How the Zergs were Made

Chapter 840 - 841 Viral Parasitology

Chapter 840: Chapter 841 Viral Parasitology

"Do you really want to attack? It doesn\'t feel very reliable."

The strong attack plan is not the most ideal solution for the collectors, because the variables are too large, and the collectors still plan to take Bofure as a vassal and learn about the information about the great destruction.

Otherwise, what is it that they have such a hard time for the seventh class to become vassals of the ethnic group?

Although there are indeed factors that crabble in the Bophus people\'s thinking, it does not constitute an incentive for Amoebas who already have a large number of vassal civilizations to gnaw a difficult bone, especially at the current time of continuous destruction.

"Is there any better way?" There are individual rhetorical questions.

"...Maybe we can do what they say?"

An individual in silence tries to put forward an idea of his own.

"They? Who?"

"The ruling class of the Bobule hegemons, didn\'t they say that we would parasitize them? Then it will be parasitic." The proposer replied.

However, this answer is not accepted by most collectors.

"Are you trying to achieve strategic goals by infiltrating the capital star of Beaufule and parasitize it?"

"It doesn\'t work. The seventh class can accurately perceive the parasitic individual through the spiritual realm. This perception is different from the spiritual realm perception of other classes in the world. It is opened in real time. The parasitic individual is like a specially labeled alien in the eyes of the seventh class."

"As long as the ruling class is cruel enough to clean up the parasitic individuals decisively, this strategy will not work. Instead, it will be used by the ruling class of the popul hegemons and announced to the people at the bottom, and strengthen the fear of the bottom people at the boule on the capital\'s main star."

The seventh class is different from other classes in the world. The seventh class will spontaneously perceive organisms through the spiritual realm.

Because of this relationship, it became almost impossible for collectors to penetrate into the territory of the seventh class through tiny individuals earlier.

It is also because of this factor that the territory of the seventh class will be preserved. Without collectors to infiltrate, naturally it will not be hit by great destruction.

In the past, collectors did not understand why the seventh class always found tiny individuals who infiltrated. Recently, the answer from the rebel Beaufure warriors - the main reason is that they must do so, just like the premise of running is to learn to walk, and the use of the special spiritual domain jump of the seventh class is that this moment is displayed. Open spiritual realm perception.

When the crowd of collectors vetoed, the cluster leader suddenly expressed their opinions.

"No, that may work."

"Does it work?" Other collectors were stunned.

The cluster leader replied, "There is no need to worry about the ruthlessness of the ruling class. This is a usable element, but it can help us achieve the ultimate strategic goal."

"The ruling class of the Bobour hegemons may use the opposite..."

Other collectors objected, but the cluster leaders have long considered this.

"It doesn\'t matter. They can use it, and we can also use their use."

The collectors made a decision and the strategic plan entered the preparatory stage.

Because part of the strategy needed the cooperation of the rebellious Beaufule warriors, the collectors contacted the new regime of Beaufure and explained the strategic plan.

"The parasite?"

"Yes, this is our strategy. What you need to do is not complicated. You just need to disguise yourself as ordinary warriors and bring our parasitic individuals to the capital star." The collector replied.

"Are you really going to do it like the upper level of the main star?"

The Beaufure warriors asked questions in surprise. Although they had rebelled, they were not essentially rebelling against their own race, but against the current regime.

If the collectors really intend to act as propagationed by the Bofuru overlords, these rebel Bofuru fighters will definitely turn against each other for the first time. Whether they can defeat the collectors or not, they will not have any hesitation or timidity, which is their duty as a Bofuru warriors.

The collector waved his tentacles, "It\'s just a little similar. Don\'t get me wrong. Although it is also a parasitic method, the purpose is different. This is just a means to end the battle as soon as possible. If it goes well, it can reduce the casualties of your race as much as possible."

"As for your worries, it is actually meaningless."

As soon as the conversation turned around, in order to give a reassurance to the rebellious Beaufule warriors, the collector talked about something else.

"You are not valuable as a breeding bed at all. The size of the whole population into a ball is not as big as a satellite."

"You have also observed the exploitation of main sequence star materials, which should be extremely clear. With your population, we can\'t meet the material needs we need to expand the quantity at all. We hope to increase the quantity by eating you, and we will not grow to this level."

According to the collector\'s explanation, the Beaufure warrior was happy and dissatisfied, and his mood was very complicated.

It is \'happy\' to determine from the collector that they will not eat the Beaufu, let alone use them as breeding hotbeds.

And \'dissatisfaction\' is the subconscious pride of being a member of the Boul hegemony. can\'t stand any form of demeaning.

"...Although it\'s rude, the explanation you gave is enough to convince us that we will help you."

In the end, the Bobule warriors happily accepted the collector\'s strategic plan.

Among other things, the strategic plan alone to "reduce as few casualties as possible" is very much in line with the idea of the Beaufu warriors to protect their own race, and they have no reason to refuse.

The rebellious Beaufure warriors returned to the capital star from the battlefield disguised as scattered ordinary warriors, while the collectors disguised as his pets and were brought to the main star by him.

Somewhere in a secluded place.

"That\'s it. Leave the rest to me." The collector said.

"Do you need me to do anything else?"

"No, you hide yourself, and the rest is to wait for the end of the strategy after implementation." The collector replied.


People are iron and rice is steel. Even if they are a member of the seventh class, they still need to eat.

But at present, the popul obviously didn\'t notice anything unusual about the food he ate this time.

There is no response to spiritual realm perception, because this perception is biological, how should non-living organisms perceive it?

It was a small batch of viral macromolecules. Under the sugar coat was a particularly compressed carbon-based gene. After being eaten, the virus found a living cell nearby and then stuck to the outer wall of the cell.

The sugar coat of the virus is broken, and the internal genes invade the cells to complete the proliferation of the virus.

But in this way, although it can be perceived by the spiritual realm, it is very weak, because there are many bacteria in the air, and there are many bacteria entering the bobul human body every day, and there are still beneficial bacteria in their bodies, so only this level of perception will not attract attention at all.

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