New Game+

Chapter 9 - The Reincarnator’s Tale

"Are you going to eat that?" Seeker asked Charles as the young boy\'s hand hovered over the remaining piece of the very greasy back ribs on the table.

Lynd, Meryl, and Charles sat down, still unable to completely wrap their heads around what happened. Charles was still shocked on what the future may hold for him. Of course, everybody was silent. Not paying attention to Seeker, who comfortably had an extravagant meal. Charles gave a somewhat frustrated stare to Seeker while the two remaining teens stared blankly as they were too afraid to ask questions. This Doctor just fired four rounds of live bullets towards their friend, and their friend managed to easily dodge it.

"Charles? Anyone? Going once. Going twice. Sold to the hungry Seeker Carlean." Seeker didn\'t hesitate to grab the remaining piece with his bare hands.

"When was the last time you ate back ribs?" Charles asked tiredly.

"Do you mean in this life or the previous one? Because if it\'s the latter one, then I guess, seven years?" Seeker took the piece and ate it. It was devoid of all forms of class or grace. Like a caveman discovering how to eat meat. Seeker\'s delight in eating this treat was very obvious.

"Trust me, guys. Horde and enjoy whatever this world has to offer now. Things are going to be different soon. Well, unless Doctor Lindmitt here can make something beyond the impossibilities that lie in my mind." Seeker happily devoured the meal.

Charles sighed deeply.

"So the world as we know it would soon come to an end."

"Yeah. So get your mind loading doctor! You are on the right direction now. This should save a few years in your research. And if you do have time, contact all those names you have in that file. Try to convince them to join your team."

Charles opened the document that Seeker compiled. The papers contained several suspicious items, such as sketches and drawings of people\'s faces. Each name would follow illustrations, text, and what appeared to be complex calculations.

"I don\'t understand most of them. Engineering, physics, mathematics, Astro-science, and whatnot. The only things that interested me are all related to biology and anything to do with the unlocking."

"And the thought transmitter? How far do you think we are to have the ability to recreate them?"

"You mean inventing them. We haven\'t invented the thought transmitter yet, Seeker."

"Oh, right." Seeker embarrassedly scratched his head.

"It all gets fuzzy, Doc. I don\'t know how to explain it. But I feel that I\'ve literally lived two lives. And at some point, they just intersected."

"There is still one thing you haven\'t explained to the three of us. How did you end up here?" Charles gave a severe stare at Seeker. This was the most critical question that he had.

Seeker, however, had a pile of ribs in his mouth. This was more important to him.

"Actually, can somebody explain everything?" Lynd finally interrupted.

Seeker took out the piece of bone that he was sucking on.

"Delish! I wonder if there is a way to raise pigs or chickens and stuff. Maybe I should build a farm somewhere." Seeker gazed in wonder.

Charles gave up. Seeker was just so into the moment that he didn\'t care for anything else.

"Zeek! What\'s going on?" Meryl finally erupted.

The gun shooting, the whole talk about some worldwide catastrophe, futuristic inventions, these were all the things that weighed upon Meryl and Lynd\'s heart.

Seeker smiled.

"I\'m sorry, Meryl. Anyways, let me explain what\'s going on for now. Or rather, would the good Doctor explain it? I doubt they\'d believe me if I told them. Why not give the man who tried to kill me the opportunity?"

Charles stared in exasperation. The tale of Charles caused both Lynd and Meryl to look stupidly. However, not knowing what else to believe, they seemed flustered but still tried to swallow the hard pill as it was within the context of their previous discussions.

"So basically Zeek\'s gone and you\'re now future Zeek?"

"No. I\'m still here, Meryl. Simply put, I remember two lives. Mine and my future self. But for the sake of not confusing everyone, let\'s say I am the collective equal of both of me. The future me is a bit boring, to be honest. Can\'t blame him, though. Earth was destroyed, the Internet\'s gone, and everyone didn\'t have much to do. All that there was, was the battle to survive."

"Ok. I told them your tale. Now tell me the rest of yours." Charles wasn\'t patient anymore. Like a real adult, he worried.

"Fine. Let me tell you this reincarnator\'s tale." Seeker stood up and began his tale.

"The future is bleak gentlemen. More than half of the Earth will be our enemies soon. The Aragarians are a species similar to humans. Actually, they are a hundred percent human. From their appearance down to their sex organs. Anyway, they first made contact in a very dramatic way. As Charles said, a world war will soon happen. This war would be different than most of the wars we previously encountered. It would be a true world war. Several alliances will be made, but I won\'t bore you with the details."

"I think you should tell us as much as you know Seeker. We need every single information of this coming world war so-"

"The reason that these things are not needed anymore is that I plan to change them. It will be a very boring scenario if I have to go through the historical facts, most of which won\'t even happen in this timeline. Don\'t get me wrong, Doctor. I did not come here to save the entire world. Only some of it. The rest could burn for all I care."

Seeker\'s eyes burned with unexplainable passion. His hatred for those nations that abandoned their earthly humanity disgusted him.

The room was silent. Charles felt a chilling sensation in his spine, and even the hairs in his forearms were tingling in fear.

"Oh. Sorry." Seeker apologized. Suddenly the deathly sensation everyone felt lightened.

"I really need to keep my feelings in check. You see, the collective me is complicated. I guess you can think of me as having a split personality? Man future me sure had one pitiful life." Seeker laughed.

"Anyways, my point is, most of history will be changed. I won\'t burn the rest of the world. Uhhh. Maybe just a tiny portion of it? Of course, we will give them the chance to join us. But moving on, the only important history that you need to know is the African and Russian treaty that will shock the world. Africa would rise as a nation with a formidable military background. It will conquer most of the Caliphates, and our beloved country or group of countries would even take a step down in being a superpower. A string of political events will happen, and eventually, Africa and Russia become one nation."

"Aren\'t they like, several thousand miles away from each other?"

"Oh, don\'t worry. Ten years from now, they wouldn\'t be. They\'d be neighbors. Anyway, they named the future capital of their city Araga. At the end of the war, they had a big ceremony there. Now, this was a big thing. Their alliance and political move to be one nation led to the end of that world war. And on that day, the world watched as a new era of peace began. Or at least they thought. It was at that moment that the aliens arrived. As it turned out, the aliens were behind the rise of Africa. The president of Africa was actually an Aragarian."

"What?!" The three shouted together.

"Think about it. They already look like us and have our exact same biology. So it was easy for them to blend in this world. So there you have it, an entire continent belonging to the Aragarians. The world watched in horror as an alien threat easily conquered two of the biggest superpowers in the future. The ceremony on Aragar was actually an announcement to the world."

The spine chilling sensation once again filled the room. Seeker had an unusually angry glare.

"The Aragarians only had one thing to say to the whole world.. Surrender to our terms or face extinction."

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