep using energy if we want to survive to get close to him!" Lim cursed as the team resisted the attack.

"Cliff! Stop moving and move forward after two seconds with that exact speed! Suarez, don\'t move along that path! Turn around!" Alean ordered.

It was only then that Clif realized Alean was yet to be hit!

Cliff and Suarez followed immediately and saw numerous explosions occurring in front of them!

The two groups charged forward once more.

Alean began to spit out blood but she gritted her teeth.

"So... I can use up my life to force myself to see the future...?" She thought to herself.

"Cliff! Suarez! Follow my orders exactly! Garenjazz\'s luck will catch up with us soon! And I can only do that a few more times!"

Cliff could see the life force of Alean weaken but he kept quiet. He knew that their charge could be their last. It was only a matter of who would be willing to throw their life away.

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