New Game+

Chapter 239 - Crostfree’s Technology

Going back to the time that Seeker had reached China and met with Nogard Meng, the Progenitor\'s discussion altered many things about their plans. 

Thankfully, Nogard Meng had erected several communication systems that allowed them to discreetly communicate towards specific places using one of the most primitive means ever. 

Hidden inside various road structures created that expanded out of China was a well-guarded long cable. The cable had been placed inside the thick concrete and was very inconspicuous. Most would assume that it was an obsolete power line. But it was, in fact, a telephone line. 

Through Nogard\'s connection, a certain someone was finally able to reach Seeker through a call. 

"So... you have the burden of arranging a plan that will take into accounts all of this." Seeker laughed. 

His laugh was one with great sarcasm. 

Seeker revealed the existence of the Progenitor\'s seed and how it was very absent in his future. Aside from this, Seeker went into detail to describe the world\'s historical situation at that time. Seeker explained which countries fought which, and who won on these encounters. Seeker dared not make any plans himself but immediately presented it to someone who could make the most of this information. 

"So right now, you have the harsh task of trying to-" 

"I already have a plan, Seeker. The team that was supposed to make a systematic attack on the Kraken and because panic, should now aim to do more than that. I have received word from my father, and he will be attacking the Atlantis. This coincides with the plan that I have. If we succeed, we should be able to gather several more seeds. Grant Hermes will definitely be brought up, and perhaps more will succeed. Also, this plan will allow the Progenitor\'s Seed that must be hiding within the WGP to surface. I will also be rendezvousing shortly. I need Harker to prepare his armies for an attack." Arthur immediately answered. 

"I sort of expected this, but this was already within your calculations? Wow. You really could see the future." 

"Yes. Ever since we observed Pridgeon\'s shock reactions, I have already assumed that there may be more to the Unlocking that meets the eye. As far as I can tell, the Unlocking only appeared shortly after the third world war. There were no records of someone becoming so powerful to have shocked the world. So working with that assumption, I theorized that there must have been something that brought forth that event. You said that when Lowengren and the Empress revealed themselves, you could somehow draw in the sense of shock and disbelief from Pridgeon. But also there was greed and lust. That was the key." 

"Everybody gets greedy when they see the Empress." 

"True. But there was a possibility that those emotions you were able to pick up from him were caused by something else. From that, I created several plans that would either support or fight the WGP. It isn\'t that I saw the future, but I made preparations for all possible directions of the future. If the Aragarians are among the WGP, then killing it would be best. But if any other groups in it might antagonize the Aragarians, then they ought to have it\'s used. Since they are most likely one of the biggest seeds, this Progenitor left behind, then preserving them, or making an alliance with them is necessary." 

"What do you think happened in my future? How did the Presiders destroy the WGP without a war?" 

"Many means come to mind. If they have techs that can kill an Overcomer, it is fairly simple, and it shows how smart these guys are. But to defeat the WGP, several Presiders are needed. Who knows? Maybe they were never killed, but most of the WGP submitted to the Aragarians. We cannot ascertain whether they were killed in resistance or jumped on the bandwagon. The only thing that the WGP could offer is technology. You assumed that it was not enough to move the Presiders. But if this Lost Primordial is real, then something may move or tempt them." 

"What variations in my plan have you considered or recommend now that you know the Progenitor exist?" 

"I\'m inclined to use your plan as a foundation. The preparations have been made. The trail that Hermes was following will soon lead him to the South-East Asian region. You wanted to attack the Kraken to make the WGP more guarded. But with the Progenitor\'s existence, then it would be possible that they offered the Aragarians a technological possibility that made the Aragarians or some of the Aragarians tempted. By attacking the Kraken, we can make the WGP think that it\'s a mysterious organization and will hesitate to make an alliance with the Aragarians." 

"Sounds good. If they think it was the Aragarians that attacked the Kraken, they would add more caution in everything. This will make the Aragarians\' attempts to bribe or persuade the WGP harder." Seeker was satisfied with this plan. 

"You said that each Presider has their own techs, right? Tell me the techs of those that appeared." 

"Really? I thought you said it would be better to have our teams not know what their techs are so that we would assume that they have technologies that could kill an Overcomer. Didn\'t you suggest this to make everyone more on guard and train harder?" 

"I know. But in this case, I need to know who the Presiders that appeared in your timeline are. Right now, there are two. The first is the Presider in Australia. The second will be her. Tell me, was it her? Is that girl that Harker mentioned, the very Presider you fell in love with?" Arthur asked. 

Seeker was silent for a few seconds, but Arthur did not change the topic. Seeker had not told Arthur anything about this, but Arthur was very blunt in his question. Seeker sighed. 

"It\'s most likely her." 

"Then do whatever your heart intends and get back at Kristine. You\'ve been giving her quite a heartache after all." 

"Says the man who treats her as her sister. I know what she felt towards you in my future. And I\'m sure you know it." 

"I know. That\'s why I want you to take care of her. My affections for Kristine will always be like this. I will treat her as my sister. I know you told me that I would end up with Meryl for Kristine to lose all delusions with me. But now that you\'re other half woke up, then you\'re chasing after that Presider instead. You were quite cruel in doing that. But all is good. I\'m using Kristine\'s confusion to build an Overcomer." 

Seeker gave a big deep breath as he could not help but curse at Arthur. 

"Isn\'t what you are doing worse than what I am?" 

"The difference is, I make my intentions clear. And you are leaving her hanging. You better make that choice, Zeek." 

Seeker wanted to argue back but realized that Arthur would probably reveal more. 

Seeker took a deep sigh. 

"It\'s her. It will always be her." Seeker answered. 

"Then hurry up. She will ask me a lot of things, and I may even be inclined to tell her about Lynd." 

Seeker remained silent but was shocked. How did Arthur know about this? 

Arthur spared no time and continued. 

"Now... Since Zeraphine is one of the first Aragarians who made their appearance in this timeline, we can easily isolate her by making Harker keep her on some protection pretense. This way, she won\'t get involved in the coming battles. That leaves for only two possible Presiders. Pridgeon and the one in Australia." 

"I thought you deduced that they went to the moon?" 

"They will be coming back. And whoever was once in Australia in your timeline may be the very same ones in this. Even if he is on the moon when the battle happens, he will most likely go down to Earth and check out that area as it is his jurisdiction. So who is he? What technology does he have?" 

"Crostfree. The one-man-army. He is the only Presider with very few Pioneers under him. Most of the Pioneers we killed must have been aligned to him. But he doesn\'t need an army. He carries it with him." 

"So his tech involves some dimensional creating tech?" 

"Yes. He has all of his equipment\'s in a secret dimension that he can summon." 

"What weapon does he have in that dimension?\' 

"Weapon? More like a mountain!" 

"Can you, Greydon and Richie fight him?" 

"No. He is too strong." 

"What if we get the WGP to launch one of their strongest attack at him?" 

"Why are we trying to kill him?" 

"It will shift the actions of the Presiders. If the Aragarians bribed the WGP in your world, killing a Presider and shifting the blame to the WGP will be more convenient for us. The two will be at war. After the battle, the WGP will most likely be on alert. They would think that we are the Aragairans, and the Aragarians might believe that someone among the level of Presiders is betraying them." 

"That\'s impossible. The Presiders are very loyal to their race." Seeker recalled the death of Zeraphine. 

\'Loyal to their race. But not loyal to their own. Think about it. If these Presiders have a form of the system among them, it follows the laws of the jungle. They will betray and kill each other for the sake of more techs. Do you understand?" 

Seeker immediately nodded. 

"Now that you mention it... it does fit the several events in my future self\'s timeline." 

"Then we do that. Cliff\'s new mission is to sink the Kraken. Your mission, to kill a Presider." 

Seeker smiled. But in this smile was great excitement. 

And with that plan, all the elements were set. 

Richie developed a powerful technique that could create explosions that were virtually undetectable. 

And as for the Empress, she harnessed two attacks from two Full Invoking. 

The energy exploded out, and a tremendous flash appeared that it could even be seen on the moon. 


The skies brightened, and the lights could be seen from heaven. 

But the power of the Presider was not so easily defeated. 

The attacks of the Empress and the Emperor caused Crostfree to summon it. 

A massive, invisible structure appeared and shielded him from the bottom. 

"Impossible!" The Emperor was the first to exclaim. Even when the explosions happened, it could not blast through the invisible structure. It spread to the sides as if the fires and explosive nature of this couldn\'t penetrate through it. 

A layer of the cloak was damaged, and parts of the invisible object could be seen. 

Crostfree was extremely angry. He was forced to send it out. It consumed a lot of energy to bring it out and maintain its cloaked appearance. 

He had to hide it from the WGP. But more importantly, he had to hide it from his peers. If he was forced to summon something like this, a thorough investigation would be made. 

And so, he forced barely a fifth of his large spaceship to block the incoming attack. Most of the attacks were also banished towards the unknown dimensions to withstand it. 

In an unknown location, the eyes of Seeker peered through these dimensions and could see it all. 

A strange red light started to glow around this invisible ship. 

"Die!" Crostfree angrily shouted as he readied his blast to attack the enemy from below. 

There were no alarms and alerts on the Rules. Event heir sophisticated technology could not see just how terrifying this light was. 

Suddenly, several bright lights crashed on the invisible structure. 

Crostfree was forced to divert the attacks and used the light to destroy the incoming energy. 


Several explosions appeared, but the red light that was now covering the entire invisible structure like a shield would somehow devour the incoming attacks. 

Crostfree grew even angrier at and looked towards the horizon. He could see it. Several large metal structures as big as buildings began to send their attacks. 

It all used a green light, which was trademarked only to one country. 

"Pangea!" The Emperor was surprised. 

"Pridgeon! What the hell are you doing! Why is Pangea here?! Didn\'t I tell you to divert their attention!" Crostfree shouted with great anger. 

"They disappeared! They were seriously fighting me, but suddenly, they used a powerful burst to fly off to the distance!" 

"Why didn\'t you chase them!" 

"I would get detected! The energy I would use would be something this Earth hasn\'t seen!" Pridgeon complained. 

"You useless, nimrod!"Crostfree shouted. 

"I\'ll just kill them all at once!" Crostfree shouted in anger. 

He didn\'t care anymore. This was a well-calculated plan. He was fighting someone that was trying to ambush him! 

The entire tip of his ship grew red. 

Inside one of the main buildings, Arthur calmly gazed at the energy and gave his orders. 


This simple order brought out thousands of Armors and Exoskeletons. 

One of the large metal structures opened a massive door and unveiled a large Armor. 

The large Armor moved with terrifyingly fast speed but opened it\'s pilot doors. 

A freakin thick layer of fog that had a very cool hint of blue emerged out, and a stalwart figure stood at the door resisting the terrifying winds of his flight. 

The strong wind that blew against him caused all the fog to trail back and revealed his glorious general outfit. 

That figure was the majestic, glorious, unparalleled, undisputed, illustrious, eye-popping, eyebrow-raising, breath-taking, heart-stopping, spine-chilling, most amazing General of the Heroes Army, Harker Cipril. The Light of Pangea. 

"Lost Primordial! I am here to betray you! You won\'t have your way today!" He shouted with his voice. 

"I\'ve killed all your Pioneers, and all that is left is to kill you! Emperors and Empress! I, General Harker, am here to aid you! Let\'s kill this otherworldly threat!" Harker announced. 

A gigantic shoulder canon formed on his right shoulder, and General Harker\'s figure disappeared inside the suit of Armor. 

"Solarium Eradication Beam!" Emperor Triton detected it. It was an illegal branch of Eradication science. It was deemed never to be aimed against an enemy. 

Pangea had developed this and used this on the many skirmishes against South Pacific United. This technology would leave so much eradication that is overly using this left radiation on many battlefields. 

Both the soldiers who used it and who survived attacks from it all suffered from radiation. 

Soon, the WGP ordered to mark this technology as one of the banned techs. 

The Emperor saw this and was flustered, but the Empress ignored him. 

"Shut it! You\'ve seen what this enemy can do! All illegal techs used against them are allowed! I decree it!" The Empress ordered. She was convinced of what Seeker told her. The enemy of the Progenitor revealed a strange technology that even she could not theorize or explain. 

Crostfree\'s expression was stunned. He could not believe his ears. 

"The Lost Primordial?!" Crostfree was shocked. 

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