New Game+

Chapter 51 - General Of The Heroes Army

General Harker was overlooking a very important operation in his secret base.

Three of the leaders of the strongest media groups in the Pangean Nations were being operated on.

"I guess this isn\'t so bad." Harker sighed.

"Sir. The operations are commencing." A soldier reported.

"Also, we have managed to secure a meeting with the remaining two targets."

"Good. Looks like, with this, we can finally move forward with little problems. We will be ready, Dragon." Harker smiled confidently.

Suddenly his phone rang.


"General. We\'ve just attacked three main bases of operations of Feltrick. You should know him as the head of the Malay-Pangean criminal syndicate group-"

"You attacked the Annals?!" Harker felt like his heart was jolted with a Defibrillator.

The Annals was a terrifying group in the Pangean Nations. If Harker ruled the underground of the Phil-Pangean, then the Annals were equal to a tri-nation criminal syndicate. The worst in South-East Asia.

"You\'re crazy! We cannot afford to infuriate him! His organization is too strong! He\'s in control with several military factions even on Phil-Pangea!"

"Relax. We already killed Feltrick. All his known officials are also dead. Whatever remnant remains will be confused and lost. We\'ve already cut off the head and we\'ve destroyed three of their main base of operations."

"What?!" Harker exclaimed.

"You\'ve barely spent a day at Malay-Pangea! How the hell did you guys kill him?"

"He came to us. It\'s a long story. Listen, General. We\'re very busy tonight. There are two more bases of operations that we need to take care off. I called because Seeker asked for you to prepare an army to attack Fort New Birth."

"Why are we attacking New Birth Fort ?! You\'ve already raised hell in Malaysia now were attacking Australia?" Harker shouted in anger.

"Just do it. I will be taking over command of all military forces loyal to you here. Send a written command to promote me as Major so I can gain approval. We have a lot more to do. Also, play along with whatever you see in the news tomorrow. Seeker already has a plan to take advantage of this attack. He said you should be the new President of the Pangean Nations within a few days. Just make sure that your army is ready to attack by 11 pm tomorrow evening."

Harker was about to shout back when the call disconnected.

His face looked like he aged a decade.

Seeker stormed straight to the room where Alean prepared Charles devices.

Meryl, Charles, and Lynd were still inside as Cliff and Seeker returned.

"Zeek. Lynd health is stabilized. But his brain activity is off the charts! Even when he\'s unconscious it\'s still acting crazy!"

"His wounds were never my concern Doctor."

"Lynd tore several muscles, broke several bones and you\'re saying that you\'re not worried?"

"Yes. An Unlocked person can heal his body to a greater extent. I\'m sure you\'ve felt it. Your muscles don\'t sore as much after our sessions. The increase in the brain will naturally improve the body. You called it the Neuro-transcellular phenomenon. At the Inhuman stage, it is even possible for humans to regrow limbs."

Charles was tongue tied at this random medical reveal that Seeker gave.

"Right now, it\'s his brain that we should worry about. Once he stepped on the Inhuman stage it\'s hard to revert back and his brain cannot take the stress! We need to get a certain coolant liquid that is used on modified humans." Seeker announced.

"Is that why you\'re attacking Australia?" Arthur interrupted.

"Yes. The Australians have yet to unveil their super-soldiers. They have been developing a technology that is aimed at creating super-humans. They\'ve succeeded to a certain degree but the problem is that the entire body of the soldier would heat up too much. So a cooling liquid was created to counter this."

"How sure are you that this technology is already developed?" Charles asked immediately.

"Almost a hundred. This coolant was supposed to be one of the first things which they successfully developed. And right now it\'s our only shot. We need this to cool Lynd\'s brain."

"This will cause more ripples than you originally intend." Arthur coldly answered.

"It\'s not a problem. We already have a free ticket to Australia for the Nations of the World E-Sport Meet. This will make it easier. We infiltrate the base and disable the systems before Harker\'s attacks starts. We can use today and tomorrows events to start a war with Australia." Seeker smiled.

"What!" the group chorused. Arthur had a curious expression on his face.

"Tomorrow is a special day, even in my past life. If we take advantage of the coming waves, we can make Harker President, start a war, and declare martial law all in one go." Seeker greedily smiled.

"Right now, we wait for Alean to do her job and pray that tomorrow will be a good day."

The night soon ended and shocking news reports circulated the globe.

The news channels around the Malay-Pangean region all received unanimous tips and the news about the attacks on the five bases of Annals immediately caught media attention.

Harker watched in gripping tension at the very first news report.

A news reporter gave a hideous look as he looked directly at the camera.

"Ladies and Gentleman, we who report the news do so every day and are often numb to the vast abundance of crimes that are being held in this country. But this crime is so different, that the once numb sensations started to feel immense pain. The once dead heart started to beat due to the shocking nature of this news." The man announced solemnly.

"Feltrick Ung-glaive, one of the richest man in the South Asian regions, was unmasked to be the head leading a criminal syndicate which was responsible for the worst known acts of human trafficking that this world has seen. The pictures that we will show all have contents of gore, violence and grave indecency that shouldn\'t exist in this time of the world. Viewer discretion is advised."

The news reporter then started to slowly and dramatically unveil the operations of Feltrick Ung-Glaive. Viewership to the news on that day skyrocketed. The entire world was shocked

One of the most inhuman organ trafficking centers was revealed. A total of 336 human beings were having their organs harvested. Less than half of them remained as the others were already harvested.

"Three hundred and thirty-six in one night ladies and gentlemen. Imagine how many lives were wasted in this sick operation. It is well-known that Feltrick Ung-Glaive is associated with many of the world\'s richest and influential companies and medical organizations who are now being suspected of being in collaboration with these deals." The reporter heartlessly accused.

"But there is more to this than just organ farming friends. The reason why we have this is all thanks to the brave efforts of General Harker Cipril of the Phil-Pangea." The reporter boldly declared.

Harker\'s mouth went wide open as he heard the reporter announce with fanaticism.

"Under the orders of General Harker Cipril, a special task force of soldiers attacked several organizations ignoring all the national and international laws imposed to crush this cruel and wicked criminal syndicate. Harker promoted his very own daughter, now Major Alean Cipril to take charge of the secret attacks against five rumored base of operations of this criminal syndicate, now revealed to be known as the \'Annals.\' The first base revealed the first series of videos but I beg you to listen, friends. It\'s far from over."

A series of photos describing the location of yet another base was shown soon followed by pictures of rotting children who were used as experiments in a base. The reporter was shouting and describing with sheer hate at the brutality of this organization as the video of the children being rescued and escorted was being displayed live on the air.

"The ages of these children are from ten to fifteen. These are our children, our little angels, our little brothers and sisters and they were all used as experiments."

The video switched to show Alean Cipril in full military gear.

"Our mission was to capture the base and ensure the survival of the children. But what we saw drove us to anger. Let the world forgive how we executed and tortured these men who stood to watch and experimented with these children." Alean gave an impassioned speech which gave the reporter a teary-eyed look.

The video ended and the reporter continued.

"You will receive nothing but thanks for killing those demons, Major Cipril. But our sad news does not end here folks. More awaits." The reporter glanced.

The news continued to show how Feltrick has managed to create a human-sex trade industry which was secretly at works. Soon, the videos displayed the weapons depot that Feltrick built. Several weapons of mass destruction were found. But of all this news, what gripped the world was the last base that was attacked.

"Ladies and gentlemen, what you have witnessed is the work of the devil. So much so in regards to the last base that General Harker attacked. My heart is personally crushed because I have an eight-year-old girl. I\'ll just show you the videos and pictures." The reporter announced with a fainting expression.

A series of videos and pictures were revealed showing a group of young girls who were being treated as the reporter announced that they were being used as sex toys by three men who were closely associated to Feltrick. It was with that, that the world cried out in terror and disgust.

It was only when Alean explained what was happening in the room that the world was jolted awake. The saw the faces and bruised bodies of the girl and also the dead ones who were killed in the depraved ecstasy of the three men.

Alean Cipril once again appeared on the screen.

"I personally led the attack in this building. When I entered that room, I was so shocked. One of General\'s trusted men, who I will leave unnamed, went to such a rage that he immediately killed those three men in the most brutal harshest form possible." Alean announced.

"This operation was not sanctioned by the Phil-Pangean government. We only knew that there were human-trafficking operations being performed here and in a flash of moral rage, my father, General Harker Cipril ordered his elite team, to charge in here and save the ones we could save disregarding the military code we vowed ourselves in. He said our vow is to the people!" Alean\'s passionate speech caught the hearts of many.

"But let me tell you this! After what we\'ve seen and who we have saved, I am proud that my father did that! I am proud that my father had the guts to stand up when no one else would! I\'m glad that this country has General Harker Cipril!" Alean announced boldly.

Harker watched in surprise as the news continued displaying several of Harker\'s achievements. Time slowly passed and Harker just sat there watching every detail of the news. He knew what Seeker wanted him to do.

"Sir! A crowd of reporters is outside demanding to have an interview!" A soldier excitedly reported.

Harker sat down and continued to remain silent as he was contemplating his actions.


His phone vibrated and he stared at the simple message.

You\'re a hero now. Act cool.


Harker got up and wore his uniform.

He boldly walked out of his mansion and stared at the rushing reporters. But there was something in Harker\'s stride that made him look larger. There was something in his expression that made the reporters silent.

There was a solemn spark that seemed to mix intensity and moral righteousness in Harker\'s eyes.

The entire crowd was silent but everyone had their microphones on and their cameras taping.

Harker stood boldly, unafraid of the questions and gazed at the reporters one by one.

"This is a hero…" one reporter unconsciously voiced out when Harker met his gaze.

"No. The real heroes are my soldiers." Harker slowly responded.

The crowd was gripped with deep respect.

"Then who are you?" the reporter unconsciously replied.

"I…" Harker paused and took off his cap for dramatic effect.

"…am the General of the Heroes Army."

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