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Chapter 275 - Eagle’s Trending Sermon: The Avenger Of Blood (Auxiliary Volume 4)

Hi! This is Calvin Luther Eagle! As part of the protocols of posting sermons from the international market, my team has decided to split the sermon into two parts. The first half, which is now titled, the Cities of Refuge is now up on our site, and this is the second of that sermon titled the Avenger of Blood. And now, to the sermon itself…

The Avenger of Blood is a very interesting role in the Bible. And as we have already discussed the legality of killing in the Bible, let us understand the purpose of why the Avenger of Blood is allowed to kill.

The more you study the Bible, the more prevalent a certain theme appears. And that theme is Blood demands blood.

The first occurrence would be on the time of Cain and Abel when the first murder occurs. But it wasn\'t until the time of Noah. After the Flood, God tells them in Genesis 9:

4 But you shall not eat flesh with its life, that is, its blood. 5 And for your lifeblood I will require a reckoning: from every beast I will require it and from man. From his fellow man I will require a reckoning for the life of man.

6 "Whoever sheds the blood of man, by man shall his blood be shed, for God made man in his own image.

Blood has something in it that somehow makes it unique compared to all of our human parts. The shedding of Blood was foreshadowed here and became the theme that we see all throughout the Scripture. Death demands blood, and sin demands blood. This is why the Old Testament is full of animal sacrifices.

The verse in the book of Numbers continues with an explanation and an example of what killing without intent is. In the example presented, we see several examples wherein the murderer had a clear intention to kill the person. In short, it was planned, it was intended, and it was done deliberately.

Let us turn back to Numbers 35.

16 But if he struck him down with an iron object, so that he died, he is a murderer. The murderer shall be put to death. 17 And if he struck him down with a stone tool that could cause death, and he died, he is a murderer. The murderer shall be put to death. 18 Or if he struck him down with a wooden tool that could cause death, and he died, he is a murderer. The murderer shall be put to death. 19 The avenger of blood shall himself put the murderer to death; when he meets him, he shall put him to death. 20 And if he pushed him out of hatred or hurled something at him, lying in wait, so that he died, 21 or in enmity struck him down with his hand, so that he died, then he who struck the blow shall be put to death. He is a murderer. The avenger of blood shall put the murderer to death when he meets him.

22 "But if he pushed him suddenly without enmity, or hurled anything on him without lying in wait 23 or used a stone that could cause death, and without seeing him dropped it on him, so that he died, though he was not his enemy and did not seek his harm, 24 then the congregation shall judge between the manslayer and the avenger of blood, in accordance with these rules. 

So the verse is clear that there are two types of Manslayers. Those who killed someone intentionally and the other by accident or unintentionally. The Manslayers can all rush towards these cities of Refuge and avoid the Avenger of Blood.

If the Avenger of Blood can kill the person outside of the city, the guilt of blood does not apply, as we can see in verses 26 and 27 of Numbers 35.

26 But if the manslayer shall at any time go beyond the boundaries of his city of refuge to which he fled, 27 and the avenger of blood finds him outside the boundaries of his city of refuge, and the avenger of blood kills the manslayer, he shall not be guilty of blood.

Now, this may look and sound extremely primitive. But keep in mind that this was designed by God so that He can enact justice. You see, it may seem convenient for murders to kill someone in secret and make it look like an accident and flee to these cities of refuge. It would appear that they escaped justice, correct?

No. God will move in mysterious ways to enact His Justice.

We find such an example in 1 Kings 2. One of David\'s tormentors, a man named Shimei, had cursed David during David\'s most trying and embarrassing moments. David spared Shimei because he believed that God sent this man to torment David. David brought up this charge to Solomon in 1 Kings 2.

8 "And remember, you have with you Shimei son of Gera, the Benjamite from Bahurim, who called down bitter curses on me the day I went to Mahanaim. When he came down to meet me at the Jordan, I swore to him by the Lord: \'I will not put you to death by the sword.\' 9 But now, do not consider him innocent. You are a man of wisdom; you will know what to do to him. Bring his gray head down to the grave in blood."

When Solomon reigned as king, Solomon did not immediately put this man to death. Perhaps it was because Solomon wanted to make sure that he wouldn\'t kill an innocent man. So Solomon offered the same principle offered to these Manslayers. He gave Shimei orders to stay in Jerusalem and that if he leaves that city, he will die. We then find what happens on the later verses of 1 Kings 2.

36 Then the king sent for Shimei and said to him, "Build yourself a house in Jerusalem and live there, but do not go anywhere else. 37 The day you leave and cross the Kidron Valley, you can be sure you will die; your blood will be on your own head."

38 Shimei answered the king, "What you say is good. Your servant will do as my lord the king has said." And Shimei stayed in Jerusalem for a long time.

39 But three years later, two of Shimei\'s slaves ran off to Achish son of Maakah, king of Gath, and Shimei was told, "Your slaves are in Gath." 40 At this, he saddled his donkey and went to Achish at Gath in search of his slaves. So Shimei went away and brought the slaves back from Gath.

41 When Solomon was told that Shimei had gone from Jerusalem to Gath and had returned, 42 the king summoned Shimei and said to him, "Did I not make you swear by the Lord and warn you, \'On the day you leave to go anywhere else, you can be sure you will die\'? At that time you said to me, \'What you say is good. I will obey.\' 43 Why then did you not keep your oath to the Lord and obey the command I gave you?"

44 The king also said to Shimei, "You know in your heart all the wrong you did to my father David. Now the Lord will repay you for your wrongdoing. 45 But King Solomon will be blessed, and David\'s throne will remain secure before the Lord forever."

46 Then the king gave the order to Benaiah son of Jehoiada, and he went out and struck Shimei down and he died.

Notice how Solomon phrased it in verse 44. "You know in your heart all the wrong you did to my father David."

This meant that Solomon knew that what Shimei did when he reigned curses to David was not because the Lord ordered him, but because of his own personal agenda. And Solomon reminded him of this. Allowing Shimei to make Jerusalem a City of Refuge for him was a test. Solomon wanted to see if this person was innocent or guilty.

And so, here comes the truth about God\'s judgment. He will make it come to pass that the guilty indeed receive their just rewards.

And this becomes another important point in this City of Refuge. It will not only be a city that is protected from the outside. It is sure to have the right people on the inside.

Most of us fear the enemy of this world! They have fooled the WGP and brought down a Kraken and an Atlantis because of the traitors inside! But not so with this city! There will be miracles that will divide the sheep and the goats! If this city rises, you can be sure that the times of the Gentiles are coming to an End! God will gather his people! Jerusalem is being rebuilt as we speak! And I am confident with every fiber of my body that three cities will rise in Jerusalem, and it will not be conquered! Three more will appear on the regions outside of the Jordan, which could mean anywhere! Who knows where these cities will pop up! But mark my words, the refuge will appear amidst these troubling times!

Flee to these Cities, oh you beloved of God! Flee and find refuge from the devouring lion that encroaches! Hope will appear! These cities will be the light of the world! Is it not mentioned in the Bible?

 "You are the light of the world. A city set on a hill cannot be hidden!" Matthew 5:14!

You applaud...But while it seems something to cheer for, it is something that you all should be wary of! Yes! You, clapping your hands in celebration! I am talking about you! Will you be able to enter this city?

The Avenger of Blood is someone who is the next of Kin. The Jews have all been persecuted. And whether you know it or not, you supported them! The Larson Conglomerate, the Malay-Pangean family of Ung-Glaive and Australia, oh Australia! These are the only confirmed groups of those who have been harvesting and killing the Jews!

You have all supported these groups! You purchased their products, lusted over their services, and you even continue to do so today! And while you are not directly the one murdering, the age of great Grace that God has shown through the death of Christ also ushered in a time of great wrath!

Those who have not accepted Christ will suffer the terrifying wrath of God! Luke 11 records that God will charge the future generations after his death to bear the penalty of all the martyrs that died! That is why even now, martyrs, preachers, and those who share the Gospel have been killed and will be continuously killed to constantly condemn each generation of murder!

47 Woe to you! For you build the tombs of the prophets whom your fathers killed. 48 So you are witnesses and you consent to the deeds of your fathers, for they killed them, and you build their tombs. 49 Therefore also the Wisdom of God said, \'I will send them prophets and apostles, some of whom they will kill and persecute,\' 50 so that the blood of all the prophets, shed from the foundation of the world, may be charged against this generation, 51 from the blood of Abel to the blood of Zechariah, who perished between the altar and the sanctuary. Yes, I tell you, it will be required of this generation.

\'I will send them prophets and apostles, some of whom they will kill and persecute,\' this is the Wisdom of God! He called people to die for His name in every generation so that every generation will bear the prophets\' blood! Do you not understand? You are all manslayers!

The blood of these prophets and even the dying Jews who are abducted and abused all over the World will be paid by the Avenger of Blood, and you are all on trial! So flee to these cities! Flee and be spared from the Avenger of Blood!

The age of Grace will soon end! The age of the Fishers of Men will pass. The era of the Hunters approaches! Jesus, the Lamb of God, will return as the Avenger of Blood to pay back the world who is guilty of the sins of manslaying! And blood will be shed!

Isaiah 63 shows us this!

1 Who is this who comes from Edom, in crimsoned garments from Bozrah, he who is splendid in his apparel, marching in the greatness of his strength?

"It is I, speaking in righteousness, mighty to save."

2 Why is your apparel red, and your garments like his who treads in the winepress?

3 "I have trodden the winepress alone, and from the peoples no one was with me; I trod them in my anger and trampled them in my wrath; their lifeblood spattered on my garments, and stained all my apparel. 4 For the day of vengeance was in my heart, and my year of redemption had come. 5 I looked, but there was no one to help; I was appalled, but there was no one to uphold; so my own arm brought me salvation, and my wrath upheld me. 6 I trampled down the peoples in my anger; I made them drunk in my wrath, and I poured out their lifeblood on the earth."

Revelation 14 shows us that Jesus will trod the great winepress of God\'s Wrath. The blood of the guilty will flow for as high as a horse\'s bridle for about three hundred kilometers!

You decide whether you want to be trodden or forgiven! For this Avenger of Blood, Jesus Christ is also our High Priest! We go back to Numbers 35 one last time, to read a verse that should assure us, who believes.

There is one last clause that can happen so that the Manslayer is acquitted of all sins! And that is shown in verses 28!

 28 For he must remain in his city of refuge until the death of the high priest, but after the death of the high priest the manslayer may return to the land of his possession. 29 And these things shall be for a statute and rule for you throughout your generations in all your dwelling places.

Verse 29 is a foreshadowing of what Christ will do. Hebrews tells us that Jesus is our High Priest. And when he died, we the manslayers, can return! But do take note, not to our home town, but the verse strictly states the land of our possession, for there will be a land allotted for the believers of God. He will allot a dwelling place to them, so this rule of the Avenger of Blood and the Manslayer is still in effect even to this day.

Jesus is the Avenger of Blood. He will enact judgment. He is also our High Priest. He died for us that the curse that awaits the Manslayers will no longer hold power! He also holds another role that was exemplified in the book of Ruth. He is our Kinsmen Redeemer. He will redeem the Jews and save them! He will establish the Cities of Refuge, three in Jerusalem and three all over the world!

So who is this Jesus to you? Is he the Avenger of Blood who will slay you and enact the judgment that you deserve? Or is He your High Priest who died for you? Choose for this day! Serve the Lord and receive the free gift of Christ! Or stand in opposition against Him and all the Overcomers of this world!

And believe me, they are now here! And they hold the authority to enact judgement as was stated long ago! These co-heirs and co-kings of Christ will stand and decide whether the Manslayer is innocent of killing or if he deserves death!

25 And the congregation shall rescue the manslayer from the hand of the avenger of blood, and the congregation shall restore him to his city of refuge to which he had fled, and he shall live in it until the death of the high priest who was anointed with the holy oil. 

So choose! Face Christ and His Overcomers, or enter the City of Refuge and receive protection!

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