New Game+

Chapter 269 - Pioneer Flantter

The rage the Commanders and the Admiral carried as they were traveling back caused them to randomly attack places as the memory of their stupid act surfaced.

The bleeding heart of Fleet Admiral Magantae caused her to scream again and again as she flew through the sky.

When an emergency ping indicating that the WGP may have been hacked was sent out, the Commanders almost fell and crashed on the ground.

These incidents drew the African military\'s attention as they were detected, and some planes were sent to search the strange signals.

A Commander could not contain his anger and used long-ranged rockets to shoot down the plane and evade detection.

The Admiral criticized the team and shouted in great anger to make no more mistakes as any reckless action would further jeopardize their mission.

The Commanders soon flew trembling in rage.

One of the Commanders arrived and immediately confirmed that Vender Hirock was still alive and immediately secured the perimeter, fearing sudden attacks.

"Vender is alive. The building is unharmed."

"Do NOT lower your guard. It may be that Intrik hasn\'t found him yet. Defend him with your life. If you fail, you will admit to uploading all those files!" The Admiral threatened.

Some of the Commanders later arrived and went to scout the northern regions and check if there were movements within the Kraken or the Atlantis nearby.

When the Admiral arrived, they finally confronted Vender.

"You got some explaining to do, Vender. The information you gave me- the locations of those alleged trading ports were non-existent!"

"Fleet Admiral! It\'s because of the attack! I didn\'t know that the Caliphates employed an EMP bomb! How did they manage to get it here? Isn\'t the world banned from international trading! If anything, maybe that Fleet Admiral is tying up loose ends and has designs to kill me! Please let me speak to my daughter! They might have relocated when that bomb exploded! Help me reach out to her! My daughter! My daughter could be dead!" 

This argument was sound. In their rage, they couldn\'t think properly. But with a simple answer, their hatred vanished. There was an EMP bomb deployed, and it was designed to give an opening for the armies of the Caliphates to attack.

"What do you think?" The Admiral turned to the other Commanders.

"He does make sense. Australia was on lockdown. We guarded the south seas and ensured nothing went out. The only way that an EMP bomb could even reach this part of the world and even New Great Britain is if someone from the WGP gave it to them. The Caliphates could not have gained that weapon. Or perhaps they allied with New Great Britain who took part in the Sacking of Australia." 

"Right. And the bomb that exploded in their base was to prove their innocence. Except that the facilities in that area were of great importance to New Great Britain. Several labs are there…" The Fleet Admiral answered.

"Then, I will mockingly say this. You want to believe what Vender said, even though all the proof he claimed about that Fleet Admiral betraying the WGP has vanished into thin air?" The Fleet Admiral turned and asked.

"I would." A Commander spoke.

"Me too… He can\'t possibly be lying. The moment we got here, we found out about the dildos. The chances of this person being schemer are practically zero." 

Everyone nodded. Despite being sent into a while nudist beach hunt, the evidence still supported Vender\'s claims.

"Admiral. We must also make haste. Since we stopped the attack, that Fleet Admiral could be headed here to us. We need a plan." 

Magantae turned to Lowengren.

"Fine. Tell me everything you know about-" 

"I won\'t cooperate! Kill me or let me talk to my daughter!" Lowengren shouted.

Magantae expected this. Their previous actions showed that they were willing to discard Vender. But now, they had no other choice but to this through him.

"Have him contact his wife. Use a Priority Ping of the highest security. I don\'t want any other people, even those in the WGP, to know of that call." The Admiral ordered.

The Commanders gritted their teeth but carried out the order.

They led Vender and the Lieutenant General over to their base and made the two do the call.

Still, the Commanders listened in on the call between Vender and his wife.

"No signs of any signals and secret messages being sent. Nobody languages show any form of possible language." One of the Commanders noted.

"What\'s the point?! I can\'t take it anymore! Why the hell is this Vender detailing their strange escapade! And by all that\'s holy, why did he make the Lieutenant General remove her prosthetics? This is sick!" A Commander stormed out, unable to bear the details of the call.

"I saw an elephant-man, and now this?! Damn it!" Another stormed out.

They didn\'t know that Lowengren had finally communicated with Charles and learned of what Seeker gained on his meeting with Nogard.

The time passed, and Magantae was standing in front of Lowengren once more.

"Now tell me what you know." She demanded.

"What I know is that they will try to kill me! But this could be an advantage! You are here, after all! But I am the least among Generals! Why go after me when there is a General in Africa who has a history against the WGP! If you want information, you have to get General Joab Barak!"

"Joab Barak? That is one of Africa\'s most wanted General of the Caliphates." The Admiral frowned. She didn\'t want to be used by Africa as a hidden blade to take another.

"I had time to think when you left me to die in this cell! You were looking for a Rule, right? Or is it that Fleet Admiral Intrik wanted to build one! It makes sense if they gather certain high-valued ores here! Let me kill him! Send me in and help me get in the Caliphates, and I can make him squeal!"

"And why would I go after him?"

"He is power-hungry, and everyone knows that he had long yearned to take control of the Caliphate! If your enemy is after our ores and is hiding them from the rest of the WGP, isn\'t Contained Flame technology the most suited in order to process these ores?" Lowengren asked.

The Commanders trembled as they realized that what Lowengren said was true.

The Fleet Admiral Magantae sent them a secret message to keep cool.

Of course, Alean and Lowengren noticed this.

"They took the bait." Alean smiled.

"Fine. Make your preparations. We will help send you in. Only a small group of soldiers will accompany you. In that way, if you get caught, we won\'t get implicated. Bring in all the gear you need for this mission. You have three hours." The Fleet Admiral immediately left, and the Commanders followed.

Alean and Lowengren immediately began discussing their plans as to which unit to send and what to bring. Soon, the pair shuffled off, each headed to different locations. They have disappeared for a long time. Yet in that gap, the real General Vender had taken command and left specific orders through various secret communication channels to prepare Lowengren\'s real weapons.

"Fleet Admiral? You are helping him?" A Commander immediately asked.

"Of course not! He will immediately make his troops move. If there are any spies within his forces, they will immediately act. Monitor the communication lines and search for any possible calls and connections that will be made within General Vender\'s forces. Note any outside calls, pings, and even text messages."

"We are using that? We don\'t have the authority to activate the All-Seer!"

"There has been a breach within the system of the WGP, and we\'ve uploaded those embarrassing videos. There is also the attack from the Caliphates. We report them all at once. There seem to have been no reports of my actions attacking the Caliphates. Someone is trying to hide that information! If Intrik isn\'t going to report it, we should."

"But this will draw suspicion to us!"

"Yes. But it will also lead a trail to Intrik. If we fail and are branded as traitors, we need to make a trail that leads to the real enemy. If our identities are questioned, we owe it to the WGP to leave behind the trail of our patriotism. Even if it means we will be putting ourselves at risk! We do not know just how deep the extent of Intrik\'s betrayal is. We might be caught in some plans that have been happening for months or years!" The Fleet Admiral explained.

The Commanders all nodded and did what they had to do.

Somewhere in the Atlantic ocean, the Kraken and the Atlantis under the command of General Intrik were in a state of confusion.

A shocking upheaval occurred as there was an attack on New Great Britain. New Great Britain immediately initiated its State of Emergency protocol and summoned several storms surrounding its immediate regions.

The Kraken and the Atlantis were also engulfed by the storms, which caused them to reprimand New Great Britain for their actions. 

There were reports of several nuclear meltdowns within Africa. This was because a certain Presider had received the reports from the most prominent Pioneer.

"Flantter, why me? There are several Presider\'s that you could have contacted. Why have you chosen me?" The voice of a girl spoke back.

"Because although Pridgeon promised us that any information about the Lost Primordial would be rewarded with techs, I am willing to bet that the information about this is worth more than Pridgeon let out. That\'s why I went to you, Presider Straviia." The Pioneer reported.

"Oh? It seems your eyes are set beyond Presider."

"I can leak this information to others. Although the report is vague, I am willing to risk having a sour relationship with a Presider for a shot to be A Principal!" The Pioneer declared.

"How courageous. As it turns out, the information you have is quite interesting. My family has constantly told us of this Lost Primordial. Legend has it that they reached the peak in power. If what your Planted said is true, and that there are Lost Primordials in this world. I won\'t hide it. Even if we

get two percent of whatever remnant knowledge he amassed, it should either contain foundational techs that are Principal level."

The Pioneer trembled at these words. He was excited. His gamble paid off.

"Then here is what you do, we need that Kraken to attack New Great Britain. I have to send my forces inside that nation to look for this Naked Assassin that Admiral Ramsden has. To think that they would even create modified humans like this. Presiders have not even perfected the science of passing through matter."

"There are strange reports as well, Presider. I have just received an alert that a WGP Fleet Admiral has attacked our forces on the south. It was strong enough to wipe out an army! This is suspicious because Fleet Admiral had just been reported near New Great Britain! We do not know why another EMP bomb appeared down south! Could this be the Lost Primordial?"

Straviia frowned and was silent for a bit as she took a look at the files that were being sent to her.

"Why would a WGP Fleet Admiral go to an area that is the jurisdiction of another?" Straviia could identify the suit and weapons and discern who that person is.

"That\'s a Fleet Admiral?!"

"Our reports indicate that only one Fleet Admiral has been granted access to a Nuke Emitter. That should be Fleet Admiral Magantae of the Atlantis in South East Asia."

"Why would she be here?"

"Has there been any reports or anything that has happened in Africa or the Caliphates?"

The Pioneer was deep in thoughts. Several reports immediately brought up to the Presider, but Lowengren\'s naked revelation was not among them.

Straviaa continued to go over the files and frowned.

"It must be a diversion. The Lost Primordial and those contacting Admiral Ramsden must be trying to re-divert attention. These successive attacks were made to make the Kraken and the Atlantis divide their forces and efforts. Don\'t send the report about this attack to the WGP. Claim you had some meltdown or something. I will personally search New Great Britain for that experiment."

"You plan to go in by yourself, Presider?"

"I have to. It\'s too coincidental. Just when that experiment gets stolen, these attacks occur. This is the first time I\'ve seen something so chaotic occur together. And this is not the only one! Pangea won their gamble because that streamer, Lynd Indigo, has some special powers. There have been reports of illegal travels occurring on certain countries because of this. I can\'t investigate Pangea because that damned Princess is there, and Crostfree has descended at Australia! And I\'m sure Pridgeon who gave these orders to you are far ahead of this Primordial race."

"Understood, Presider. But how can I help you other than not sending those reports?"

"You have to send your forces to look for the existence of hidden organizations within your country! The Families ought to be a good place to start. That attack that wiped out that army must have some hidden undercurrents. I have a feeling that groups are trying to get in the Caliphates. This will be your test. Presiders and Principals aren\'t just people who have techs. They are those that conquer their enemies. Not reporting the attack and appearance of this mystery WGP Fleet Admiral to Fleet Admiral Intrik will open your country to possible attacks. You have to learn how to conquer them!" The Presider explained.

"But Presider, I cannot handle a WGP Fleet Admiral!"

"I will lend you some techs. I have a Skin Suit that you could use. It will be stronger and more durable than a WGP Admiral-level Exoskeleton. Use it as you wish. It will be sent directly to you. My aircraft will drop that suit to you along with several weapons."

"I understand, Presider."

"Let\'s hope your gamble pays off. I await the day that you stand as my equal." The Presider immediately disconnected.

Pioneer Flantter couldn\'t help but smile as the call disconnected. He went out of his secret room and moved towards the conference room where several Generals waited. All stood up as he entered.

Flantter was his Pioneer name. But on Earth, he is known by another.

"General Barak." One of the Generals addressed him.

"What are our actions."

"My sources have informed me that Fleet Admiral Intrik is still housed in the Kraken. Whoever it is that appeared and disrupted our attacks is not from the WGP. Prepare for a possible invasion. Spies may take advantage of this chaos and infiltrate us. I will move south. My contacts from the WGP was willing to send me a new Exoskeleton that is stronger than the standard suits that are used by Admiral levels."

The Generals all had a surprised expression.. But none questioned it. Such was the authority that General Joab Barak commanded

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