Rise Of The Infinite Sovereign

Chapter 224 Change Of Priorities

Ezra\'s brain worked like a clock thinking up all sorts of things.

One thing held out to him.

\'They can\'t call out a student of the academy\'

No parent, status disregarded, was allowed to interfere in the academic activities.

If they did so forcefully, their child would be expelled, and if the child wasn\'t expelled, he\'d be treated like an outcast.

Ezra found this out from Mr. Lennon.

Furthermore, some of the training activities of the royal academy were life threatening.

Anyone sending their child there knew they could die.

The academy took no faults if such occurred, as it was stated in the conditions to join the school.

At first, Ezra had no qualms whether he joined the academy or not, but…

\'I\'ll have to revise that decision\'

It wasn\'t that the academy suddenly became more important.

He was certain he could thwart anyone who came to investigate him.


He looked at the siblings.

…they\'re different\'

He was sure of Theron being able to do the same once provided some guidance, as he was the oldest, eighteen this year.

The rest though…were entirely different stories.

All five were astounding, but staying in the castle for so long had eroded their communication and socialization skills while their physical capabilities shot up.

Long story short, they could easily trip up in a conversation and expose the truth.

Ezra couldn\'t have that.

Thankfully, there was a solution close by.

\'They wouldn\'t be investigated if they join the academy\' he nodded. \'By the time they\'re out, they would\'ve build their social skills. Then, they wouldn\'t have problems handling investigators\'

It was a long shot, but that was all he had.

He couldn\'t possibly kill them after doing so much to groom them to this level, now could he?

It was ridiculous to think nobody would wonder how none of the children died after being attacked by a master.

As always, Ezra was on that case too.

Stopping the carriage, he turns. "Theron, give me your hand"

Theron blinked in confusion, but did as was told.

"This will hurt a bit" he warned, looking to Johan, "Give me your saber"

Johan looked at Theron, who nodded, before handing it to him.

Grabbing the Saber, Theron spoke "What are you going to do? Cut off my arm?"

"Eh? No, that\'s far too excessive. I\'ll just inflict an injury"

"Might I ask the purpose of this?"

"Six advance ranks escape unscathed after being chased by a Master. That sound believable to you?"

Theon\'s eyes widened. "So, this injury…?"

"-Was caused by a desperate attack from the assassin\'s blade while I rode off"

"You\'ll tell them that you were \'very lucky\' that your hand wasn\'t severed, got it?"

"Yes…I think"

Ezra nods, "Good, get out of the cart. I don\'t want blood-wait" he remembered. Turning to the others, "You guys get out of the cart"


Ezra wasn\'t having it. "Out"

They get out, leaving only Theron standing within, Ezra continues his demonstration.

The cart was built akin to an onion on wheels, with the top of the carriage space already destroyed because the siblings jumped in just hours ago.

Now, to make it believable that they were attacked while running, the cut had to come from outside-so Ezra stood outside.

"Are you sure about this?" Theron\'s voice came from within, a hint of nervousness within.

"Have I ever been wrong?"

Theron gulped, but it was true, so he couldn\'t answer.

"Good" Place your hand in front of your face like you\'re guarding it.

"It\'s done," said Theron.

"I know. I can see you" replied Ezra. "Now…here I go"

The saber was laced with a sliver of silver aura and then…shin!

A clean cut sliced through the cloth and damaged the carriage even more.

"Ahh!" Theron screamed as he bled all over.

It took incredible will to hold on for an entire minute before quickly gulping down a healing potion.

Theron painted, watching the wound heal.

"You said it was only going to hurt a little!"

"Calm down, with that potion, your body will be back to normal in but a few minutes"

Theron was outraged, but he calmed once he saw the wound heal in three minutes.

But it left a scar, which was exactly what Ezra was aiming for-it would serve as evidence!

When the siblings thought it was over, Ezra suddenly called over Roxanne.

"I\'ll have to inflict an injury on you as well. Give me your leg"

"What? Why me?"

"I can cut your arms too"

"Hiek!" she shrieked, "No don\'t! Legs are good"

He folded her dress, of which Ezra cut her two meters above her ankle.

"You were cut by an aura attack from the assassin while running into the forest. Are we clear?"

She nods, gulping down the potion.

Ezra takes a look inside the bloodied carriage.

Now, even without being told, one look at this would have them imagining some gruesome sights.

Conjuring up fire, he dries the blood.

"Ok, it\'s done. Let\'s get going"

The other siblings sigh in relief, and they get back on their journey.


Two hours after their last stop, Ezra\'s eyes brighten.

He could see a village in the distance, with lights on too.


Nearing the village, he parks the carriage, gives a cloak to Theron, puts one on as well and walks into the village.

The guards were undoubtedly surprised to see a pair suddenly appearing in the road at such times.

But Theron\'s large physique dissuaded them from asking questions.

Moreover… \'Those clothes…are they nobles?\'

The cloaks were of high quality, and it didn\'t cover their shoes as well.

Once the notion of possibility that they possessed nobility kicked in, the guards comported themselves.

Who knew what sort of situation they were in?

Everyone knew going out of one\'s way to help nobles didn\'t always end well, especially when they wore cloaks!

Of many they have been, that died in feuds between nobles that they knew nothing about.

So, these old folks made way. Answering when asked, but saying nothing more.

A cart lay at one corner of the village. It had was special, but Ezra saw its good condition and nudged Theron towards it, whispering to him, "Find the owner of that cart"

Asking around, they end up knocking on a door in poor condition.

"Who\'s there?"

"Someone with glad tidings," Ezra replied.

"Eh?" The door opened abruptly, revealing a buff but short figure, bald with fluff orange beard.

His eyes took in their figures, immediately recognizing signs of high-status. He hurriedly shuts the door. "Take your glad tiding elsewhere!"

"What was that? We can take the cart?"

The door opened with a bam. The man got on his knees and began begging.

"Please don\'t, Please, that\'s all I have. I beg of you, or else my children will starve"

"Relax. We\'re not trying to steal from you"

Then, the shorter person flicked him something.

"Huh?" The man was stumped, but a closer look had him frozen.

His expression held fear, greed and ecstasy with his hands quivering.

"Come on, you can take it. As I said, we brought glad tidings"

Slowly, the man picked the gold and raised it, then he chewed on it to test its ingenuity.

"Ah!" he exclaimed, eyes wide.

Ezra smiled, "Get up. I\'d know better than to let others see that"

The man hurriedly shoved it in his pockets. With Ezra and Theron wearing cloaks, no one saw what happened.

Taking a look around the village, he places one more gold coin into the man\'s palm, before beckoning the man to his side.

"Tell the people that we forcefully took your cart" he whispered.

The man seemed against it, but Ezra kept talking. "Now, I have a job for you. If you can complete it…well, there\'s more where that came from"

The man\'s gaze shook, excitement brimming in his chest. "I W-

Ezra placed a hand on his mouth. "Shh!"

The man nodded.

"Now, hand over the gold coins"

The man is astonished, but hands it back to him.

"Make no mistake, I can give you this and more, but it only dawned on me, where would you exchange it for silver, lest that you\'d be killed for it"

The man shook, his little mind hadn\'t thought that far.

This time, Ezra handed him two fistfuls of silver coins.

The man\'s pockets lay heavy after stuffing them all in.

"Now, you will head to the Traxford. When you get there, tell any beggar that you\'re in search of \'silence\'

The man nods. "Thereafter, you will be sent to a man. Tell him you\'re an Emissary of one of the Three, and that you come bearing a message"

"Your message is simple. This village of yours is relatively unknown, yes?"

The man nods. "And if I must guess, there must be similar villages nearby? How many?"

After counting his fingers, the man replies, "Five"

"Good. Hmm, simply tell him to report to his head, and for the head to report to me…yes, yes, that will do"

"I will make sure it is done!"

Ezra nodded, "Get the cart ready" and nudged Theron.

Quickly, the man prepared the cart, placing blankets on the bare wood and strapped a horse to it.

At Ezra\'s request, the man gave them cloaks, though he offered to buy new ones, Ezra specifically demanded the shabby ones in his possessions.

Ezra drives the cart to the site of the royal carriage. "Get in" he says, throwing the shabby robe at them, "And put those on"

"What is that smell?!"

One look had the siblings express their displeasure.

"If you can\'t wear it, then I have to leave you to arrive at the academy on your own, because you seem keen on telling everyone along the road your nobility status?"

Quickly, they strapped on the cloak and sat silently within.

Then, Ezra strapped horses of the royal carriage to the cart.

With a flap of the harnesses, they ride into sunset.

The siblings soon fell asleep.

It\'s been a hectic night.

Ezra could only hope they arrived at the academy on time, but it was too late for regrets.

Determined, both them and the horses rested little, blazing for Gauvedra.

Come dawn of the sixth day, Ezra breathed a sigh of relief.

"We\'re here"

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