New Game+

Chapter 16 - An Unconventional Power Walkthrough

The trio traveled to the duplex apartment silently. Seeker had a slightly grumpy aura while the two would only follow their leader with a guilty and almost pleading look.

They arrived at the duplex, and no words were uttered as they immediately started to prepare for the stream.

Seeker ignored the pleading looks his friends gave and continued with a harsh upper body work out. Meryl could barely move her arms. Lynd was lying on the floor, not moving. Seeker, on the other hand, continued to do it as if it was nothing. The speed of his workout doubled. He made his reps faster through his perception. After performing several sets that would have made a muscular man kneel in pain, Seeker changed his clothes and started to prepare for the stream. When Meryl and Lynd recovered from their near-death workout, they mounted their assigned positions.

Seeker nodded to Meryl, who immediately started the stream.

As the room went online, the number of viewers immediately reached up to 87. And slowly more and more people started to dive in.

Seeker smiled.

"Looks like we managed to get a lot of attention." Lynd laughed softly. Things were still awkward between them. Meryl even had a melancholic look as she started chatting to the viewers of the stream.

"Alright, guys! Let\'s finally get rolling!" Seeker sat at his chair as the stream started.

"As many viewers requested this, I mounted a camera on my head, which is overlooking the controllers." Seeker demonstrated.

The camera was now split into three screens. The stream for the actual game was broadcasted along with two small windows, one showing Seeker and another showing his hands and how he operated the controller.

"Without further ado, let\'s start the new game. The timer starts now!

The stream began with the new game.

The protagonist of Piercing: Bullet was seen riding an elevator whistling happily.

The elevators opened, and the Piercing Agent casually walked out of the elevators, which alarmed the guards.

"Piercing Bullet?"

"Yeah yeah…. I\'m here to talk to Hollow. Can you let me in?"

"I\'m sorry, sir. But we can\'t-"


Bullet casually shot the guard with his trademark weapon, the Piercing Custom-made Rifle. The alarm went off, and people started rushing out from the rooms and started to shoot at Bullet.

"Hollow! I\'m here for my brother\'s gun!" Bullet happily shouted. The game began. Seeker controlled Bullet and started attacking the guards.

"Now, since we are aiming for a power walkthrough, the first thing that we should do is spend about an hour in this particular stage."

Seeker continued to attack the various guards utilizing various attack skills and combos. He rarely used his ranged skills but continued to dash and strike the guards using the rifle as a melee weapon.

The chat room was now flooded with questions.

"Why?" This was the common question that most viewers asked.

Seeker kept attacking and attacking as the enemies continued to pour in.

"Piercing games prioritize skill as the most important trait when playing the game. However, many of Bullet\'s skills can only be used once you have reached a certain level of proficiency by using his basic skills. Now the best place to train for skill points is, in fact, in this very stage!" Seeker smiled as he quickly eliminated the guards.

More guards would appear as soon as some would die. What was impressive was how Seeker managed to eliminate the unending enemies without taking a single hit!

"Wait! It\'s infinite?" Lynd was shocked to find this development. He played that but knew for a fact that the enemies stopped spawning after a few kills.

"Now you may be wondering why the enemies are infinitely spawned. The answer is; it\'s not infinite. The game would immediately trigger the spawning of units every 15 seconds until there is a maximum of seven enemies. But what if you managed to kill a lot them before the 15 seconds end?" Seeker smiled as he continued to kill several guards using intense attacks.

There the viewers were shocked as they witnessed an endless amount of enemies constantly spawning and coming through the doors near the elevator.

"Trying it now! It\'s really hard!"

"I\'m trying it too! How does he do that? How can he not get hit?"

The discussion became more interesting as several viewers tried Seeker\'s technique.

Seeker calmly controlled his avatar and did not lose focus despite the chaotic speeds of his play.

"The general idea is to farm as much as you can in this stage and move on. This is the fastest place to farm for skills because we all know that enemy respawns only happen when we reset the game. So I suggest to farm as much as you can in this stage and move on if you\'ve farmed enough."

Seeker casually said not even bothering to read whatever discussions the chat room now had. Those who attempted to apply the trick failed after four or five minutes of playing. However, the trick was proven to be true.

Nearly an hour has passed in Seeker\'s game, and his progress continued to remain in the exact same stage. However, several skills were now unlocked. The speed and intensity of Seeker\'s control over his avatar evolved to a speed that many would feel dizzy. In fact, several viewers stopped watching and planned to return after Seeker would end his farming.

"Alright. Now that the skills are set, let\'s go kill the boss. I think I can defeat the boss within twenty seconds." Seeker grinned and immediately zipped through the stage as he moved from room to room and finally reached a door that triggered a cutscene.

"Ohhhhh, Hallow! Are you home?" Bullet came in the door with a smile on his face.

"Bullet. You are aware that you\'d be a priority target for Piercing if you attack me." Hallow stood wearing his dashingly formal attire.

"Ah, well, what can I say. I want my brother\'s gun that much!" Bullet smiled. The cutscene ended, and the fight immediately began.

Hallow unveiled his scythe and started to slash quickly. Seeker calmly controlled his avatars to back away and be outside of Hallow\'s scythe. At the third strike, Seeker immediately utilized a dashing skill he unlocked to dive right towards Hollow, then an unbreakable chain of attacks followed.

Dashing, slashing upwards, downwards, zipping up and down, the series of attacks surprised all viewers.

Piercing: Bullet was a game that featured Piercing Agent, Bullet. He held a rifle as the main weapon, so everyone assumed that the gameplay would be focused on ranged attacks, unlike its predecessor Piercing: Edge. Seeker did not invest even a single second in using Bullet\'s ranged attacks but invested heavily on melee attacks. Most players would invest as the damage of ranged attack far surpassed the damage of a simple melee attack.

As the torrent of attacks continued, most of what the viewers could see was a blur. Barely 15 seconds has passed, and a cutscene was revealed.

Hollow was somersaulting backward and used his scythe to block a gunshot. He landed gracefully and stared angrily at Bullet.

"Fine. You win. Take this stupid gun. But next time, I\'ll fight seriously to kill you."

Hallow walked over to a complex container nearby. He opened it and angrily took out a large handgun and tossed it over to Bullet.

"Much obliged. Don\'t worry. I won\'t go look for you after this. I mean, once it\'s out, you\'d fight to kill me." Bullet smiled and ran towards the balcony and jumped down. He continued to fall from the skyscraper. The cutscene ended, and Bullet stood on one of the many rooftops of the city.

The game continued.

"Wait! The boss fight ended so quickly?!" Several viewers only reacted after the cutscene ended.

Seeker controlled Bullet to run as several soldiers would come up to him and fight him. The battles were intensely easier than it was on Seeker\'s first playthrough.

Enemies would just die within five seconds once Seeker began his attacks. He quickly paced up and immediately went to eliminate the bosses. Seeker gained nothing in terms of experience points as this stage acted as a mini-tutorial. Skills attack experience points, however, depended on its proficiency of use. So as long as a skill attack connects with an enemy, experience points could be earned for that particular skill.

"At this point in the game, it\'s quite useless to gather experience points. If you\'re skilled enough, just go for the bosses. We need to open the new areas of this game to progress faster." Seeker casually reported.

"I thought this game would be about ranged attacks?"

"I thought so too! Piercing Edge was a melee fighter! But Bullet? It\'s in his name! It looks like it\'s still going to be a melee massacre. I was so wrong."

"But what about the aerial enemies? How can he defeat those?"

The commotion in the chat was far from over as various veteran players started to rethink their game strategy in Piercing: Bullet.

Noticing the commotion, Seeker once again stared at the camera and smiled.

"As you noticed, I didn\'t allocate any points in my range attacks. Now going by this, the bosses on the next stage are either aerial or would position themselves as far as possible from the player. So I guess it\'s about time to bet! I have 20,000 credits. And I\'m going to bet it that I can beat each boss in less than two minutes and not get hit from this point until I stop playing later. The last boss that I will fight tonight will be the Penetrating Sky bosses on the warehouse. The minimum buy-in of 100 credits."

Seeker gave his bold declaration. Meryl immediately followed as ordered by Seeker and dumped all of his credits in the Gambling Den.

The discussion on the chat group grew wild. Almost immediately, when the Den was open, the credits immediately flowed in. Initially, there were only seven players who placed their bets against Seeker, but it slowly increased over time.

Seeker continued with his playthrough, and like this, two hours passed. Seeker would intentionally allow himself to almost get hit at times, which caused others to dive in and throw their credits in the Den.

The chat room continued to buzz with activities as more and more viewers willingly gambled their fortune.

"You idiots! Can\'t you see his taking your money? Haven\'t you learned anything from last night\'s stream?"

"Just you wait! An unconventional build like that is sure to fail when he reaches the aerial enemies! You\'ll be sorry you didn\'t bet against him!" Another viewer responded.

"Idiot. He obviously has thought everything through. His unconventional playstyle could probably be the standard for all players in the future! And look! He\'s intentionally allowing himself to almost get hit! Can\'t you see how he would delay his movements? Look at how he\'s handling the controller!"

Seeker fought another boss, and his attacks weren\'t connecting as fast as that particular boss had a small frame and could easily get out of the attack range of Seeker. The fight continued, and once 1 minute and 30 seconds passed, more viewers started to invest their credits in the Den. Sadly they lost.. Seeker immediately made quick work of the boss, and it ended in 1 minute and 51 seconds.

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