New Game+

Chapter 261 - Harker’s Media Plans (Volume 4 Auxiliary )

Owen, Liitters, Nickel, and Ramos,

General Harker wasn\'t very happy with your recent attempts in handling the pro and anti-media propaganda. As such, we are writing this to you to remind you of what our Mission, Vision, and Objectives are.

As such, the General has decided that your main media approaches will be dictated from now on. We have given you the creative freedom to write and present your news, but it has caused more harm than good to our goal.

Listed below are the key factors and news that you should present and the desired effect of it. The four of you should discuss among yourself who will present the positive and the negative side. It is also best that you would communicate by letter, as most forms of communication may be compromised. Have the letter sent by your most trusted personnel. As always, continue to present a false perception by communicating with each other or attending social events and press conferences where all of you are together.

Here is the news that you should focus on and their corresponding tone:

1. Effects of the Fall of the WGP-

You should continue to promote fear in these times. All news reporters should make comments or present fearful facades of what they see being discussed. The destruction of the WGP will create civil unrest within Pangea. The news should all be grim. When people are afraid, the easier it will be for us to control them. Showcase the effects of the fall of the WGP. For the next weeks, you should show how the gap created would invite dangers in the alliances between nations. Below are the specific aspects that you should tackle in your news:

A. Military-

General Harker will soon decide how much of Pangea\'s armies were decimated on that battle. You are to send your teams and make conspiracy theories that the actual losses surpassed what the General will declare. This will draw out more of those who are against Harker\'s enemies. Interview them and hear what they have to say.

Two among you should agree with them and enforce your station to take an antagonistic view against Harker suddenly. You should show why Harker\'s decision to fight this unknown group was idiotic. They should deny patriotism and aim to look for what is \'the good of the people.\' With you guys taking the offense, the Aragarians should not try to manipulate and control you as you would already be doing what they want.

The others should focus on why loyalty and chivalry, and patriotism are necessary and important, especially now, when war is near. The news should center and always mention how the previous atrocities that Alean Cipril discovered had already shown how disgusting they were, and you should all theorize (but present it as if you are confident) that these were the Lost Primordial that Harker rebelled against. As for Harker\'s defeat, show that it was Harker\'s victory. Since the attacks came from the bottom of the sea, use that to explain that the moon had already sunk and launched a desperate attack. General Harker will provide several detailed information on the battle you can use and claim to have been uncovered by your team. Some Generals and politicians that we already control will also present themselves as Anti Harker and leak key information that can be used by the anti team.

B. War with Australia-

In a few days, Australia will be attacked by Pangea. The pro-Harker should create simulations showing how it would be easy for us to invade Australia since several countries have taken the initiative to attack it. Continue to present Harker as a war hero in the news, and your job is to denounce whatever news the Anti-Harker team will give.

Those who decide to take the anti-Harker stand should quickly attack this move and show how it is foolish to attack now that the WGP has been eliminated. Showcase how such a move will leave Pangea defenseless and open to the attacks of the SPU. Your team should show every detailed movement in the SPU that can be linked to them plotting an attack on Pangea. Your site should not state it, but it should imply that the SPU is sure to attack Pangea.

C. Economy

Also, create an economic review. List down how our economy is affected by the loss of the WGP. Below are Lennox\'s projections on how the economy will collapse:

> Severe limitations to domestic and international trading- List down all products that are on high demand or that Pangea orders in great bulk. Explain how the loss of these products can affect our way of life. Exaggerate the claims so that people will panic. Do not offer or show any alternatives but show it so that these products that are lost are irreplaceable and that the suitable or cheaper options are just incapable of replacing it. This should work for comm devices, computers, and other products.

>Depletion of food- Since International trading will be left in limbo, list down all food, drinks, and other basic necessities that are removed from the market. Be careful not to mention that there are local alternatives. Instead, show what businesses and top restaurants will lose most of their products. You have to indicate which pleasures will be gone and make it sound like it will be forever.

>Collapse in agriculture, industries, commercial, and construction services- List down all the techs and conglomerates that will lose certain services that relied on any technologies that are imported and use other tech possibilities. Make it look like, but be careful not to say how everyone\'s lives will be changed and fall into a doomed spiral.

Economic repercussions of Building another Shape- The Anti group must condemn the building of the Shapes. They must attack all attempts to strengthen the military and claim that it would be better to focus on increasing food production, tech, and service replacements for the services and products that Pangea will lose with the fall of the WGP.

The Pro must commend this as the time for war is now. I leave the creative arguments that your two sides will make. 

2. The Families-

Every action that the Families do must be featured. Particularly the Dalisay and the Novelty-Blastoise families. Feature the other families and invite them to meet or set a press conference in Phil-Pangea. The goal is to make these Families want to meet with you, be it they are pro or anti-Harker. Please inform us of the details of their travel so that we can arrange to have them turn into Programmed Slaves. Your team must set specific meeting places if they plan to offer key information.

It is most likely that many of the Families who are against Harker will try to feed you information about the General\'s activities in the Underworld. If they are not willing to meet, inform us to use Hydron to lure them out. As a Programmed Slave, Hydron has become a great asset in bringing key officials to us to be turned to Programmed Slaves.

3. World Conflicts-

 Once you finish presenting the above news, the next news you should focus on is presenting the dangerous conflicts across the world. Although the WGP has not yet leaked it, it indicates that Meryl had reported to General Harker that an attack occurred when she stayed at the Arctic nations.

Also, indicate that you have a correspondent in Africa and the Caliphates and explain that although the details have yet to be revealed, there was a battle that decimated the Caliphates\' defenses. Be sure to present the news in a way that African soldiers have managed to enter the Caliphates.

The other focus should be the missing Atlantis and the Krakens. As the Kraken has also submerged into the ocean, it would encourage illegal activities over the regions where these Krakens were based.

Although it should have been covered in the economic section above, another team should research the direction of the world\'s global economy. The projections must be grim to incite fear.

3. Handling Social Media Influencers and Managing Mob Culture

Lennox and Arthur indicated that you don\'t have to worry about drawing or creating a group that will strongly support you. They expect that the masses will do that for you. Just present the news and be firm with it. People will create groups and attack each other for their views. We have seen these scenarios pan out during the end of the post-modern era. There will even be charismatic people who will take advantage of this chaos to become social media stars, further spreading hate, conspiracy theories, and the like.

This era is bound to create various online social media stars. If the social media star is someone who is presenting positive news, then the pro-Harker team should invite them. If it is someone against, then the anti-Harker team should do it. If there are rising stars who are in it for the honest and sincere intention of informing the public, invite them to your platform. Please give them a taste of fame and talk with them on your primetime shows. They should be well praised by the station that invites them.

The opposing media outlets should insult him, make fun of his claims, and counter it. The goal is to make the masses that is opposed to the message that this social media stars oppose him or her and make enemies out of this person. This will force the social media star to move from a sincere and possibly neutral position to take allegiance to the pro or anti stance.

Arthur said that controlling the mob will be very easy. The above news from the positive or the negative side will greatly put practically everyone to an inconvenient lifestyle. And those who are suffering will complain while those who by their positions and successes are unaffected compared to the sufferings of some will most likely turn pro.

You, the Media, should turn petty into personal. The inessential with essential. The easiest way to understand how you two should act is to consider Post-Modern America\'s divisive news.

The way the Democrats and Republicans manipulated the news to present each other as good or better than the opposing party is the best way to create division within Pangea. You are to ensure that no neutral ground emerges. The news has to be black or white. Categorize what makes a Pro and what makes an Anti. The best way to treat this is how the image of the Democrats and the Republicans were trying to shape each other.

Note the general commonalities between these two groups, whether negative or positive.

For example, the Republican group of the former United States of America was full of anti-vaxers, anti-environmentalists, climate change denouncers, and generally Christians in theology. Most Republican leaders who came to power would side with these groups and even promote it. The leaders may not necessarily be anti-vaxers or climate change denouncers but will have no choice but side with them and promote their own nonsensical beliefs.

The same could be said with the Democrats who enforced borderline crazy fanaticism to racial equality, which led to the approval of theft, arson, and desiring for Caucasians to allow themselves to be abused rather than to defend themselves if robbed, killed, or harassed for the sake of pleasing the non-caucasian races. They embraced progressivism, feminism, LGBT, and other diverse movements that were denounced and were attacked by the Christian Republicans.

The trick is to add names and concepts to whatever movements you want to create. For example, to combat the Christian movements of the Republicans, the Democrats attacked traditional beliefs by calling them outdated and turned to wokeism. They took whatever supporting ideologies that already existed, from atheism to socialism and even communism, and could level the perceived moral high-ground of Christian beliefs.

The Republicans, on the other hand, turned to patriotism and religion to stop the Democrats\' advance for racial and sexual equality by citing that they were "Americans" and "Christians." They would try to portray their leader as a "model Christian" and would ignore whatever scandals these leaders would make. Their common argument would be to show that the Democrats have a twisted form of morality and try to hide their own hypocrisy to take advantage of the moral compass of many who are unable to accept the ideologies and extreme beliefs of the other party. More could be said of this, but please do your research on how to use progressivism, counter-progressivism to create an image of what the anti and the pro should look like.

If there are any neutral small news channel, then either the pro or the anti-Harker groups must threaten them while the other offer protection.

4. Guidelines

 To the anti-Harker group, although General will soon show his counter plans as we have already prepared for the coming devastation, your team should deny, deny, deny, and rebut whatever plans the General presents. We will present several areas you could attack, and the General will feign weakness to these accusations. The Pro should always come to the defense of the General and present counterpoints to the rebut the anti-group presented.

With you two groups bickering and presenting the possibilities, it may deceive \'them\' from discovering our real intentions.

All your actions should be intended to create two opposing parties that are extremely blinded by their own beliefs, similar to what happened in Post-Modern America. This will make it easier when the Cities of Refuge are built, allowing Pangea to witness the rise of a Third-party group that can offer the solutions that the first two cannot provide.

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