New Game+

Chapter 267 - The Adventures Of Lowengren And Alean

The battle in Australia was terrifying. Technologies that were not revealed appeared. Hybrid techs surfaced, and a loud announcement challenging the Lost Primordial echoed out throughout the city.

Aside from this, a Pioneer was targeted, and even though the Pioneer requested to be rescued, he was ignored. And to the Aragarians, this incident should have been something that would demand two or more Presiders to investigate.

But none of these happened. As Seeker predicted, the Aragarian\'s was alarmed by another incident and immediately shuffled to fix the damage. Pridgeon, who was in Australia, had no choice but to leave the country and move in haste to the Middle Eastern region.

The Presiders ignored various events, and Australia wasn\'t the only country to have this treatment. Battles and skirmishes all over the world were ignored because a more incredible and shocking change occurred in the Caliphates.

At the center of this alien-shocking incident were two people. Lowengren and Alean.

Due to the amazing ability that Lowengren had, he was the most sought after a man that needed to go all over the world to arrange several things for the benefit of Seeker\'s team. And as Arthur predicted that Alean\'s Skill would also grow stronger if Alean followed Lowengren, the pair had the most adventurous missions on the last four months. This was because the two had to move to different countries and circled the globe.

Their first mission involved a visit to the Americas to meet Pastor Eagle. As both Paths were opposites, everyone agreed to have the two meet. This mission was done in haste as the WGP was about to close international travels due to China\'s event.

Lowengren and Alean safely reached the Americas and met with Pastor Eagle. He then completed various missions to make several big companies invest in various Pangean organizations. When the preparations for their return to the Asian region were finalized, the pair left the Americas.

Lowengren and Alean became stowaways to a satellite launch since the WGP banned international travel. They jumped off that satellite to intercept an airliner that had two Programmed Slave pilots. This airline was the last of the internationally approved travels to transport stranded citizens to their native countries.

The pair hitchhiked on that plane and secretly reached the EAA.

In the EAA, the pair then intercepted Cliff and the Dragon Fang, who had just completed a mission and was being hunted down by Amir Mann.

Lowengren drew the aggression of Amir Mann through several embarrassing and downright degrading pranks.

One such prank was that Lowengren brokered a deal with Amir Mann by leaving cryptic messages for the two to meet and make amends at the battle. An exchange was supposed to happen. Amir Mann believed that it was a trap but was confident that he would overcome it. And so he appeared in the discussed park.

There he realized that he was targeted by a large group of agents who pretended to be civilians.

Amir Mann pretended not to notice, but his patience grew thinner and thinner as these agents had abysmal skills in the arts of espionage. Amir Mann even saw some of these people giving their allies secret glances.

Amir Mann\'s phone rang. The number belonged

The moment Amir Mann picked up the phone, it happened.

A Flash Mob.

"The organizer of the flash mob is that man in the grey suit. He is going to propose to his fiancé of three years. They are a match made in heaven. He is a fitness freak and loved to work out and met this young and beautiful woman who also shared the same passion. They have had their shares of failed love. The woman\'s cheated, the man\'s dream girl said no to him when he confessed. And yet, heaven found a way to make these two broken-hearted souls fix their heart through each other\'s broken pieces." Lowengren lovingly explained the backstory of the two.

Amir Mann\'s temper flared, but right before he could shout, a man wearing a very casual civilian attire approached.

"Hey, Mann!" The young guy called out. Amir Mann sat at the fountain near the area where the Flash Mob occurred. Although several people sat in that fountain, this man approached Amir and talked to him as if they were close.

Amir contained his anger and looked at the man who was approaching him.

"Are you alright?" The young man asked as he noticed the almost distorted face of Amir Mann.

"Whatever you plan to say, just say it," Amir answered angrily.

"Well, I saw you on the other side of the street. You looked very irritated. Does this scene remind you of anything?" The young man asked.

"I just… don\'t like to be played around." Amir Mann answered.

The young man sat down next to Amir Mann.

"Life plays around with us, my friend." The young man smiled.

"Enough talk. You have something for me. Correct? I could see you gripping something in your pocket."

The young man was stunned.

"Ri-right. Amazing. You saw through that! Oh well… here goes."

The man pulled out a small pamphlet. And in it were the words: "Sin and Salvation."

"Tell me, have you heard of Jesus Christ?" The man asked.

Amir Mann suddenly grabbed the man by the collar as he realized he was duped again.

"Woah, Man! I\'m sorry! Your friend just asked me to talk to you! I-I was talking with her and was about to talk about this, but she said that she\'s already a Christian and referred me to you!" The man panicked at Amir Mann\'s sudden action.

Everyone in the plaza threw strange looks at Amir and the scene he caused.

Lowengren had already fled by then.

"Amazing. That guy was really useful! Amir should be coughing up blood in frustration now!" Lowengren praised Alean.

"I think I\'m getting the hang of my Skill." Alean laughed.

Ami Mann chased at whatever clues he found but fell for the scheme after scheme. This later caused Amir Mann to suffer great frustration that he risked his experiments and finally controlled his werewolf form that he used when fighting against Cliff, Typical, and the Fangs.

As for Lowengren and Alean, the pair reached China.

In China, he trained shortly with the Dragon\'s Fang, and with Alean\'s help, the group was exploited. Meng allowed Lowengren to win over and humiliate the Dragon\'s Fangs as Meng believed it beneficial to their growth.

Rosa soon stepped in and challenged Lowengren and Alean. The result was that Rosa would have to give her younger sister, who was as old as Lowengren, in marriage and refer to Alean as "Queen."

Yet again, Lowengren praised Alean\'s Skill.

When Amir Mann finally found the breadcrumb trail that Lowengren left, the pair did a more daring travel plan. Using another satellite launch in India, they jumped just as Cliff and his teams jumped during the attack on the Kraken. The group landed on the ocean and swam miles after miles to reach the region of Africa.

They completed another mission where he met with Shark Umberton and made a great deception of pretending to be an Angel.

But Lowengren\'s adventure was far from over. In Africa, they were detected by the Void Assassins, and the two fought. Lowengren fled and was forced to perform yet another trick.

After Lowengren performed an exhibition to showcase his raw and naked, the pair went towards the far east region of Africa. They reached the borders between Africa, Egypt, and the Caliphate region.

They were supposed to find a way to cross over and get to the Arabian nations and assassinate an Arabian General who was a confirmed Pioneer.

But Charles suddenly appeared and required assistance, which forced Lowengren to kidnap General Vender Hirock, who was secretly making deals in the Underworld to save her daughter, who had an incurable illness.

General Vender\'s connection in the Underworld was found by Charles and urged Charles to take action even without the approval of Seeker. And there, Lowengren and Alean once more used various means to redirect Charles\'s reckless entry.

Going back to that time, when Lowengren and Alean were on top of the roof, an invisible aircraft that could not be detected by the sciences of the Caliphates or Africa hovered close by.

"Fleet Admiral Magantae! Isn\'t this a General?" One of the Commanders reported as he showed Lowengren and Alean donning their disguises.

Fleet Admiral Magantae was searching for clues to verify if Lowengren was indeed alive. By chance, he came over to Lowengren and Alean\'s rooftop relaxation.

"Let\'s see what he knows. Commander Drinths investigate his office. I need to know who this General is."

"As you command, Admiral."

It was at this point that Admiral Magantae met with Lowengren without her knowing. The incident was so frustrating that the Admiral had to curse out and gave Commander Drinths heavy punishment for having her listen to sciences that made a good dildo.

"Throw all the dildos out!" The Admiral ordered.

"Admiral. Punish me all you want, but I believe that we should throw out or destroy those dildos! I\'ve conducted research on this General. A scandal of this level will ruin him. We can use this as a means to blackmail him! We need these items! I have already traced the buyer and can prove that the General made this bulk order of dildos! We can even use the soldier who was delivering this to prove that this is the General\'s items."

"What?!" The Admiral shouted at the top of her lungs.

"This is Africa! They value strength and might! Such items would trap this General! Look! He has been researching for ways in the Underworld to cure his daughter! I can easily prove this! And considering how he was willing to risk this for his country, he won\'t allow news of his indecency to reach his daughter, who is suffering from a critical illness!"

"What do you mean? He will deny that this dildo is for his extramarital affair?"

"Yes! He may opt to admit to being gay rather than break the heart of his daughter!" The Commander explained.

Magantae was silent.

"If we destroy the evidence now, we might not be able to use it to our advantage!" The Commander urged.

"Fine. We\'ll delay it. But I\'ll have to see if the information he brings me will be worth it!"

While the Fleet Admiral waited, Lowengren was able to meet with Charles and the real General Vender.

It was here that Vender confessed to having been looking for means to heal his daughter and even brokered several deals with the Underworld. It even reached a point where General Vender had deals with organizations in the Caliphates! He sold moderate tiered devices with Africa\'s own Tech Possibilities to the Caliphate Underworld organization!

The smile on Lowengren\'s face reached his ears, and Alean could only laugh. She knew that Lowengren was inspired to create another great deception.

The Fleet Admiral gave Lowengren a deadline to present all information to her. She hoped that she would find the location of Lowengren.

But what Lowengren brought was pieces of evidence for Vender\'s dealings with the organizations in the Caliphates. Lowengren used his Path to lie when he gave the report.

The truth was, Vender gave various African weapons and core techs to the Underworld organizations in the Caliphates. Since it was easier for the Caliphates to broker deals with China, the European nations, and even New Great Britain, Vender sold some forbidden techs in return for hi-tech medicinal facilities.

Lowengren changed it and told the Fleet Admiral that the deal involved certain raw ores and a long list of materials.

After defeating the Tyrant Empress, the team analyzed the needed materials to make the same Rule the Empress had.

And while it would have been impossible for many, Lennox was easily able to reverse engineer even the process of creating the Rule. The materials, however, were hard to find. Some of which are native only to certain countries like Africa.

Of the list of demands and trades that Lowengren revealed, was transactions involving an ore that was needed to create Almetal steel. Lowengren even intentionally added other techs that were unimportant materials since it could have been legally purchased and even imported from Africa.

But when Lowengren used his Path to lie, Magantae and the Commanders came to a dastardly conclusion.

"Im-Impossible…" A Commander was shocked.

The materials all pointed to the creation of a certain weapon.

"This-This…" Another couldn\'t believe it was possible.

This weapon was something that only an Emperor should have. Rumour has it that these weapons\' obsolete forms would be granted to impeccable Generals of the WGP.

"Why would Intrik-?"

"Impossible! Intrik plans to betray the WGP?!" The Fleet Admiral exclaimed.

"Wh-what? Betray?! You mean… all of these… were parts of his plans in betraying the WGP?!" Lowengren acted.

"Admiral… Could it be? The missing Rule is with him?" One of the Commander asked.

"How do you like my plan? Isn\'t it glorious? With this, the WGP will be investigating people who belong to the Aragarian Elite apart from waging war with itself." Lowengren was exceedingly pleased at his deception. With this, the WGP would now investigate the Arabian nations and even could cause conflicts. As such, it would be easy for Lowengren to sneak in and assassinate the Arabian General. But then, Alean, who had accompanied Lowengren in these past months, finally grew strong.

"Lowengren. Do you trust me enough to change your plans?"

"Of course. What\'s up?" Lowengren asked after a pause.

"I don\'t know what it was. But you have to use your deception to get them to go with us into the Arabian nations."


"I don\'t know why. But I\'m confident that things will be advantageous for us if they do."

"I know this sounds crazy. But the only way I can explain it is this…Lowengren… My Skill has become a Path."

Lowengren was stunned. But his head began to spin and did its best to conjure a way to make himself be part of this party.

The Commanders and the Admiral were so stunned that they kept looking at the list of materials that Lowengren traded with.

It wasn\'t a coincidence. The volume, the requirements, and specifications of these materials all fit how to create the missing Rule revealed to be in China.

"It seems that Fleet Admiral Intrik is on to something far scarier than what I imagine. I\'ll send you the locations of where our trades occurred!" Lowengren offered.

"In exchange, help me kill General Joab Barak!" Lowengren gave his demands.

"Give us the information, or else we\'ll reveal your dark secrets to all African Nations!" One of the Commanders argued.

"If I am right, General Joab Barak could be working with Fleet Admiral! Our deals have already been completed! All that\'s left is for him to send me the medical equipment! But since he is planning to betray the WGP, he will kill me! He never intended to keep his end of the bargain! My daughter\'s life is at stake!" Lowengren crafted a lie out of nowhere.

"Imprison the two. We can already deduce the locations of where they traded from this paper." Magantae sneered.

"We don\'t need them. Thank you for your compliance!" The Admiral motioned, and the Commanders picked the two up.

Alean and Lowengren pretended to struggle as the Commander wearing an Exoskeleton carried them out.

"What\'s your play?" Alean asked in secret.

"We still have to send Charles inside, right? Originally, I intended to make them fight with the Arabian General. But since you said that it\'s better to send us inside, then we\'ll use the timely attacks of the Australian EMP\'s to bring Charles into this country and raise our importance in the eyes of Magantae!"

"Thanks for trusting me," Alean said while screaming hateful words to the Commander who was carrying her.

"If your suggestion bears better fruits than my plans, we will be operating like this in the future. You tell me what direction to take, and I\'ll lie to bend the wind and the waves.." Lowengren answered.

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