How the Zergs were Made

Chapter 120 - 120 Learning

Chapter 120: Chapter 120 Learning

After a hard struggle, Huo Gu finally created the multicellular creatures he promised.

It can be basically divided into two categories, multi-cell autotrophic type and multi-cellular heterotrophic type.

The autotrophic type is that Huo Gu uses cyanobacteria as the basic template, expands it to the macro scale, and designs a strong protection system for microorganisms.

The oxygen produced by algae can be fed back to other organisms or the environment, which means that there is another thermal circulation system on the surface.

It doesn\'t take long for Huo Gu to make autotrophic types, because the earth has enough information about cyanobacteria. All Huo Gu has to do is to find out the meaning expressed by each gene, and then modify and integrate it.

However, the heterotrophic type is different. Huo Gu spends so much time on them that it doesn\'t need to sleep at all, and it actually has the idea of sleeping to restore his spirit.

In a sense, Huo Gu is also asking for trouble for himself. Unlike the previous design of biological clusters, this time, he is full of the idea of \'designing creatures that can give birth to civilization\' and is full of the mentality of creating works of art. As a result, it is to revise, modify and repair, repair and change. Then several results appeared in a row.

The most important thing is that the designed creatures do not belong to Huo Gu. Huo Gu has no control over them. Because of this, it is not like those controlled cells when modifying, which is very troublesome.

Huo Gu and Wei, who were completely exhausted, established a contact, informed the other party of the sample placement location of his own design, and let Wei arrange it by himself.

"It\'s up to you, but be careful. If something happens, I\'m not in the mood to toss this for you again. Be careful not to..."

[Of course, I will be very careful, so I\'ll go and have a look first.]

Before Huo Gu explained the precautions, he took the initiative to disconnect and couldn\'t wait to concentrate and search for the samples created by Huo Gu at the Huo Gu resettlement site.

"...Forget it. Anyway, if you don\'t listen, you won\'t blame me if something happens in the end."

"It\'s almost time to go and see their progress."

With that, Huo Gu connected to the collector\'s channel and heard a noise, and they seemed to be arguing about something.

"What\'s the matter, perpetual?"

"What are you arguing about?"

"Will, we are arguing about the language that those aliens communicate after they meet..."

Yongshang truthfully explained to Huo Gu what they were arguing about. It turned out that every alien who knew each other would say \'tattering\' after meeting, and they were arguing about the meaning of this sentence.

In nature, it is more like the feeling of academic discussion.

Huo Gu could probably guess the meaning of that sentence, but it did not say it, but watched it. Compared with the meaning of this sentence, it is more important to observe the changes of the collectors.

On the sustainable side, they think that this sentence is a sense of praise, because whenever aliens say this sentence to each other, they seem to be very friendly, and those aliens who are not friendly have never said so.

The opposition party believes that this is provocation.

At this time, a collector was worried that Huo Gu would recognize them for sustainability, so he took the lead in replying.

"Eustinuous, we have a basis on our side."

"In alien language, \'Dakmaris\' means \'duel\'. Can you think that those two sounds are related to \'praise\' just because they have three syllables missing?"

"That\'s an alien. How can it be understood according to common sense? Since you say that\'s the basis, how to explain it? After they meet each other, the good relationship will say this, but the bad relationship will never say this phenomenon?

"That\'s an alien. How can it be understood according to common sense? Maybe they all advocate aggressive thoughts.

Provocation in a good relationship is to reversely prove that the other party has power. If the relationship is poor, it does not provoke, it is to despise the other party in action, and the other party is not even qualified to be provoked."Who is brave all day long? Isn\'t that what you have to do when you\'re full? What\'s the basis for saying that?

"The basis is that those aliens who wear the same color and guard at the intersection. Every alien who passes by the intersection must negotiate with them and then hand over something before they can pass. If they pass by force, they will be severely beaten."

"This is the best proof that those aliens are all bad to the bone. Like those traitors before, they are not united. They only know how to exploit their peers as much as possible, but do not know how to do greater obligations to their own ethnic groups."

At this time, he didn\'t know how to interface it. Huo Gu could even feel that it was about to be persuaded by the other party.

At this time, Huo Gu decided to enter. Although the results of the mutual argument were 108,000 miles away from the real answer, the performance of the collectors still satisfied Huo Gu.

The collectors\' ability to think independently has been improved.

"Well, let me announce the correct answer to you. In fact, both of you are wrong."

Huo Gu\'s remarks calmed the collectors on both sides. Huo Gu paused and continued to speak.

"Provocative speech is hostile behavior, and it will only be used as a general language when the folk customs are strong, but the performance of aliens cannot be called \'people\'s tough\', nor does it represent praise. Although it is a friendly expression, if praise is used too frequently, the meaning of existence will become insignificant."

"That\'s what alien people are \'saying\' to each other."


"Yes, unlike us, aliens can feel each other\'s emotions through the channel. They will be expressed in other ways, such as the language used to communicate. In order to let the other party know their friendliness, they will say hello to express their goodwill when they meet. On the contrary, if they refuse to express goodwill, it will make the relationship friendly. Those who fall into suspicion.

After Huo Gu finished explaining, he fell into silence and gave the collectors time to understand.

It\'s not surprising that the collectors didn\'t think of this, because the collectors have never said hello to this kind of behavior. They communicate directly on the channel and talk about everything directly.

After a while, Huo Gu remembered his purpose of connecting to the channel this time.

"Espermanence, how is your language translation task completed?"

"Can you understand the language spoken by those aliens?"

"It can be roughly understood, but there are still some things that are not understood, such as the \'Taka\' just now. At present, we are stepping up the deciphering."

"Very good, then I\'ll assign you two more superimposed tasks."

Huo Gu sent the location of the school in the colony to the collectors.

"One learns the words of aliens, and the other, in this alien school, learns \'physics\' and \'mathematics\' for me."

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