New Game+

Chapter 289 - Flantter’s Role

Alean was the very first to have felt it.

It was strange. The powers that she had developed in making Zone was somehow affected. It was as if her Zone was no longer working.

"Lennox?! What\'s happening? Why is my Zone changing?"

"Relax. It\'s not an enemy." Lennox explained.

"Not an enemy? It has the power to devour my Path! It\'s as if my Zone is trying to adjust itself to that… that… whatever it is!"

"It\'s the Tyrant Empress. What an amazing Path. If it can disrupt yours, I\'m curious just how strong she\'s gotten. What exactly happened these past few months, I wonder?"

"That\'s the Tyrant Empress? She\'s here? Lennox! I have to get out of here!"

"That is the plan. Don\'t worry."

Deep underwater, a small vessel that was twenty meters wide was ascending from the deep.

As she began to rise, the Unlocked began to feel it.

Charles felt it and then Vender.

And soon, Lowengren felt it as well.

"What\'s going on? Lennox! You better explain! All of this! This is for her, isn\'t it?" Lowengren shouted angrily.

"Calm yourself. Your little friend might notice. Yes. I am doing this for her. Lennox had already assumed that Charles would soon meet up with the Empress. It was necessary. When Charles had asked my main body for medical supplies to stop Ricardo\'s deteriorating health, we immediately knew that one day, Charles would have to meet with her. There are two people with the Unlocking that can halt this sudden attack. The first is Rosa\'s Path. Her ice powers will forever preserve her beauty and face. Beauty is part of her Path. And the second one is the Tyrant Empress."

Lowengren calmed down so as not to raise suspicion.

"Then what exactly are you?"

"Remember Seeker\'s stories? He said that the future of my main body would be to follow the Tyrant Empress. My main body hated it. He had asked Meng for help in how to expel the heart demon. Although it was Chinese superstitions, the fact that Meng was able to use it to rise in his Unlocking so prematurely that it even shocked Seeker was enough to gain interest from my main body. And so, I was made. I would carry the emotions, the feelings, the unnecessary lust that I had."

"You divided your emotions?" Lowengren was stunned.

"Yes. The me that is here before you contains Lennox\'s passions, his desires, and his lust. All that remained with the real body were the rage, anger, and desire to see my daughter. Of course, the current still have other feelings, but this drives me. This is a win-win. The main body will be able to work and continue to pursue whatever it desires. But me here will be the lusting servant that Seeker had seen in his future."

"In short, you\'ve been trying to divide yourself!"

"Yes. But it\'s still an ongoing process. Do you see it now? The fulfillment of Alean\'s Path?"

"… Yes. I get it. It looks like this is a better way of dealing with the satellites, which would be locking down on our position."

"Isn\'t it a beautiful ending? Truthfully, her appearance would have been problematic. She shouldn\'t reveal her face until the time the war starts. But now that you have General Joab Barak, we can make the necessary arrangements."

"As long as I\'m out of here. Or is your passions leading you to make me stay here and be her slave?"

"No. Your mission is to prepare the way for us. I am still a part of Lennox. And so, my programming urges me to follow and not conflict itself with my other-self. And since my main body wants to enter Egypt, I am obliged to help him. The original plan was somewhat problematic. My Main body wanted to reveal the Tyrant Empress ahead. But now, there\'s no need to. With your help, I now have the tech and the army to create enough conflict to make my main body\'s entry easier."

"I just hope you don\'t get enough sentience to fight your main body."

"Funny. That\'s what my main body wants. How else can I Overcome?"

"Whatever. Just don\'t ever make me meet up with that woman! Scary. She\'s grown so strong! I don\'t even have to look at her, but I\'m dying to see just what that entity is."

"A raging desire that spurs curiosity. Such vanity that changes the world! Such beauty that alters time, space, and the dimensions beyond the third! She is undoubtedly the strongest among all Overcomers." Lennox laughed.


The battle between Alean and Salathiel was now approaching their location. The explosions of the Nuke Emitter began to light the night sky.

"It\'s time." Lowengren dove down as he talked to the dazed Flantter.

Flantter quickly followed.

"The battle will get their attention. It\'s brilliant. Because the fight is so eye-catching, that they wouldn\'t notice us entering the base. Especially since we need to break in and enter!" Lowengren laughed.

And as Lowengren stated, the two were moving at such an incredible speed that even though they were entering the many sensors that the base had, none of the soldiers reported it as they thought it was due to the powerful battle going on above.

The ground forces continued to guard the many areas and were alerted as a sudden force was detected moving in the medical facility. A battle occurred in the ground forcing the many soldiers to move at that direction.

As such, the two groups were able to reach the rooftops of the base.

"Where are we going?" Flantter wondered.

"Aren\'t you a General? Can\'t you even remember where the power plants of this base are?" Lowengren answered back with a weird expression.

Flantter was embarrassed. He has never visited this base since he was at odds with the Commander. But secretly, he was impressed. Lowengren was headed straight for the Power Plants, which are among the base\'s most guarded parts. It would even have a lot of materials that would hide this power source from external eyes.

Even Flantter himself did not have the techs to locate the power plants.

Of course, Lowengren, who already had the opportunity to move around the base, already knew where it was.

Get us through that area. Time your usage of whatever techs you have when a Nuke explodes. " Lowengren ordered.

Following Lowengren\'s orders, Flantter raised his fist as a strange power appeared as one attack from the Nuke Emitter exploded overhead. Flantter\'s strange tech made the metal and cement move as if Flantter was splashing down water. The concrete properties were changed and allowed the two to dive inside the area without raising alarms.

Several soldiers and engineers were shocked at the two\'s appearance, but Lowengren immediately shot and killed them.

"Lock the doors," Lowengren commanded.

Flantter followed but could not help but feel envious at Lowengren\'s techs. The Matter Reforming techs did not impress Lowengren. When Lowengren shot the enemies, it was clearly using a powerful gun tech, but the attacks did not make any sound.

"What tech is this? Even my steps don\'t make a sound?" Flantter could only sigh and lock the main doors that led to the power plants of this base.

Lowengren had moved over to the various power plants and began to fiddle with them and continued to release Richie\'s sound canceling white noise. Yet inside, Lennox was excited.

"Finally! Matter Reforming tech. We didn\'t have a chance to study it the last time since Pridgeon took his suit. But I believe this seems to be the basis of Dug Down tech that my main body was after." Lennox smiled.

"You can\'t access it even though you hacked into his suit?" Lowengren was stunned.

"No. The moment I hacked into this suit, it already detected me. If I tried to access more of the suit\'s tech, it would detect me. I only took the necessary schematic scans and reverse-engineered the techs. But the moment I access the other techs, it will send a pingback to Straviaa just as it did when I first hijacked the suit. Oh, by the way. I was able to decrypt some of the codes, and apparently, that the next contact that Flantter will make to Straviaa will secretly send everything that has happened since Flantter last communicated with Straviaa."

"Oh? I initially hoped that this Straviaa wouldn\'t find out about me. But I guess Strviaa will be more guarded against Pridgeon after this, and they might even try to kill each other." Lowengren sighed.

"You should have considered this. Who would trust a traitor? It seems this Straviaa has some sense of caution."

"This oversight may have been my fault... But I\'m willing to bet that my oversight is part of Alean\'s Zone." Lennox laughed.

Lowengren continued to move through each power plant and reach out with his suit and connect Lennox.

"Sir… I… Never got your name." Flantter stood next to Lowengren.

"And you never will. Just call me Phallus."

"Sir Phallus… What is the plan?"

"Presider Pridgeon had several instructions about this battle. One of them was to procure the Heart of Atlantis."

"The Heart of Atlantis? You mean… that the vessel not far from here is that?" Flantter was surprised.

"Yes. Presider planned to use this place as a battleground between the WGP and the Lost Primordial. But I kill them both with this Lightning Phallic tech. It\'s similar to the ones the WGP has. But this one is more advanced. The WGP thinks that they alone monopolize Lightning Phallic Techs. Such fools."

"What is my role?"

"Using the Phallic tech requires time. You have to make a scene and draw their attention. I believe your suit can survive an attack or two from the two. The worst case is that the Heart of Atlantis and that strange ship, which oddly looks like the Pokemon Kyogre, returns and fights. You have to keep them all busy. But don\'t worry. The Lightning energy I bestowed in your suit is a reverse lightning rod. In short, it won\'t get targeted by the lightning tech of the WGP."

Flantter\'s expression changed. His role was very dangerous!

"Is there a problem?"


"Good. Oh, right. The base might attack you. I don\'t know what\'s going on, but it seems some of the Planteds of this base grew greedy." Lowengren explained.

"That is also one of my worries! There\'s a possibility that they will attack me if I show myself! The allure of the Lost Primordial is just too much. Ever since Presider Pridgeon told us the Lost Primordial tale, many of Planted and Pioneers began to move restlessly. And there is also Commander Owens. The Planteds and even Commander Owens might attack me! Even if I use my authority as General Joab Barak, I am most likely to get attacked by the base!"

"He He. The Pioneers and the Planteds were told of these things in hopes that they will begin betraying each other. If they do, that will allow Presider Pridgeon to have more spies. Just like you."

Flantter didn\'t know what to say. His heart began to pound. He feared that this Phallus would kill him after this.

"Don\'t worry, though. Presider won\'t let me kill you. At least, not yet. After all, you have to keep communicating with Presider Straviaa, after all. Why kill you and make Straviaa suspicious?" Lowengren chuckled.

Flantter felt as if a huge weight was lifted. This made sense. At least, he won\'t die after this.

"As for the base attacking, all you need to do is throw the Gehanna Piercer." Lowengren pointed to the huge rocket that was two times longer than Flantter.

Flantter\'s Supreme Exoskeleton could carry it with ease, and the mirage tech that he had was able to hide it in plain sight.

"It\'s designed to pierce through the deep sea with ease and withstand the attacks of anti-missiles." Lowengren frowned.

"How do I arm it?" Flantter asked with an embarrassed expression.

"I will arm it. Right now, you can\'t even detect it with your tech, right? But just throw it, and I will do the rest. That should take care of your problems with the base." Suddenly, Lowengren pointed one dildo towards the rocket.

A bolt of lightning struck it, but strangely, it didn\'t explode.

"There. I added more power. It should take care of the Exoskeletons and Armors of this base.

Flantter could see that powerful energy was contained in the rocket, but it suddenly disappeared.


"Phallic tech. This is but the least of its potential."

"Then I am thankful for Sir Phallus\'s wisdom!" Flantter had vowed that he wouldn\'t betray Pridgeon. After all, the lightning tech was so strange that it was giving off a weird electromagnetic signal that made it impossible for other techs to even see it!

"Turning a Gehanna Piercer and hiding its fluctuations to make it look like a large steel bar! This Presider Pridgeon has hidden well! I must do my best to gain his favor!" Flantter vowed to himself.


An explosion occurred, and by the vibrations that they felt, Flantter could tell that it was just near their current location.

"Oh? It looks like the WGP is back. Take advantage of this and find a good position. When you see the power of the base fluctuating, you move! I don\'t have to tell you what will happen if you fail to distract them and they turn off the power grids of this base!" Lowengren reminded.

"I won\'t fail!" Flantter insisted.

"I hope you won\'t. Go." Lowengren ordered.

Flantter immediately left and used his Matter Reforming tech to move through the walls. Just like Pridgeon\'s tech, it was able to go through the wall and leave it as if it was undamaged.

"Your up, Lennox." Lowengren smirked as he opened a metallic cube.

And with that, Lennox had entered the base.

"Ah… Fresh energy. This battle and my recent actions have halved my energy. It\'s nice to be recharged." LennoxV2..3 laughed.

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